
  1. Juliusjulius1907

    Day 116 fantasizing in morning

    OK so ever since day 80 or so I've been having sexual dreams and fantasies in the morning that are normal (involve women and are not fetish related) and so I think some semblance of a healthy sexuality is coming back to me, but it is still constrained by pmo addiction, case in point, I woke up...
  2. T

    Ego Problems caused by PMO?

    About 8 years ago, I was porn free. And 7 years before that I was addicted to PMO. I had social anxiety and low self esteem from PMO plus many other issues. I always had anger problems and now I have been free, its been so more more stable last 5 years. I am posting to seek wisdom from everyone...
  3. modern milarepa

    Bro you are not real

    Bro what if the ego, sensory experiences, conceptual and emotional mind are just a fantasy. Brooooooooo
  4. blacklabel92

    dont let people know what u have

    if your one of those people who looks at buttery things (sports cars, busty women, flashy jewelry) and wish they were yours, stop it! i say accept and be proud of what u have. keep driving that crappy car even when u can afford 100 sports cars. never let people know what u have. move in silence...
  5. AlohaKoala

    When it all boils down, is will power the only tool we have?

    I believe it was Freud who said that will power, or the ego, is a finite resource. Meaning that once will power has been exhausted, it's extremely hard to fight the primal inner desires (ID). Those desires being virtually anything which brings pleasure, of course the most powerful of them...
  6. O

    "Nice guys" can exist on NoFap

    In about mid-February I was on a twelve day streak, and I started talking to a girl from the Czech Republic who was one year older than me. We were talking on Reddit before that at the start of January, it was in February that we started talking to each other on Discord. This girl wasn't...
  7. R

    Is it just me or does your Mind lie to you as well?

    Hey guys, I have become more aware of my thoughts and emotions and one thing that I have found that my mind constantly does is tell me how it is OK to fap and watch porn at the age of 26 (an early age) but my mind was telling me the same thing when I was 24, or 22, or 18 - you get the idea. It...
  8. Zillion

    What is an Ego? - let`s go back to DRAWING BOARD!

    Most of the people (including business people, students, people who seeking for spirituality, who`s in psychedelics) every must have stumbled accross the one of the complex question in Philosophy, which 'What is an Ego?'. Yes i know Ego is the primary reason for ones destructive behaviours and...
  9. D

    I'm Ready. Finally.

    I'm not good with introductions, but that is something I hope this journey will help. For starters, I was never addicted to hard-core pornography. I was (am) addicted to the types of images one would find on an Instagram model's page. Why it is that type of pornography I became addicted to, I...
  10. Zillion


    I knew that the basic driving force of survival of mankind is EGO, but it feels embarrassing and annoying when we obtain it in larger quantities. let me explain my problem, just let me know your suggestions or solution right after finishing to read the article. i used to deal with the ego...
  11. D

    thousandth first day

    i'm no stranger to addiction. more than three years ago, I quit drinking booze because I wasn't able to control the cycles of drinking, wasn't able to stop at a reasonable amount, and it became clear that it would be easier, and i'd get a lot of my life back, if i just stopped drinking. i've...
  12. D

    22th Day having a bit of an emotional time, sad and lonely

    As you've read from the title i'm getting closer to that 30 day mark, i'm nearly 16 and started fapping when i was 10, I managed to get out of PMO(and MO, hard mode rn i guess), videogames, instagram (not beiing active there, just something that made me feel "social") and now i see how i have...
  13. D

    Porn and videogames

    Hello guys, i finally reached the 9 day mark, today is the tenth without pmo in a row (hurray). I'm seiing how the dopamine generated from games is at the same level as porn one. With porn you get no rejection what so ever, with videogames you don't at the beginning but you slowly go up and get...
  14. D

    Jocko Podcast 5: John Willinck, 'Corrective Measures'

    Leadership is manipulating towards a positive outcome The best way to win is when your opponent does not even know you won and that there was even a battle Never undertake actions (in your team) that cannot be reversed If you are wrong, look forward to admitting it Do not flaunt your victories...
  15. D

    Jocko Podcast 1: John 'Jocko' Willinck

    A quick note for those of you who may be confused as to the randomness of the order I am uploading these podcast notes. I cannot recall what lead me to start at the fourteenth podcast, but I have listened to the ones previous to that in the past. I intend to work up from the first and fill in...
  16. E

    Your ego will consume you

    Here's a very important topic which I think people should pay more attention to: your ego. Have you ever been one of those people who goes to a place and just has an awful perspective on everybody who seems happy? Have you ever despised other people feeling that they have the happiness and the...