
  1. being-Partkdold-Duty

    Orgasms while sleeping

    I gave up onanism about 5 months ago due to a recent change of reality from reading and understanding certain parts of All and Everything by G.I. Gurdjieff. Around this same time I was reading Ram Dass's biography and he spoke of transmuting sexual energy to spiritual energy. While quitting...
  2. AmosRaffaqat

    Getting porn dreams

    I'm very happy I completed my first week clean and did a lot of productivity also got the confidence back I pulled an all-nighter study yesterday cuz my exams are going on. Today after coming back from school I slept and had a dream of having sex with my female cousin is this an effect from...
  3. N

    Dreams of me masturbating

    Hey guys I’m on day 192 And this is probably the 4th or 5th time I’m getting dream in which I’m masturbating to porn or something else Is this normal? Why am I getting these dreams? Please lmk
  4. D

    Those dreams!!!

    on the night of Day 16, I had a dream, but even in the dream I resisted, and rejected the offer. But the feeling is strange. when she grabbed my D***, I felt like a very strong vacuum sucking my guts from the groin area. I don't know what that is? or what it means. But for tonight, it...
  5. Alcatel1312

    Problematic Wet Dream Behaviour

    Okay, so i have been having a wet dream almost every week. And i want this to stop, the first one i got was a crazy feeling, but now i dont want them anymore, they arent fun anymore. I didnt drink water before i slept and i meditated for 4 minutes. But my thougts were a little impure… very...
  6. S

    I had a dream last night , it made me sad .

    Idk why but I need to get this off my chest . I’ve only had a girlfriend for maybe a little over a month when I was 20 years old . The PIED happened when I was turning 21 and I’ve had it ever since . A few years back when I was 26(I’m now 30), their was this sex worker i used to see . I had and...
  7. BrighterFuture

    Strange side effects of PMO

    In the last 3 years in my recovery process, I thought it's interesting how PMO effects many different areas in our life So let's share some of those side effects not many talk about, One example is, PMO effect my ability to dream, I dream specifically when I relapse more than two times in one...
  8. S

    Lost with a goal to defeat that devil .

    I've been pushed down by this pandemic. Having my goals put in hold... Feeling stuck , sentenced to a jail life. On top of that , I haven't been able to meet my girlfriend for a long time. All of it ideal breading ground for porn . Looking back ,I first met this hideous monster in early...
  9. D

    Possibilities Of Human Flight?

    So with out further hesitation is Flight possible or could Human's adapt into this nature? Now in talking about Flight and which way. My thoughts are in the lines of flying as in DragonballZ style. Over the year's I've had countless dreams of flying, taking off in my own backyard and having a...
  10. modern milarepa

    Weird sleep habits

    I never slept on a bed. Always on the floor until this year I bought a big bed because I had a girlfriend but we broke up a week after I bought it. Now I have this big bed I don't use. I sleep in a big closet that is sound proved and extremely dark. I guess I like it because It reminds me the...
  11. Henryforward

    I dreamed a dream.

    Hello friends. I have been having dreams now non stop for 4 days in a row. Two days ago those two where wet. Just wondering if any tips on reducing the intensity of these dreams or avoiding them. And also when did people start noticing the dreams reducing frequency. I have been wearing loose...
  12. NefariousNephi

    Worst Power Nap Ever.

    So as i had some papers to finish until 8PM today, and am on a streak longer than usual these days, i decided to have a small power nap on my bed before i quickly go to my laptop and start working on my assignment again. Worst thing i could do. In my half-sleep, let's call it, i have experienced...
  13. D

    Week 3

    Week 3 about to end soon :). But I have : Sexual dreams and fantasies, Not Nightfall or urges to watch porn. Whats with the sex dreams, is it normal or am I going back ?
  14. yourbiggestconspiracy

    My *Sucessful Journey With No PMO for 90 Days

    :emoji_dizzy:xAloha!!!x:emoji_crescent_moon: Today, I'd like to share about my 90 Days NoFap experience. Allow me to share a little bit of myself. I'm a young adult in South Africa:emoji_flag_za: and I will be doing my final year in school there after I will chase my wildest dreams. I had a...
  15. D

    I feel very lost..

