
  1. Finn The Human

    What do you consider a healthy sex-life?

    Let's start with a quote by Zen monk and teacher Shunryū Suzuki: "Sex is like brushing your teeth. It is good to do it regularly, it is bad when doing it all the time." Multiple choices are possible and encouraged for the poll below.
  2. D

    Vertigo & Lightheadedness

    I've dealt with vertigo and lightheadedness for years. Doctors have always told me it's anxiety related. My suspicion is that the symptoms came on as a result of excessive p/m/o starting in my mid teens. I've practiced edging for nearly two decades and these symptoms have remained. I notice that...
  3. D

    Dopamine and attention/task/motivation issues (Dr. Holmes article) - worth reading

    Hi folks, at however stage you are of rebooting, I wish you good luck. Here is article I found, written by Dr. Brianne Holmes, very useful in understanding subject of dopamine. Worth checking ! Because some of the rebooting symptoms may be just caused by change in behavioral patterns (cutting...
  4. discovery

    From Porn to Paintings- From Darkness into Light

    Haha. Yeah, I just got a bit fancy and artistic there. Apologies. But this post will have a lot do with art, so just this one time, I'll let myself get away with it. And it's kinda long. Sorry about that. Today is 50 days porn-free for me, and I'd like to celebrate by sharing a method I...
  5. GoPhonix

    Reboot to Balance

    Reboot to Balance I am a Porn addict, and I need to find distance to gain balance! I am nearly 40 and I am single never could hold on a relationship longer then 4 weeks... do I have to write more. Have PMO used in combination with drugs and toys for more then 10 years and in general for more...
  6. changinguser

    Emotional Control

    Hi guys, this question popped into my head and I think it's important for many of us. I have noticed that some of my most powerful triggers are my emotions. Sadness kills my motivation, makes me feel meaningless and gives me an emergency exit. Anger makes me go closer to my demons and porn is...
  7. thinkinglavender

    Healthy Levels?

    So I have a question, that i'm curious about everyones thoughts regarding.. do you guys believe there are healthy levels to P or M? And if so, what does that look like to you? In other words, what do you think the ideal relationship to either P or M is? Something i've been thinking on a lot.
  8. S

    Reality: Achievable?

    Dear Fapstronauts, I got informed about this website after I read a blog written by one of us. It was about the success, peace and change within himself he encountered after taking this path. This platform, which connects like mindsets, will be helpful for me to know where I am. As of now, with...