
  1. FocusIsLove

    DISCUSSION: Are you in denial? To what degree?

    Hello all! After the recent forum crash, I've been in a terrible place in recovery. I've in this terrible place for a long time, at least a year. Only at times I'd get short reprieve as some sort of willpower came to me and I'd stay sober for a few days, a week, but like tiny embers in a gust...
  2. N

    Anyone here in a long term relationship?

    I notice a lot of people are doing hard mode on this. A big reason for failing to urges when I've been single and doing hard mode has been due to my brain telling me I won't get to O for a while so why bother resisting but obviously that's not as big of a problem in a healthy relationship. I...
  3. Sisyphus1

    Rebooting whilst single vs in a relationship

    I recently read a couple threads in the relationship section of the nofap forum. It was interesting and eye opening to see the effect of addiction and the implications in a relationship. As a single guy, after reading several threads, I think that rebooting while single is way more easier than...
  4. Sheet

    Grade A Addiction Personality - Growing Guide on how I beat many addictions

    This is one is the hardest. Alcohol withdrawal makes you itchy. Nicotine makes you aggressive and sugar is just so tiresome, but this one is the hardest. I think it is helpful and therapeutic to write about your struggles as well as read them and reflect on your own behavior. However, this is...
  5. FreeAdventurer

    About porn addiction in society and future generations.

    About porn addiction in society and future generations. I was thinking about this: If today pornography generates so much addiction and problems, what will happen in the future, when vr porn and vr porn video games become more prevalent (when more people get access to that technology) and also...
  6. P

    what is happening?

    i started my streak last night, i am getting through the day now but i want to know if this is normal yesterday, i masturbated alot. it was not good. but i got back on the horse and earlier, i was just thinking about stuff in my head, and i suddenly came across a thought that got me pretty...
  7. D

    How about adult games?

    Hi, i've done recovery from porn and also adult games for sometimes due to my PIED (thankfully i get better now). However, i want to know are playing adult games worse or better than just watching porn and why?
  8. D

    Tell me about your Success!

    I feel like all the time we focus on the bad of ourselves. All the things we do wrong, all the things we have lost control over and are trying to get back. In this thread, I want you to tell me something that you're proud of and makes you feel accomplished. What have you done recently that you...
  9. B

    could you advise me ?

    today is the fourth day for me, and every day once I wake up before even getting out of bed I find myself had an intrusive picture from a certain pornographic film in my mind although the sexual part is blurred. but I still have these thoughts which is disturbing me a lot and makes me energyless...
  10. OneDayBoulangerie

    Discussion Forum or Echo Chamber?

    I know many of you think it's a fact that porn, masturbation, and ejaculation abstince improves your energy, hormones, etc. It's not. But you know what? That's okay, they're clearly not immediately harmful practises, and they may have one or more of the claimed effects. The problem is that...
  11. SGRXR1823

    Allow me to re-introduce myself

    Hi guys i’m starting over. I struggled with pied all of 2020 and realized I am an addict about halfway through. My ultimate goals is to make this a lifestyle and cure my pied and also improve mental health. I actually reached a 45 day streak about a month or so ago but then relapsed because...
  12. R

    Why erotica is worse than porn

    So guys, I had a bit of a realization just now, I'd like to see your views on it. Here's what I'm proposing; just as porn is bad because it conditions you to expect these insane sexual acts that are not things you experience in real sex, erotica does the same, just to a much greater extent...
  13. MrBlue201

    NoFap WEB vs. NoFap REDDIT

    Hello everyone!! I always knew the NoFap site may be better than the subreddit, but I didn't know for sure without trying. As everyone here is familiar with - apathy set in for awhile haha. BUT, now I'm here. PROS to website: - More customizations on profile. - Threads seem to last a lot...
  14. P

    Music makers?

    Any music makers in this forum? If so comment down below. If not comment your favorite type of music or instrument.
  15. P

    Is this Flatline or Withdrawal? [Recovery Discussion]

    I am at the end of day 12. I felt my symptoms slowly getting more and more intense within the past 5 days. Basically, as I write this, I cannot even think straight almost one bit. I feel very dull and fogged out. I know it’s a symptom of flatline and/or withdrawal, but this is really intense. I...
  16. P

    I don’t want it to end this way again.