    I don't know if anybody else is feeling this right now. But this week I have really felt lost... I have lost my passion for making music, lost game for talking to woman. Especially from the hurt I've been threw. I literally have spent my afternoons sleeping after work and then feeling fatigue...
  16. P

    I don't watch porn but I have sexual dreams

    I have been on a decent streak of NoFap since September with only one relapse. Recently, I have been having sexual dreams about women I want to be with or the one who are showing interest in me. I simply dream and imagine in lying in my bed how I would make love with them. These are quite vivid...
  17. Bodega Bill

    Dreaming During Reboot

    Hey everyone, I wanted to initiate a convo about rebooting's effect on dreams. I'm just over two weeks in and have noticed a lot of dream activity—a few sexual fantasies, one scene of embarrassment from and shame in my porn & masturbation issue, and one straightforward nightmare (rare for me)...
  18. IAmVitor

    Dreaming about pornography

    I would like to address something that has been disturbing me for a while now; I hope that somebody who had already faced it might be able to shed some light on me now and help me. I'm around my 7th week NoFap classic mode and I had begun having dreams where I am browsing through porn websites...
  19. D

    A new record, and an experience.

    I'm doing PMO - hard mode: today I've hit day 16, and the most I've done before was 14. This is worth celebration in itself, as is the fact that I'm feeling much stronger with it than before, and I'm feeling benefits. I'm having a difficult day today, but that's OK. The experience I had last...
  20. J

    PMO Dreams

    Hello all, I wanted to bring up a curious occurrence I seem to frequently encounter. Often, during reboot, I find myself having dreams in which I am looking at P. The dreams are filled with the same sensations one has when consuming P in real life, often align with accurate P tastes, and are...
  21. Zillion

    Does anyone had a recurring Lucid Dreams or repeating patterns on it?

    I`ve ever experienced recurring lucid dreams (although I`ve partially experienced recurring vivid dreams). so here`s my story, I was into serious lucid dreaming concept in 2019, when I started writing my very first dream journals. Nowadays, I experience lucid dreams on a regular basis, also...
  22. KOD19

    Crazy Dreams

    Has anyone experienced really symbolic dreams while on nofap? I've been having a good amount recently and they're all related to NoFap. In one dream, i was in a dark tunnel and there was a zombie version of me just standing there. I think it was a preview of what my soul looked like from...
  23. KOD19


    I just hit two weeks and I'm starting to have more and more flashbacks. I don't know if it's an actual term or not, but I keep having flashes of old videos, pictures, gifs, etc pop into my mind at random times. They definitely happened when I was PMOing regularly, but I've seen that they have...
  24. Atila

    Voluntary wet dreams

    Usually I enjoy dreams a lot and i feel them very real. Not just wet dreams, all of them. Is usual for me to weak up and remember well the dream. Sometimes when I wake up I have a confort feeling about the dream. Is hard to explain but is just that, i feel really confortable. I guess this mast...
  25. ac2020

    My dreams are tempting

    I don’t know wether this is a good or bad thing and it’s kind of weird honestly. So for the longest time I had been PMO almost every day, literwlly for months maybe even a year. Never kept track obviously but it was a normal lifestyle. It’s been about 10 days since my last relapse, an insane...
  26. I


    Idk if its good news or not but I notice that while I do not have more erections, the quality of these are much harder, but the bad thing is, after a while, withouy even touching my penis, it still ejaculates(a liquid comes out? Not sure if precum or cum)? And I noticed this while I was having...
  27. Chris Aurelius Denver

    Dreams of pornography

    Goodmorning dear Reader, There is something I could use your help with. I've had vivid dreams my entire life, this is not new to me. But when I'm on NoFap, and especially when I'm on a longer streak, these dreams often become porn or sex oriented. This causes feelings of shame, not as much as...
  28. Tengod67

    My wife subconsciously knows when I have relapsed.

