cold showers

  1. onceaking

    Cold showers

    I recently came across the work of Dr Susanna Søberg. She's an academic who's extensively studied cold water immersion. Her interview on Feel Better Live More helped me understand the benefits of cold showers as well as how to go about having them. Her research has found cold immersion benefits...
  2. neverjustluck


    I am teaching some students of mine about emotional "anchors". These are things you do to anchor yourself when you feel depressed or anxious. They can also be used when you are tempted to lose a streak. I'd like to see if you find any of these helpful! Some include: Going on a walk Exercise...
  3. Lethorn

    Four pillars of well-being & success in life

    Hello guys, In my opinion following four things are MUST have for everyone, who what to be more than average in their life. 1. NoFap (ofc:)) - will heal your dopamine receptors and bring you back pleasure from your daily activities 2. Cold showers - will give you huge amount of energy and...
  4. Lethorn

    Day 110 PMO free!

    Hello! It's my first post here on forum so I want to say hello to everyone. I'm 27 yo right now. I've been addicted to porn since I remember, I was like 14 years old or so. I started watching porn before I had any sexual performerce with a real person. I had my first girlfriend at age of 21. Due...
  5. N

    Cold showers and why I think it works for nofap/noPMO

    I've implemented cold showers for a year+ now and I'd truly believe that it is a big contributor to my progress. As you'd would have known, cold showers is a hot topic in the nofap/nopmo sphere where many advocates/youtuber speak about it. As seen in my other posts, I highly talk about cold...
  6. Dankimus

    Cold Showers are Awesome

    I used to hate cold showers - I just couldn't take them. I love them now. That shock you feel when you take the cold shower is uncomfortable at first, but then you get used to it. I find that they make me feel a lot better, and they help me out of my comfort zone. I am only on day 4 but I plan...
  7. Sc8r51o1n

    My Journey to Full Cold Showers and Bathing in the Sea in Winter

    Introduction Let me share how I transitioned from a person rather sensitive to cold, and being called for it, to the leader of a “let’s bathe in the sea in winter” party. This article is for everyone that says “I hate cold”, or “I can’t imagine doing a cold shower”. I used to say those things...
  8. D

    Are two cold showers a day okay?

    Well, for the past few days, I have been taking two cold showers a day - One after waking up and the other after working out. Are there any side effects? Or are there actually benefits? [P.S. - I'm asking this because I read somewhere that more than one shower per day is bad for health.]
  9. N

    Free Your Mind

    Hello, first of all I apologise for grammar mistakes because English language is secondary language.This is going to be a long one so be prepared. I will not share a background since I don't want you to feel that mine isn't similar to yours and disown it from the beginning.But I am a young...
  10. jack_hammer

    tim ferris+100 DS+my own advice/secrets for a good life

    The main and best books on self-improvement skills right now are "tools of titans",by tim ferris,and "the 4 hour body,"the the same guy,plus 100 deadly skill,by a former marine. psycho-cybernetics is less do it yourself,it just explains how things are but doesnt explain how to arrive there. Now...
  11. TheSickBoy

    Those who are doing NoFap + Cold Showers

    What differences have you seen between how you were before doing cold showers and how you are (after starting cold showers) now? I used to do cold shower but since it's winter time in India and for some reason in the North-East it's weirdly colder than how it used to be before, I temporarily...
  12. Angus McGyver

    Sudden nausea during very cold showers

    I have been cold-showering regularly for the past six months so I am not a beginner to this practice as of now but I have felt quite ill during the past month as the water pouring has become much colder, which of course is due to natural reasons (since the ground-water has become much colder)...
  13. O

    1.30h away from 86 days

    Hi guys, first of all I want to show you this video: I want you to see who I am, and to know that feel so much better than before. On 27 september it will be my 90 days mark, and I will make an "Ask Me Anything" on my youtube channel. So if after reading this post and watching the video...
  14. DaveyCrockett

    What Other Things Can Be Done for Self-Improvement?

    What are some things to do for self-improvement that I am not doing? I've been doing cold showers for about one year now, yet not really noticing any major changes . What I mean is, people claim that they're more willing to get out of their comfort zone or whatever. I have not found this to be...
  15. ForeverChanges

    Different levels of Flatline?

