computer science

  1. ifandonly

    Introduction ifandonly

    Hello fellow 'comrades,' I am not sure if I have a 'corn' addiction, but I accept this challenge and want to improve myself and possibly control the urge of lust. A little background about myself: I am studying computer science, and due to my lack of self-discipline and sluggishness, I have...
  2. Amphibian


    How many of you nerds have a repository? I'm about to add some NLP to mine. I'll add the link in a bit if there's interest.
  3. S

    22yo Student NoFap Newbie

    I am a 22yo M new to NoFap community but not it's knowledge. I had been developing my meditation techniques to get rid of harmful habits in my life and was doing well. I was focusing on what matters like school, not masturbating constantly, spending quality time with my SO and having a healthy...