    This Saturday (two days ago) I had a hard relapse and watched graphic hardcore P which lead to several instances of M and O. My wife wasn't paying much attention, taking a nap and playing her PC games while this happened. But she told me on Sunday morning (the next day) that she had a dream...
  29. Navier

    Sexual dreams and their effects

    I occasionally have dreams of watching porn, like many others who start rebooting. Sometimes I become aware of the dream and manage to steer away from that stuff, but other times I am a passive spectator of this content in the dream. They often don't even end up in a wet dream, so it's like my...
  30. WhyNotStop

    Porn < Real Love

    I'm 37 days in am I'm glad to say I've been able to craft a beautiful relationship with a girl I legitimately love within these last few days. Five minutes of pleasure are not worth it. I'm moving towards the life of my dreams and am only 37 days in. I don't even want sex... I'm looking for real...
  31. Zillion

    Why am i getting gross and brutual nightmares?

    I`ve been meditating roughly 2-3hours a day in the evening, It helps me to make myself calm, itmakes me feel less anxious and more subtle.. back in the day I was struggling with jealous, hatredness over successful people. but nowadays with solid determination and perseverance, I`m able to last...
  32. B

    60 clean Days, without PMO

    HELLO, I am happy to tell you that, today is my 60 Days without PMO, My first 30 Days was the hardest for me, I try a lot to stop my self, to don't think about sex, or porn. I know there was a lot hard time.. Some times i tried to cheat by watching Some movies.. That i know it has Some...
  33. findinganewfrontier

    Having "Nightmares" I Accidentally Orgasm

    Hey everyone, I haven't orgasmed in 57 days! Recently, though, I've been having bad dreams where I am about to go over the edge, but must quickly pull my body upright to prevent an orgasm (I grind a bit during sleep). I can't seem to determine if my actual body is near the edge, or if it's just...
  34. Mr. Robot

    Dealing with sleep / dreams

    I woke up the last couple of nights several times with erections. Is this a bad thing in terms of a reboot, my mind wandering to sex in dreams and in half-waking states? I'm trying to suppress it as best I can.
  35. ApioGolgotha

    I'm starting to have sexually loaded dreams

    I started the challenge not long ago, I tried keeping in mind the old story about the two wolves fighting inside of us, one being good and virtuous and the other being evil and pernicious, in which the one that wins is the one that you feed. So I tried "killing" the thoughts that led me to...
  36. S

    Day 3 of NoFap

    Guys it’s day 3 for me but I still wake up semi hard and still unfortunately stroke the bed a little in the morning:( is this a relapse I have not watched porn or masturbated. Going for hard mode for atleast a year I have PIED since I was 21 and I’m now 27. Wasted a lot of time and trying to get...
  37. GorillaVikingwithaBLT

    Does anyone else have porn related dreams?

    This is especially common for me on the previous night I relapsed on. I hate it, it causes me to not sleep as good and it haunts me. I'm just wondering if you guys have this problem too and if there's anything we can do about it other than abstaining. I sadly just edged for about an hour and a...
  38. D

    To Infinity and beyond...

    Ok so I signed up this site after seeing a video on youtube of a success story. I had vaguely heard of the term but wasn't exactly sure what it was. So i visited the website and here I am. I've been telling myself I want to give up porn and masturbation for a while now. Sick of telling myself...
  39. Zillion

    How to find differences between either dream or reality??

