Comments on Profile Post by Awedouble

  1. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    Not really an answer to your question, but I find the belief of anti-natalism to be sad. Sure procreation will ultimately led to more suffering, but there's sparks of light and happiness in life. Cherishing those small moments is what counts even if life is ultimately meaningless which can't be ascertained.
    Jun 9, 2020
  2. Awedouble
    There is of course a difference between a belief and something embodied, and I know in this case the latter may be considered especially negative, though being embodied it is also limited to myself and not something where I'm preaching that others adopt or anything. I don't even have thoughts about it, it's a feeling.
    Jun 9, 2020
  3. Awedouble
    Cherishing would require noticing first, and there's plenty both positive and negative where people are really just ignoring so it could never get to that point. That's what doesn't sit well with me, but it's a non-issue when people don't even know there is anything to notice.
    Jun 9, 2020
  4. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    I always felt that in order to embody something you'd have to have an underlying belief in the concept. If it's merely a feeling, then there's probably no need to worry those will come and as time passes.
    Jun 9, 2020
  5. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    And well, there's a reason why the old adage, "Ignorance is bliss.." exists but it's generally based on perspective. I think most people ignore the positive and focus on the negative because of a consumeristic mindset. Minimalists seem so much more content with life
    Jun 9, 2020
  6. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    And wow this 420 character limit sucks haha
    Jun 9, 2020
  7. Awedouble
    If positive here just means what exists then it makes sense in terms of my second comment above, but I think it's more likely people think in terms of what is positive to them.
    Jun 9, 2020
  8. Awedouble
    I thought it's 240, 420? Maryjane slip?
    Jun 9, 2020
    Ὀρφεύς and DyingStar like this.
  9. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    It said no more than 420 when I tried to post a longer response. Do you think that whatever someone thinks is positive cease to be once they obtain said item or goal?
    Jun 9, 2020
  10. Awedouble
    Well we know addiction tends to work that way, and that works on the framework of "having." Without thinking in terms of having there is no such thing as obtaining, there may be experience with whatever things in life.
    Jun 9, 2020
  11. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    I've never met someone that doesn't operate under the obtain/having mindset. Even those that espouse that belief always end up attached to something. This then begs the question if attachment can be considered positive or not. Daoists practice a detachment based philosophy, but even they strive to reach for objectives
    Jun 9, 2020
  12. Awedouble
    It depends on what kind of Daoist, but yeah longevity is a big value for example with the obvious implication. Of course if someone truly doesn't have an agenda you probably wouldn't notice they're there.
    Jun 9, 2020