I’ve been addicted to porn since a very young age. Even as far back in middle school I was already using porn compulsively. I didn’t have many friends and I always stayed in my house which led to doing nothing but watching pornography. Since then I can no longer get off to the thingsthat once...
Desperately need advice from people who have gone through porn escalation
I’ve been addicted since around the age of 10. I was exposed to sex far too young and this combined with the fact that I was never very social led to me spending most of my time watching porn online. It started normally...
I started watching porn regularly at a very young age. I was exposed to porn around the age of 10 and began watching it on my own around age 12-13. Since then I've compulsively watched porn multiple times a day, I hate it. I am now 20 years old and in the past few years I have escalated to...
I’ve been addicted to pornography since a very very young age. It all started with my exposure to porn as a very young child. Since then I’ve become pretty numbed to pretty much all the things that turned me on. It’s like because of how much I use it I constantly need more and more extreme...
Hey all,
Something happened recently that has really affected my life, brought me into a downward spiral. In short, I've had a porn addiction since I was about 12-13 years old (19 now). Of course, after this prolonged exposure to porn, it naturally escalated to more taboo and intense...
So recently I have broken up with my girlfriend and have I finally noticed how bad my porn addiction has gotten. I have done NoFap before and have done over 100 days, wow how much it helped me (serious). It pushed my drive and made me want real life sexual experiences. I don't think porn even...
I suppose my story is similar to countless other stories here, though I am just now finding the strength to talk openly about it. I got into porn at a very young age, around 12 I think, and I just could not get enough of the women that I saw online. However, I felt it wasn't right to do what I...
So when masturbating I say things and wonder “Why did I say that?” & reading about the Freudian slip and wondering is this what I really want and am, or is it my addicted mind playing tricks on me to keep looking at porn to keep seeing if it is and keep escalating. As it is causing me a concern...
Hello guys I just wondered if any of you in here has experienced this? Personally when I was deep into my porn addiction I also became sex addicted, and I was acting out with transwomen and I always ended up filled with anxiety and shame plus guilt! know it's crazy but I guess porn really can...
Hello Guys!
I was wondering how long it took you to escalate into things you think are disgusting and bizarre, because im really confused that as i can remember after a short period (like one-two months) of watching porn i started watching some shitty stuff, is that’s normal?! Knowing that my...
Hello Guys!
I have a question about porn induced escalation or fetishes, i’ve read that our brains seek many things when it is desensitised such as shock, surprise, novelty.... etc, well something weird happened with me i never had foot fetish or high heels fetish but after binging to porn for a...
Well, to start off I'm 25 years old and my name is Dave I'm currently in a relationship with my girlfriend we have been together for over a year now.
Before I met her I was deep into my porn addiction and my taste got warped into transwoman stuff and occasionally gay porn but primarily transwoman...
I just had my first appointment with a therapist. The main reason I started seeing one is cause Im looking for help with a variety of compulsive sexual behaviors that are negatively impact my life. But its only an hour a week and obviously we barely started talking and didnt really hit the...
Hey, I relapsed today after a 5 day streak, you see i suffer from ocd, pure O to be more specific and one of the subjects of ocd is hocd. I started watching porn at age 9, vanilla porn, seing boobs and stuff at age 13 i escalated into, straight explicit porn, everything was so arousing and all...
Hello guys I am new to noFap however i ve been reading some articles in here for the last week.I think this site is amazing because there is nothing better than finding that other people are strugling and fighting with almost the same problems you have and this is something that really gives...