90 days pmo challenge

  1. A

    Start of my quest!

    Hello guys, my name is Allen....and I'm 18 years old. It was the summer of 2016 when I first heard about NoFap, and ever since then I've been doing NoFap. I was a compulsive Pornography watcher. However, during summer of 2016, I started doing nofap and i lasted for 47 days. It was amazing. After...
  2. Heron Peter

    Hi, i'm doing the 90 Days Challenge

    Hey there, I am Heron, Heron Peter. I'm 17. And I've decided to reboot (PMO). Because pornography ruins my mind, masturbation is a loss of time. I'm tired of having such a dirty mind and I want to erase all those things that I've seen on the internet. It is perverting me. You know, I have a...
  3. ClimberF

    I´m new in Nofap but not new in rebooting process

    I´m 26 and been working on this since may-2016.. My longest streak was 83 days. Now I´m 15 days I know for me it´s better to do hard mode. No PMO at all, not even with a partner and not even edging with a partner. I have already done that and the chaser effect is strong;so it´s more like to PMO...
  4. s0ultan

    90-Day Journey ~ 14th of January -> 14th of April

    A personal challenge for me, feel free to join! I'll try to update on a daily basis at the end of each day. Good luck, me... ;)
  5. F

    Starting 90 days PMO Challenge

    Hi I'm Fox and I just found this reddit! Why did I ended here? I was already fighting this "addiction", I started a few months ago ( failing a lot lol xD) but I was taking baby steps.... I wasn't even sure it was the healthier way to go, I just wanted to know if (like with cigarretes) I was able...