
  1. gordonfreeman14603

    Beating my PMO addiction with gaming.

    Beating my PMO addiction with gaming. Yes, this is my current plan to get wayyy better. It will be 30 days of reboot (maybe I can extend it to 90 days afterwards). So what are your opinions dear forum users?
  2. glenbal69

    My 30 Days Experience

    It’s my 2nd time reaching this mark. What can I say? First time it was way harder and it was almost 2 years ago. This time I was ready to embrace the challenge and mentally I am prepared to go for 100 days. Have I experienced any benefits? Well.. for someone who has suffered from PIED, I can say...
  3. BulletinNew

    30 days into a better life! (20 years old)

    Hello guys, I have passed the 30 day mark and am currently on day 31 of abstaining from PMO, so basically I'm in hardmode. This is going to be a long one, I want to reflect, conclude and hopefully motivate you! I am not a native speaker, so excuse some akward formulations, but I think overall...
  4. Finder77

    30 Days. The Beginning and The Benefits.

    30 days. After 6 years of constant failure I've finally made it a while 30 days without consuming any form of P. My goal is to totally eradicate P from my life and this is only the beginning. Below, I guess I will just highlight how I did it and the benefits so far. How I did it! - First and...
  5. thebestsideofmyself

    30 days on nofap

    i was addicted to pmo for 6 years and i started nofap in 12.07.2020 and now is the 34 days without pmo!! so its big achivement for me :D!! benefits: -more energy -more hair on face -dopamine from achive this goal -i feel more motivate to meet and talk,write with new womans (when i was fapping...
  6. D

    First time in gym at 22

    So, yeah . i did go to the gym for the first time today at 22 . Really enjoyed the feeling. It helps in many ways - Shedding social anxiety due to years of PMO, gives you a positive self-image and vibes, helps getting fit and healthy (obviously) and motivates you to become better overall as a...
  7. Suk

    Pied not cured yet, 31days no PMO!

    Hi, I'm 19....I'm in a relationship, it's been about a year now...i really love her soo much...so the first time we tried having sex, i didn't get an erection...i was shocked and scared as this had never happened when i watched porn, i found out this forum, searched and found out about Pied and...
  8. D

    November Challenge

    It's simple, November challenge, 30 days of NoPMO. Study daily Run / Walk
  9. Casius

    Hit a month, a few moments ago

    Hello, everyone. Glad to have my first post in! I'm glad to say that I've hit a month now, absolute no PMO and it's just perfect. I won't say it's my first time to hit 30 days since I've hit 30 days and more before but failed which I hope won't be happening again. Benefits of nofap never get...
  10. 1

    I've done 30 days for the second time

    my 31st day of nofap. I'm just wanting to reach a goal of 90 days. It actually goes by so fast! Here are some notable differences from these 30 days: I'm gonna start with the bad side effects: •I cry more like WAY MORE. There's no way that nofap hasn't played into this. •I've been feeling just...
  11. Lerok Jenkins

    Hi everyone, I want to step up my nofap game!

    Hello, I am 24 years old and I have been watching porn and masturbating for around 10 years now. It did not feel like a big deal or a problem at first, but through the last 4 years I have been trying to reduce my porn consumption and I find myself in a constant back and forth situation to this...
  12. Newstart1622

    How to nail 30 days first try (No relapses)

    30 days ago I made the choice quit PMO for good. I have failed to do this on several occasions but these were the things that helped me prevent any relpases. I still have a while to go to hit 90 days but 30 days is still a sucess. - Make the decision and never let it change- Your brain is...
  13. O

    A thread to log my 30days no PM challenge.

    Day 1. I already did PMO earlier today but I have chosen to start this challenge and end it all for good. starting from 9am today I will be counting on a 24hrs basis.
  14. 1

    30 Days today

    So I told myself I would put a photo on my avatar when I got to 30 Days as a reward. It's I badass lookin wolf :p I thought it was fitting since I feel like a wolf. Hunting my dreams. I've been adopted into this pack of Fapstronauts and I'm getting better. I attended a self defense class, and...
  15. 1

    DAY 30 TODAY!!

    So I told myself I would put a photo on my avatar when I got to 30 Days as a reward. It's I badass lookin wolf :P I thought it was fitting since I feel like a wolf. Hunting my dreams. I've been adopted into this pack of Fapstronauts and I'm getting better. I attended a self defense class, and I'm...
  16. D

    The One Thing You Need To Get Out Of Relapse Cycles

    Greetings fellow fapstronauts and readers. After a very long time I have finally reached 30 Days no PMO again. The last time I was on 30+ days was back in December 2017. That means it took me 9 months of constant relapse cycles to finally get back on the path. (I had a 20 day streak at March I...
  17. Wokie

    30 days of Challenge for Better Health

    I am truly happy to that I found this community where we can discuss things we cant discuss with others. I thinking of myself addicted to p and m from about 5 years and I always felt ashamed and sad after doing it so tried to cut this habit little by little by doing it less or creating a gap of...
  18. 3

    Completed Nofap and now to the real test

    As what my username says, I've finally completed my 30 days challenge. The reason why I started this challenge was that I thought I had PIED. I came to that conclusion because the first time I had sex, I couldn't get it up. for anyone that wants to know more in-depth here's a link to my first...
  19. J

    30days edging

    im on 30says on first attempt after beating my meat everyday since 13years old. I realised what edging was and that I've been doing it every once in a while after I started nofap (thanks to all the sexy bitches on instagram) . My main goal for doing nofap is to fix my brain (dopamine receptors)...
  20. J

    30day report, anxiety, phimosis, insomnia

    I might drag on so I've highlighted the questions in bald . Background 24 years old first time doing something like this. Got introduced to nofap because I was looking for ways to improve myself mentally after breaking my finger and can't gym for a couple of months .Realised this is perfect for...
  21. B

    Stepping into the world of nofap, here goes...

    I'm a 21 year old dude, and it's taken a lot for me to get here. Let me start with the basics; I discovered my first pornographic video when I was 7 years old, it was left in my old mans VCR and he must have forgotten about it. . I started masturbating at age 12 properly and I've never...