
  1. T

    Morning woods/night erections- good sign?

    Hi there! So quick question out there to rebooters and also those that have rewired. I’m 20 days into this reboot and have experienced strong MW (75-100% strength) consistently for the last week-2 weeks. Is the return of strong MW a good sign that positive changes are happening and is this a...
  2. ElevatingEagerly

    Low libido/erection

    Today is Day 16 of abstinence from everything sexual. For the past week or so I have had about 3 erections, all semis. When I was in the cycle of PMO and sexting or even on other abstinence streaks from October/November last year, I would get feel the urges, rock hard erections etc. But now, no...
  3. PleasureToPain


    Hey everyone! Something I dealt BADLY with was erectile dysfunction. It led me down a path of thinking so many things were wrong with me and full of embarrassment to even not even moving forward with having sex with women because I’d rather just not feel the pain of embarrassment if I didn’t get...
  4. E

    What has been your reboot “timeline”? I’d love to hear.

    I am 25 years old and currently day 19 of a reboot. This is my third attempt. In the past, my reboots through 25 and 34 days have matched up with the generally accepted common “timeline” for reboots. I.e. days 1-10 you progressively feel better, days 15-25 or so you flatline etc. but this time...
  5. Atila

    Does stop PMO helps with "easy erections"?

    For the past year I have being thinking that daily PMO lead me to "easy erections". My body was use to M to the minimum incitement. So I got erected and urge to PMO sometimes just by seing a prety girl on TV for example. But now I have start to think that stop PMO could not solve that problem...
  6. HardWorkOnly

    Too many erections a day is this ok??

    Hello guys i have 40+ days on nofap i didn't watch porn or masturbate or orgasm but the only thing i do is to touch my penis to get it hard or just look at it and it gets hard without touching,is this bad for my reboute i cant keep my hand away from it, i just cant leave it,i like that my...
  7. HardWorkOnly

    stronger erections

    hello guys yesterday i had a shower and i got hard,the thing that i noticed was that i have much stronger erection,even when the penis is not fully erect it is very hard,i always had strong erections but now after 35 days they became even more strong,so guys keep going
  8. R

    ED medicine for longer intimacy session

    My husband loses erection within 2-3 minutes during intercourse and not able to enjoy the session properly, so I get dissatisfy all the time. His doctor prescribed ED medication Kamagra. Does anyone have experience with this medication?
  9. S

    Hello nofap world ! Beginning this journey with a question below

    It's been just 4 days since I started my nofap journey . However I got a few erections during this period. I didn't jerk off. Sometimes I touched my penis to calm it down. There were very few instances where precum began oozing out. And I am regularly getting morning wood. Do erections count as...
  10. T

    Erection problem!!!!

    It's getting very strange. I had pied and I was doing nofap from last 10 days . And in these 10 days I was having morning woods 6/10 days around 70-80% erect and erections whenever I was aroused . But now today I tried to masturbate I stimulated it lying on the bad, it got erect but when i stood...
  11. M

    Terrible masturbation habits caused my PIED?

    Hi everyone. Not sure if this is the right place to post but I'm 21/Virgin/only started dating and having difficulty getting erections. I only occasionally get morning wood and don't get random boners throughout the day. Some background: I watched porn and I guess it's became more of an...
  12. D

    What Happens After Watching The Same Genre Of Porn?

    Hello everyone! I'm really sorry about my constant questions, but I'm just so curious about these questions I have. So anyway, here we go! What would happen if someone was to watch the same genre of porn (that they never got hard to) over and over again for months? Maybe even fantasing about...
  13. K

    23th day, Today was great but I still have constant erections

    Yesterday I started university (I'm on the 1st year) after a long recess of one month. The tests are coming along like a thousand arrows upon myself (I didn't touch any book in the recess), but I'm quiet... I don't know If I'm gonna left a subject to the end of this year, but I don't care, I'm...
  14. M

    I'm getting erections a lot more now!

    Hey guys, still pretty new to this but I'm on day 58 of NoFap and for the last week or so I find that I'm nearly getting boners anytime I think of something sexy like they are complete rock hard now! And I have more feeling in it too. It's hard to explain. More sensitivity I guess. Before it I...
  15. M

    Kegel/Clenching And Erections Question

    Okay so I may end up asking what may seem like a stupid question here, but I'm focusing more on the mechanics of erections and whatnot lately because I feel I focus on sex too much in general -- especially during the act because I'm nervous due to PIED and whatnot, which is bad. Anyway I was...
  16. F

    What can i do to improve?

    so it’s been a wild run. Day 59 trying to cure my pied. No relapses or only a few urges to fap. ( Once or twice)Barely any ever. I am in a relationship with my girlfriend and i had a few o’s a few time eating her out a few times which were very natural. No fantasizes at all about P. I been...
  17. guy_376

    30 Days Today!

    Until now, I don't believe that I have ever gone 30 days without jacking off! I'm 62 and started around 13. Since my separation and divorce, I started watching porn on my iPad every night. I got bored with the formulaic videos and eventually moved to porn types that really did not fit who I...
  18. Iwanttobeabeast

    I feel like my dick is getting smaller and won’t get hard anymore?

    Lately on this NoFap streak I’ve noticed that I feel as if my dick is getting smaller and I no longer feel horny when I’m with women. I’ve edged twice on the streak, and on porn, so I restarted my counter. Before I edged I felt as horny asf, and got a lot of erections during class, but ever...
  19. A

    Random erections

    Hello, friends! I am successfully doing the PMO challenge and I didn't have any major issues or cravings until a few days ago. My problem is that I constantly get random erections at about a 4 hour interval... I can be on the street, at work or at home and "POP" my Timmy wants to feel the...
  20. Spiritual Awakening

    Guys, how do you handle Erections during asleep and the consequence of it?

    I'm just new to NoFap and iam wondering how you guys handle erections while asleep and sexual urges while sleeping?
  21. taurean-rebirth

    Effects of a reboot

    Hello! Im on day 29 and this is the best record of nofap for me by far ever since I began. I feel great, positive, and all of that. Maybe not all but atleast a whole bunch of them. Of course, i plan to go 90 days clean. Today is the first day I'm starting to feel some weird painy feelings...
  22. Esrak

    PIED problem and never going back to porn!

    Hi! I want to introduce myself, I'm 18 years old at the moment, I have been masturbating to porn since I was like 11 years old and I never thought that I was fucking up my brain in such a bad way so I continued to do it for years. The critical moment that made me change perspective was when I...
  23. M

    No more erections?How is this possible?

    Hello everyone..21 days ago I have stopped to masturbate and watching porn.. During this period i have erections less frequently and i can't understand how is that possible.. It should be the opposite situation, right? :/ Sorry for my English :)