    Each one of has has a different way to go through in this journey of Nofap. In our healing we can recognize similar patterns, also similar benefits and so on.Now l am at 42 days hard mode. Not refapsed, not edging. Not peeking. But tempted. When it comes to Flatlining l am experiencing something...
  16. ForeverChanges

    The story of a dramatic change in 31 days

    Dear brothers, It is becoming really necessary to me to tell what it has been happening during the las 30 days. Probably the most intense 30 days in my whole existence. When l used to think about a short period of time in the past l was quite oblivious about the events and facts, everything was...
  17. deleter99


    Hello friends, today i decided to join NoFap forum because i totally agree with it. I wouldn't say anything if i didn't experienced myself. First i want to say i had a streak of about 110 days, then i released and i am ashamed myself. I released because a girl invited me to her house and i was...
  18. Bombadil

    How cold is *cold* for showering?

    Simple question: how cold are your cold showers? I've been measuring the temperature of mine, and when I have 100% cold, it's still about 18°C. If we're going off deep below ground temperature it should arrive at about 7° , so I guess I have quite a shallow water main (and I'd expect it to be...
  19. johnthomas17

    And on the 6th day...

    6 days already completed! Surely feel more at peace, no guilt whatesoever. Feeling a strong motivation to work, wake up feeling energized. Cold showers help. Drink much less coffee. Creativity running high. Don't want to stay on the couch anymore. No urges till now. Let's see in three days xD...
  20. Dimitri the king 2

    confident as f***

    In high school, I had problems with public speaking, I was sweating, shaking, my voice was shaking too etc. but now I feel like I could hold a public speech without any problems. My friend told me that I walk with my face down and this is a sign of insecurity, but now this problem is solved too...
  21. Velu283

    Cold showers?

    I want to start taking cold showers, but I don’t exactly know how to start with them. Should I just jump in?
  22. Selfcontrol1

    A PLAN IN PLACE--COLD SHOWERS () () () () () () () ()

    So I have been doing bunch of research, BECAUSE I WANT THIS TO WORK!!!! and Cold Showers is supposed to be like magic almost when it comes to stop you're stupid brain from relapsing. All I know it's that when my brain want my body to fap.. It's like my body have almost not chance. SO!. ... I...
  23. M

    extreme tingling/numbness right after 1st cold shower

    Today I took my first cold shower, as suggested I turned the water gradually colder and colder. Once it got really cold, my legs and stomach started getting really numb and tingling. There's no pain, but the legs felt really heavy, to the point where the numbness were restricting my movement...
  24. E

    need advice, about cold showers, to fight urges during Nopmo

    Hello. I want to use cold showers as main weapon to fight urges during Nopmo. But, when is better to use cold showers when you have very little urge, like when you just watch some hot scenes/pictures in your mind for seconds and then ignore it and again and again.. and have desire to fap, but...
  25. ac1909

    Anybody else taking freezing cold showers everyday in this cold winter weather?

    Im in texas and its like 30-40 degrees right now but i onow all those guys up north have it worse... i wann know whos doing it thats in a place way colder than where i am so i could have more motivation to do it haha
  26. R

    Cold Showers-the why and the how?

    Hi fellow fapstronauts, I think it is fair to say that most of us agree on the benefits of cold showers. It'll be great if you can share your beneficial experiences with it, and also, how do you incorporate cold showers into your daily routine? I usually take it in the morning as a part of my...
  27. Jack York

    How cold do you have your shower?

    I know a lot of people recommended here. for many reasons not just NoFap related. I have been doing them, but my temperatures massively vary from tepid to icy cold. jut out of interest, how cold do people have it? and should I have it on the colder side of cold? :D
  28. Nofababdo

    90 days done! What got me through and moving on with my life

    I don't know how to start this other than by saying these 90 days have been the most difficult, rewarding, most amazing 90 days of my life. I proved to myself that I am capable of overcoming this addiction after 12 years of being addicted to PMO. 12 years of shame, lack of self confidence...
  29. BradM6016

    15 Days In

    This is my second attempt at NoFap. Last year, I lasted 90 days but was still flatlined. I was discouraged and still felt unconfident because I never saw a change. So guess what I did? Went pack to PMO. Drifted more and more away from the life I want. This time, it's going to be different. I'm...
  30. D

    Cold Showers Improve Relationships?