    Today ive come up with an interesting question when i was in deep state of meditation.. we are quite familiar with lucid dreams.. the dreams that we can take control of it.. so we could do whatever in that sequence, even some people are able to resume the same sequence of dream again and...
  40. F

    I need help

    Hello, my mame is Mark, im from France, im 20 years old and this is my first post on this site. Im here because i have ED and i search a solution... today im on 21 days since i have note watch porn / fapping. I have a question for you: This morning i woke up, then went back to sleep. After, that...
  41. Abhijeet7

    Changing My Personality

    Hi Guys! Yesterday I succeeded to complete my Journey of 100 days without doing M and also left P. I'm starting this new thread because now I want to change my Personality. I will post everyday and I will tell about my daily life and how I will change my Personality.
  42. P

    Dreams about porn?

    So I'm roughly 20 days in and I noticed my sex drive be has gone up a little, the problem is I've had dreams about watching porn but magically my subconscious stopped me from following through in the dream. Has this happened for anyone else and any advice to stop dreaming about porn?
  43. MasterRoshi

    Will the mental fantasies go away? 6+ months sober from porn

    in general I have a fairly OCD brain which makes me get feed back loops of negative thoughts, or in this case sexual thoughts. An example is if I have a sex dream one night, I’ll have a string of nights in a row where the sex dreams carry over into the next night. Also what happens is if I have...
  44. M

    Fapping and androgen receptors?

    Hey guys, does anyone have much knowledge about fapping and androgen receptor depletion? Is it a myth or has there been evidence to back it up? Is it porn itself that causes it or orgasming or the combinatiom of the 2? Would wet dreams have the same sort of effect? Also does anyone know how like...
  45. D

    I am watching weird dreams

    So, last night I slept in peace. I was not thinking about sex or whatever, I am trying to give my everything to change myself. Past few days I was not aroused at all was spending my days in peace. Today morning I saw a weird dream, never saw this kinda dream before, which is I was watching porn...
  46. MasterRoshi

    180+ days of hardmode (no PMO) and I’m having intense sexual dreams!

    so I’ve had a few dreams here and there over the course of nofap, but this week it’s been 4 nights in a row of intense sexual dream, which are very vivid and very extreme. I tend to have active dreaming anyway and usually anxiety provoking moments happen often in my dreams. While in my PMO...
  47. F

    Wanted to achieve a bigger dream in my life.. so I want to get rid of this fap addiction..

    Hello.. everyone I wasted half of my life thinking about girls and watching porn and fapping but decided to pursue a bigger dream in my life.. so firstly I wanted to get rid of my addictions and use my time more extensively for my goals and dreams
  48. C

    Wet dreams, good or bad?

    I have stopped PMO for 10 days now. Tonight I had a dream of me having sex with a girl. I cant remember to have seen this girl anywhere before, not in real life nor any porn. It all ended with me having O as it often does when having sex. Though I've heard that wet dreams isn't something that...
  49. E

    Why you should love challenge

    As I said in a post recently, the human mind exists to be challenged. You are never meant to settle in conformism, your happiness and satisfaction will come from the release of hormones when you get results in your life. If I gave you a million dollars every day for the rest of your life you...
  50. E

    Do it for that one moment

    You're afraid of not achieving, of failing, of being humiliated. You're confused, you see your goals as unrealistic, you fantasize all day about what you want to be doing or how you think your perfect world can be. You are so afraid of failure that you even find yourself comfortable in not...
  51. D

    Dreams of Famous People

    Have you ever had a dream with a famous person in it? If so what happened? Here's two I remember: I dreamt that I saw Alex Scott and asked her out on a date. She said yes and then all of a sudden she kissed me. Another one was when Beyoncé came to my old church and I prayed for her.
  52. M

    Is this a relapse?

