
  1. achyuta

    Does anyone have idea about cortisol face ?

    Hey, my face is swallon up like a potato along with my abdominal area, my face having water retention , I was taking magnesium glycinate supplement lately which helps a lot for reduction of the puffiness and flush out the water but when I stop consuming those tablets my face again regain the...
  2. D

    Excessive P/M/O & Sun Exposure Intolerance (adrenal fatigue?)

    I've noticed that when I p/m/o frequently (12-15 times a month w/ edging), I have a far worse issue with chronic fatigue and exposure to direct sunlight. The sun makes me much more fatigued and lethargic, I can't really even describe it. I've read in a couple places, including Dr. Lam's website...
  3. Cerebos

    Huge increase of Anxiety is killing me

    Hey there; I really need help, i'm going through the worst withdrawal of pmo atm and i feel like i'm loosing my mind ... I started nofap about 2 years ago and i've been on and off, the longest streak that i had was 17 days, and during those streaks i've never had realy bad anxious problems...
  4. Vendettana

    Other reasons for ED and low testosterone

    So guys, I want to tell you other things that you might get fixed in the same time. The things you eat and that are bad for your health and for your sex drive. 1. Get rid of simple carbides like sugar, white flour. Sugar is like kerosine in your veins. You get a lot of power, that your body...
  5. jpsm90

    Biggest challenge of my life.

    Hello all. This is a post about my health and how I think PMO may have changed my body chemistry. I'm interested to hear your opinions since this is an embarrassing topic for me to address personally to my friends or family. I thought I could find experiences and advise through this thread...
  6. A

    Cortisol hit to remove urges, a weird way I began using and it works

    So this is something I have thought of using before many times but didn't because well it is an extremely bitter pill to swallow. I guess I am posting it here because I want some feedback on this method. It is probably even a very sad and pathetic method. So I used to have a gf 6 years back...