21 y/o

  1. S

    21 year old and potentially suffering from PIED

    Hi! First post here. I'm 21 and been sexually active since I was 18. I've tied doing it with women and men, all of whom have been very attractive, but only been able to achieve an erection hard enough to penetrate about 2 times out of the dozen or so encounters that I've had. My porn use has...
  2. TryingMyBest123


    I'm a 21 year old student at Uni of Cambridge in UK and I want to quit porn and masturbation. I first viewed porn when I was 13 and recognied that I had a problematic relationship with it at 15. My longest NoFAP streak is 3months (unsupported). My recent attempts have proven to be...
  3. L

    History with PMO Addiction

    Hey everyone, new to NoFap here. I’m a 21 year old female who has been struggling with porn addiction for almost 5 years now. I was first exposed to porn in the form of pornographic online games when I was 10. What I thought was a kids’ gaming website apparently also included adult nudity and...
  4. M

    Je Suis Mois

    Hello and good day, afternoon, evening and night! I am a 21 year old straight male who is currently attending college, and would like to obtain a PhD someday. As for why I am on this website, I have been struggling with PMO since I was 14 years old, and lately (as in the last 2+ years) has...
  5. Tev G

    21 Years old, no sex life, no girlfriend

    Hey guys, so I'm going to skip straight to the point. I'm 21 years old, about to be 22 in 2 weeks, and my social life fucking sucks. I started watching porn at like age 13 and I have been addicted since. Up until like age 19, I had not been aware of nofap and the damages that come from PMO...
  6. V

    Let me break it down shortly..

    Hello all, I'll just wrap up the accumulation of practically a decade long problem and confusing relationship with porn that I've had since I was younger. It will be brief and chronological. I would love to see if any other New Yorkers or people from anywhere on here can relate to such a long...
  7. Blitz96

    Newbie Fapstronaut, an introduction

    Hello everyone, my name is Gabe, I am 21 and I just started using the site yesterday. I stopped watching porn and masturbating about 9 days ago. There isn't really a dramatic reason for why I stopped but I have noticed that such habits where interfering with certain aspects in my life. That...