    Hi guys, I'm 20 and I'm on day 16 of NoFap and thought I was going strong but... day 12 I had a wet dream day 15 I nearly had one but woke up in time to stop myself but today had another one. What is going on? I'm not thinking about sexual stuff before I'm going to bed. I'm being careful on...
  53. D


    Early on in the reboot stage but does anyone get kind of strange dreams? Not even sexual just very vivid and odd? If so what do you think it means? GJ
  54. Fenix Rising

    What a strange dreams on 85th day

    Yesterday night I've had two beers with a friend which I shouldn't have had, as I'm allergic to it and immediately get terrible headache and yesterday was no exception, but a strange thing happen when I finally fell asleep in great pain at 6 am. I had this weird very lucid dream of being truly...
  55. TNE

    Breaking up with PMO

    This is difficult, it really is. I've found so many reasons to keep using PMO and the slightest thing can tip me over the edge. I'm triggered so easily because there are underlying issues that I have yet to deal with and the more I use PMO the more I find myself running away from those issues...
  56. ac1909

    Help with Dreams.. good and bad?

    So lately of course ive been noticing im having way more detailed dreams and dreams i can temember; ive read hefore that when rebooting you start to dream better... anyways my main concern is: i had a VERY graphic dream last night involving porn i used to watch and idk how but i came up with...
  57. bocs

    Break free from the chain and to charge life!

    Hi guys this is my first post on the forum and i'm really glad i made it here. Finally found out that there's these groups of people like me who has a lot of support on those new and who had experienced my experience that is now conquering the struggle. I'm 17 years old but i really want to be a...
  58. Carrotman


    Hello there, have no fear! Carrotman is here! I know for most of us it's hard going through recovery addictions, but apart from that have you ever had goals and dreams? Yes, we talking like getting a home, purchasing a new home, or getting in shape, etc kind of dreams. Ya know, those times...
  59. R

    Does your ability to remember dreams after waking improve with NoFap?

    I want to begin by noting that I rarely remember my dreams after waking. The lack of dream remembrance has been an issue since I was very young. When I remember a dream, it largely stays with me days after the original imagery. I am currently on day 30 of hard mode. For the past few days, I have...
  60. N

    How change mind, when in your head a lot of dreams about porn?

    How change mind, when in your head a lot of dreams about porn?
  61. WhyNotStop


    Hey just here to let you guys know that quitting is not worth it. I'm about 2-3 weeks in (don't use counter) and I finally had a dream. Something I haven't seen happen for years, so this is a big deal to me. If you're thinking about relapsing. DO NOT DO IT! My tip to success? Two words... COLD...
  62. Flyhigh

    Vivid dreams are getting frequent

    So I'm on day 25 now and I woke up this morning with just another dream. No it's not a wet dream but it was like me and another one we were back at university and hurrying to get to our first class cuz we were late. Nothing exciting with the dream though but the fact that I'm getting frequent...
  63. Flyhigh

    YouTube porn, nightfall, and vivid dreams

    So I was looking for porn on YouTube and closed it immediately after I felt I was gonna cum. Yea I cummed and I felt the orgasm as I woke up past 3 this morning. I was trying to hold on though but I guess it was kind of too late, fluids were emitted. I felt relieved knowing it was just a dream...
  64. Josh88

    Making sense of my sexual dream

    Last night I had a sexual dream. During the dream I was acting out a specific sexual fantasy that I learned from watching countless porn videos in my past. The moment I woke up, I felt some shame. I felt like a monster for having that dream. Looking back at it now, I know that I had no control...
  65. F


    Ok so i had an insane dream yesterday. I don't know whether it comes under the wet dreams category or not.. but i masturbated in my dream. I felt that release very intensely. It was so real that for a minute I thought that I actually broke my streak. Now my question.. Do i start again or carry...
  66. Fighter7

    Theory on Wet Dreams..

    I've a theory on wet dreams. So hear me out.. Before NoFap, our brain was addicted to the dopamine which we used to get from porn and masturbation. What this did to our subconscious mind is it started assuming that masturbation and porn are normal and one of best and easy ways to feel the...
  67. Captain K'nuckles

    Fantasies in my mind can slow my reboot?

