17 years old

  1. V

    [Gay 17M] Looking for an accountability partner.

    Hi I'm gay 17m looking for an accountability partner. My goals are to watch, jerk off, cum, only once a week. I have a very large sex drive (multiple times a day) and I want to slowly ease into my once a week goal. Why? I'm a very passionate, academic-driven teenager who will be applying to...
  2. N

    Waking up in panic

    One of the symptoms I have gotten ever since I started PMO a year ago when I was 16(now I'm 17) was Chronic fatigue and worse sleep and feeling tired no matter how much I sleep. I have also noticed another thing which happens to me sometimes, I would sometimes wake up after going to sleep and...
  3. Wyomings Wheatfields

    You can call me WW

    Truly nice to meet you all! For me, it all starts with temptations...Even in a non sexual way, I've been giving in to temptation too easily (e.g. sitting & playing games instead of doing school work, waiting till the last second sitting in bed causing me to rush to make the bus, etc.) I want to...
  4. H


    I had no idea I'd ever end up here, writing this. Well here goes nothing. I'm tired of being addicted to porn and I have been watching porn since I was around 8 years old! I have an unhealthy sex life and can't look at any woman without sexualizing her. I'm 17 and have tried to quit many times...
  5. E

    Goodbye Pornography - Reclaiming my Life

    Hi All, I have joined this site because,like the rest of you, I am determined to get my motivation, my time, my happiness (my life) back. I started watching internet porn from the age of 13 and have watched it consistently for the past 4 years (I am now 17). I turned seventeen 4 days ago...
  6. M

    I'm tired!!!!

    HI all. I'M a new user here . I became 17 years old a week ago.. I don't know where to start . my life is messed up since I started watching porn I lost my personality. Everyone used to love me and everyone said I'm smart and genius. since I started watching porn, my relationship with god which...
  7. atlantic

    An unexpected journey

    Hello community, I am really tired of the situation I am living in. I'm just 17 but I am already afraid of me wasting my lifetime for nothing. My willpower is definitely not being challenged enough to do a good job in everyday life - so I need to find ways to train it. PMO is a very big...
  8. Sonical335p

    I will get my life back!

    Hi there! :) I'm Simon and I recently turned 17. I've wanted to write this for a long time but never gat it a shot, so here I go. My values in life has for a long time been Nofap, Christianity/spirituality, Academics, fitness/bodybuilding and self improvement. I put 100% into what I do and...
  9. Mellowday

    Been lurking for a little while - I think it's time to change that!

    Hey everyone! As the title indicated, I've been lurking around NoFap here and there, but never really made the conscious decision to join into the community, because, blinded by porn, I never really saw the true damage it was doing to me. I'm 17 years old, and I've been battling against...