Hola hermanos, soy un chico de 18 años, llevo siendo un adicto a esto un tiempo, y llevo también bastante intentando dejarlo, no me iba tan mal iba mejorando, pero ahora he llegado a la universidad, me he mudado, no tengo amigos, aquí, así que me siento un poco solo, he empeorado muchísimo estos...
Couple of years ago I made this account with the purpose to start NoFap but never trully commited to do it, maybe I did but only for some days... I made fool of myself, did not know anything about self respect, that has changed.
I am starting this new journey, looking to find a better version...
The church world is always seeking new members, so they tell their current members to get busy and make new members through marriage and procreation. Something that has been noted, however, is that most of what we see as modern Churchianity today has actually hidden the teachings of Jesus from...
Yo tengo 19 años y estoy en la Universidad. Yo he estado en PMO desde los 12 o 13 años. Hasta el día de hoy he permanecido en este pésimo habito y no me ha permitido cumplir con mis metas y objetivos. Una vez logré 21 días sin PMO lo cual ha sido algo genial para mí, me sentía con mas energía y...
Shame is so powerful. It makes us powerless. Since the age of 8, when I first saw a pornographic image, I’ve been stuck in this “bondage” ever since. I am from a Christian home and sadly topics on lust have been taboo, even with the prevalent demon of lust running through our family. My...
hey im new on here and i have recently became a Christian but i have a problem with masturbation and porn. i want to stop my addiction cause i know it's a sinful act.
does anybody have any tips on how i can stop my addiction to porn?