    I know this may sound like a generic nofap post and I post I write frequently. If you could give me the best advice I would appreciate it. Im writing this so I can hopefully get advice that will save me from a relapse and better my life that much more. It means a lot to me. I’ve relapsed way...
  17. P

    Opinionated Top Ten Lists: Car Brands, Restaurants, Technology Companies, Sports Teams, etc.

    Post your top tens for about any topic or area. It can be movies, sports teams, dangerous things, fears, smartphone flagships, years of your life, places to visit, anything! You name it. Lets go!
  18. P

    Technology - Aliens - Conspiracy Theories - Mysteries- Anything Interesting Talk Thread [Discussion]

    Disclaimer: I’m not one of those crazy conspiracy theorists or alien hunters or anything. I do like talking about cool topics though! Let’s have an interesting discussion about tech and aliens and all kinds of cool crap. let’s go.
  19. P

    Porn addiction is one of the worlds biggest problems, and the world DOESNT even know it.

    I wrote most of this as a comment on another post, but I figured it would be good as a post in itself. Depression and anxiety levels are rising significantly and it’s becoming a worldwide epidemic. Shootings and murder rates are going up, along with suicide rates. Mental health problems are...
  20. Chris Aurelius Denver

    The positives and negatives of social media

    Goodevening dear Reader, Lately I've been thinking about social media and the effect it has on our behaviour. These thoughts started after my last big relapse a few days ago. Before this, I've never had a problem with social media, but this time it was the root cause of the relapse. Social...
  21. K

    i have a question..

    I'm 16 years old and I've been PM since before I was actually able to ejaculate and as a result, I've never experienced a "wet dream". I am not sexually active and recently started a 90 day reboot. Since I'm not doing anything sexual now, will I begin to have wet dreams? Do wet dreams happen to...
  22. Splinter124

    Day 1

    Tried this before unsuccessfully let’s hope this succeeds Why I’m doing this; I can’t keep a long term relationship and have been searching the web for why came to the conclusion porn was the problem a while back. The possible benefits blow the drawbacks out of the water Drawbacks from porn...
  23. D

    Distract yourself in a perplexing puzzle.

    There were 2 shop owners. Shop A sold cigarettes and Shop B sold bread. A man walked over to Shop A and asked the owner for the $10 cigarettes, the man pulled out a $100 note to pay for the item when the owner said he did not have change for a $100 note, so the owner of Shop A popped down to the...
  24. japhalpha

    **New Ideas** --- How Do You Guys Avoid Your PMO Addiction?

    Hey Guys, This is my first post since I've found out about this community, (7 months ago) I kept relapsing until about 2 months ago, and I just wanted to share 5 of my strategies on how I avoid doing the "Nasty", these include: 1. Focusing on starting a business, and actually taking action on...
  25. SolitaryScribe

    What Causes Unhappiness?

    Hey guys, I want to create another open discussion thread. I really like hearing your points of view. Here are a couple of questions, I want to hear what you as a person think the answer to these questions are. The answers don't have to be based on fact, I want to know from your own personal...
  26. forksnknives

    Your social life may be the secret to living longer.

    Hi all. I think this is the right section for this thread... I was listening to a podcast earlier which talked about the correlation between social intergration and longevity. I found it pretty interesting and thought I'd share it with the community. I thought it especially important as one...
  27. WeShallNotFap


    I've decided to create this thread, so we can debate and find an ultimate solution this our problem. Let us know all the information and personal thoughts you've got on this subject.
  28. D

    Best song you ever heard.......

    There is always a song which you love soo much and u are sure no one would dislike that Mine is - END OF THE ROAD by MGK Comment yours
  29. Gucci Gang

    Male Fashion Guide & Ideas Thread, (Highly Detailed with Pics)

    Some really fly Fashion Icons to take some Fashion Spiration from -Kanye West
  30. Sir_Dave

    A Scientific Discussion regarding the Pros and Cons of Rebooting (Respect required)

    Hey there everyone. I am sure a lot of you are reaping the benefits of NoFap and that is brilliant to hear. It is wonderful to see so many happy people. Now onto the gritty stuff of why I am here. I am here to ask for any scientific paper that contains any kind of supporting evidence to NoFap...