    I'm starting to wonder if you take cold showers you'll be more successful with dating. If a married couple takes cold showers they'll never get divorced. Why? Because a cold shower is a way of bring intentional pain and discomfort upon ourselves. Most relationships end because we can't cope...
  31. B

    Cold showers

    Hi guys, I am an active 30yo. amateur athlete and I've been battling with ED for quite a long time. It all started when my girlfriend of 5years left me. I started to watch a lot of porn (not sure if that helped) but along the way I got to weirder and weirder categories of porn. One day, I...
  32. Captain K'nuckles

    Cold showers with a cold?

    Do you take it? if so, the symptoms change or anything?
  33. Alexhexvans

    50 days completed! (10 benefits that changed my life)

    Hey nofapsters! Today is a realy special day beacuse im on day 50! Wow.. never tought i could make this far after huge urges hitted me hard, haha. So i started nofap 1 month and 20 days ago i havent watched porn since then and for fapping, i havent fapped like 65 days. I want to talk about some...
  34. antycorpo

    Wim Hof Method

    As cold showers and meditation are very popular in the community here, does anyone tried the Wim Hof Method? Any opinions? It looks quite amazing, I must say.
  35. D


    Okay, so I've been taking cold showers for sometime now and I will admit that while they are hard to do they are worth it. I actually took one this morning and I felt fucking amazing. So much better than fapping.
  36. A

    Question about cold showers

    Im interested in trying this as I originally dismissed the idea entirely, just had a cold shower but my question is How cold is cold ? My shower has dual heating, single heating and no heating as well as ten levels in each of that I normally shower on 5 and a half dual heating and started at...
  37. D

    Cold Shower with a Cold

    If you have a cold is it a good idea to have a cold shower?
  38. noviceambition

    (Maybe) The Magic Pill for Your Addictions, Depression, and More

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and you are responsible for any problems you may encounter while taking this supplement. Please talk to your doctor before taking anything if you're unsure about the consequences. __________________________________________________________ Hello, I've been away...
  39. barteljaap

    A new start

    Hi there fellow fapstronauts! At first I would like to thank everybody on this website! I am very happy that I was told about this and really appriciate the effort people put in this for each other. You all rock! I have been watching porn on a sustained daily basis for as long as I can...
  40. Captain K'nuckles

    Stop taking hot showers

    just a tip to you guys, cold showers it's not just a urge scape, taking at morning will increase your energy and motivation hardly, trust me guys try this in daily morning and see the big difference in your energy.
  41. Urtarget1992

    The story continues. Light and the end of the tunnel with ocd and nofap

    Hi guys, This is my second attempt at a long streak and im currently on day 57( i don't always check the date) I keep a counter , i look maybe once every to weeks. The more you look the more difficult nofap gets. My previous story (background is here)...
  42. A

    Cold showers

    I've been contemplating on wether or not I should take a cold shower. I'm honestly just too chicken lol I take showers at night and its freezing. If you take cold showers can you tell me if it's worth it lol. And do you keep taking them in the winter time?
  43. R


    Get your kundalini energy flowing - a lot of times I struggled with wanting to relapse and needed to reboot - how to do so, stretch your groin. Upward dog and child's pose or cobra / cat do the trick, try downward dog too - get the blood flowing to your lower extremities, without fapping! Also...
  44. AliWantsOut

    A Tip For Anyone Terrified of Cold Shower

    I've been trying to take cold showers as much as I can recently (even though it's winter) and I noticed that if you workout before taking a cold shower it's much easier to go under the shower, it doesn't shock you either. I think it's because I went in all sweaty and warm But this enhances the...
  45. AliWantsOut

    2 tips for better cold showers!

    I've got 2 tips for better cold showers here: 1. Taking your cold shower before you sleep actually helps a lot, it cools you down and calms you afterwards. 2. Don't step into running water, be under the shower head when you start it, the point of it is to be uncomfortable, also make sure it's...