
  1. D

    First post! 14 days strong/ Death Grip, PIED

    Hello, I am 19 years old I have been watching porn for most of my conscious life. A few months ago I had sex with my girlfriend for the first time. I don't know why - maybe it was just the anxiety of losing my virginity or something else -, but I kept losing my erection. Things got better...
  2. P

    2 Weeks Without Fapping

    Hello my fellow NoFappers. Today I'm setting a new goal for myself. The goal is no PMO for 2 weeks. I've tried this challenge before, with constant setbacks. But this time it will be different! I'm reaching out to any of you that want to take this challenge with me, because I can't do it on my...
  3. D

    14 Days

    Greetings. My name is Euthyphro, and I'm a porn addict. By midnight, I will have abstained for 14 consecutive days. I never thought I'd make it this long, but I'm so happy that I did. This community is fantastic, and I'm very thankful for everyone who's left a comment or posted helpful...
  4. Alexhexvans

    Day 14

    Hey I have finished my 2 week nofap challange but im going for a month now! Some of my benefits i experienced! - Self confidence - girls are more attractive (I fantasy about them, touch them but my PIED still kinda hits it.. and i cant get hard unless she touches me) What i remembered was...