    I just find i bit wird not think about girls all the time, i am 20 years old so NOT think about girls can almost kill me of boredom, but do you think fantasies about sex can slow the reboot? what can i done about this?
  68. Pichaelthompson

    WTF just happened?!

    So... I'm on day 29 of a no PMO streak, and I just think I had my first wet dream... I was dreaming about browsing on Reddit, clicking on different random stuff and then I stumbled across a porn link (I never have watched porn on Reddit in my life, I barely even use Reddit for anything) and in...
  69. D

    Crazy dream.

    Had a crazy dream last night in wich i forced myself to go down on a guy to see if i liked it. I didnt then i woke up, felt bad for a couple of minutes and went back to sleep. Ive had drems like this before and theyve messed me up a bit. Im not gonna let this one get to me as much. Told my gf in...
  70. Loui-fap-A-rooni

    Ever have the dreams that you were so sure were real?lol

    Im on my 39th day, and have gone up to 45 once before, and usually around 2-3 weeks in is when the dreams start becoming very intense for me lol Last night,for instance, i had a dream where i couldnt bare it anymore and i sneak away while hanging out with some friends to go masturbate, and i did...
  71. Captain K'nuckles

    Strange dreams about PMO...

    This night i have a dream wich i was backuping files of my old computer and some of these files was really nasty and disturbing porn videos, and i was feeling disgusting with shame and a lot of guilty, wtf was that?
  72. Kman20

    60 days conquering demons, roller coaster reboot! (Long post)

    Heyyy beautifully self aware people of nofap . I just hit 60 days the other day and wow let me just say I am NOT the same person I was 60 days ago or even 30 days ago for that matter. A number of things I wanted to talk about because this last month has just been such a rollercoaster for me as...
  73. icandoallthings

    Dreams: Some Deep Questions

    In today's world, we have a trove of information at our fingertips. With the push of a button, I could be watching something happening half way across the world. We know about places, people, cultures, ideas, art and so many other things, something that people in years past didn't even know of...
  74. Captain K'nuckles

    Dreaming with love affairs every night

    anyone here is experiencing that during reboot? 0_o
  75. B

    Tonight, I masturbated only to find out that...

    I felt intense guilt and emasculated after masturbating, so much so that I woke up! The dream felt so real !! And I'm glad I didn't do it.... Today is my 45th day... AGE: 23 Don't watch any kind of porn or anything that triggers your emotions. Persistence is the key.. Good luck.
  76. Resolved Oregonian

    29 days P/M Free!

    On the eve before accomplishing my first 30 day NoFap goal, there are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. There are a lot of emotions I feel energized in my soul. I'm thinking back over the last month. The steps it took to get here, and the goals I clearly set out to accomplish. The...
  77. Ace Patrick

    My Porn Addiction

    Now days more and more people watch porn , and it is a very bad behavior because if you watch for long time you will become addicted, like I did. I start to watch porn when I had 13 years , and I couldn't stop. Now I have 17 years and I want to change my life and to quit PMO . I want a...
  78. RedPillRebooter

    Lucid dreaming ~ holy shit another world out there

    Had my first lucid dream a few nights ago. Goddamn... Fucking unreal. I've done nearly all the drugs - psychedelics, but lucid dreaming feels real as shit. I remember I could feel myself standing on the ground. I remember I tried to shoot someone but couldn't because I couldn't remember how a...
  79. Joe Black

    Cheating PMO? With dreams..

    Um I think I'm cheating my PMO absence with lucid dreaming. This is probably stupid however, in my case I'm fantastic at knowing that I'm dreaming. (Willing to teach) What do you think?
  80. Raj98

    Dreams of relapse

    Hi, I'm an 18 year old male, currently on my 10th day of no PMO. The benefits are noticable, since then, I've had 3 dreams (or rather, nightmares) where I have relapsed. I then wake up to notice that I was just dreaming. But I don't want these dreams. Any ideas on why I'm getting these dreams?