Yes. Right here. I had submission fantasies for 8 years and they recently went away 4 months ago. They started going away when I improved my confidence and started dominating different parts of my life such as my classes, lifting, goals etc. The more confident and dominant I became in life, the further away my submission fantasies went.
Thanks for sharing. It resonates for me. It feels like these fantasies are coming to me when I feel overwhelmed, they don't really pleasure me, I nearly feel attacked by them.
Exactly. The difference between anxiety and excitement is how you interpret identical sensory information. The best way to overcome being overwhelmed is to start with a small step. I moved back into my dads house and it's extremely messy. 5-8 ft piles of junk. almost no room to even walk. I started picking up 20 items a day. 3 months later I've picked up nearly 2000 items and 1/5th of the house is spotless.
"The difference between anxiety and excitement is how you interpret identical sensory information." Great point you're making. I'll start by finding a stable job, I think the fantasies are triggered by the fact that I feel uncomfortable in my manhood being unemployed for too long.
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