90 day rebooting

  1. testing 7 undefined

    Day 2/90

    lala la la lala la la For 8 years , no one taught me to stop fapping , everyone say's it common to fap . I belived them when i see back into my life , that's it nothing was there to see it's just Time pass ,fapping, eating and sleeping of all these years . At last realization hit me very hard...
  2. testing 7 undefined

    Day 1/90

    starting . . .
  3. F

    90 days free of PM after 18 years! Some thanks and encouragement

    Hi everyone, Today marks the 90th day of no porn and masturbation reboot! I am so excited and thankful! I am 31 years old and my addiction to both has been something I have been dealing with for about 18 or so years. (Its been so long I cant remember when I started exactly). During my reboot I...
  4. R

    90 day PMO or edging

    I have done PMO for 90 to 120 day periods before and I think I can say that porn at least is not a habit for me. Masturbation is a bigger problem but I can deal with it albeit with more difficulty. The one thing I have never been able to successfully complete over this period is edging. I can...
  5. F

    NoFap challange

    hello iam pmkr. i am a student .its my exam times .so lonely preparation time has put a lot of pressure on me which is diverting me to porn..Slowly i realised i am not masturbating due to urges its due to the pressure,becoz i dnt feel happy after fapping and its making me feel guilty and i feel...
  6. Leonidas von Sparta

    Day 93+ on Hardmode

    Hey guys, here my story about 93+ days of hardmode: First I have to say I'm German, so I will try to write this in English. I did PMO since I'm 14 years old and thought its completly normal. Most of my friends got a girlfriend or had sexual contact in school. I'm a virgin until now. I had...
  7. R

    90 Day Reboot - My Pledge

    [18/M] At midnight I start my 90 day NoFap reboot. I have abstained from porn for over two weeks but have been unable to quit masturbation with fantasy and erotica. For me, masturbation has become a release from the stresses of everyday life and has caused me to become incapable of addressing...
  8. Ferns

    The 90 Day Challenge

    Hello Fapstronauts ~ I just decided to create an actual account of NoFap rather than counting the number of days abstaining from any kind of PMO to make my determination stronger. I’m 17 years old and i’ve been addicted to M’ing and watching porn everyday years ago compulsively. I also played...
  9. vibemaker

    My observations on online dating

    So I'm about to finish my second successful 90-day reboot. But yesterday when I was out, I noticed that there's a difference this time. I didn't feel that confident around women. So when I came home I asked myself: What's the difference this time? What did I do, what I didn't the last time? On...
  10. L

    Need advice about 90 day reboot.New member of site nofap for year & a half.

    I've been doing nofap for about a year and a half now. I remember hearing about it from my brother one day. I had no idea that porn could cause negative effects. Heck I remember masturbating at least every day for years because I was told it was good for you! I used to constantly watch porn...
  11. frogg05

    90 days complete!

    Today is a special day. I've finally gotten to 90 days! I tell you this journey was hard! while on hardmode! I've been in flatline so long I can't even remember when I wasn't. But I must say every part of this journey was worth it, and it's only going to continue. Mind you, yes it is...
  12. DeAndre Kato


    I am new to these forums but today i will be starting my 90day NoFap. I am 23 and pied out of this world. Ive always tried to quit but never whole heartedly. I WILL be more productive in my life so im starting with getting off of Facebook, hitting the gym, No PMO, and done with taking naps for...
  13. s0ultan

    90-Day Journey ~ 14th of January -> 14th of April

    A personal challenge for me, feel free to join! I'll try to update on a daily basis at the end of each day. Good luck, me... ;)
  14. L

    Hello Nofap

    I am starting Nofap, its time to break the chains, so i will be trying to 'reboot' for 90 days. if any experienced members can give any advice on where to start that would be much obliged.
  15. hardwell410

    trying the first 90's

    well today is my 2nd day since not PMO, i think i can do it this time, even i create this account, i've never tried to do this. let's see what happen this days
  16. prosencephalon

    Rebooting for 90 day.

    Hello fapstronauts, I am new here. I feel blessed that I have found this community . I need to develope myself and I wanna quit PMO. I made up my mind to have a 90 day rebooting. It's starts from TODAY! Hope you mates gonna support me :)