escort prostitute lonlinesss

  1. journeyman415

    I need help to stop the spiral into porn/sex addiction

    I'm in my early 30s living alone in the US. I've never had an organic sexual relationship in my life. My loneliness drives me to porn and inappropriate sexual behavior like searching for escorts, texting them and sometimes visiting them as well. I've tried making positive changes in my life...
  2. T

    Escort addiction

    Just wanted to create a thread to see how many of you guys struggling with escorts?? Like porn they definitely can become addictive and cause low self worth and depression. Was wandering if people can offer practical advice and support for this?? Thanks for reading
  3. P

    I want to stop this madness

    Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing great. Let me introduce myself: I'm 33 years old and porn is killing me, I masturbate every day and I want to stop it. The most I spent without touching was 2 months, but that seems impossible for me. Here are my 3 BIG problems: 1- I masturbate...
  4. RubiconZ

    Paying to lose virginity?

    I'm sure this question has been asked often before. Being a virgin in my late 20s is really difficult. I honestly feel it has radically hindered my social and romantic life. I'm so deeply frustrated and ashamed of it and cant even lie convincingly about it. Its hard to even face the fact that...
  5. D

    Addicted to PMO, escort/review sites,seeing escorts. Can people relate?

    I'm a 26 year old male. I've been using porn since I was 11/12 maybe and was always fascinated by it and the pure shock factor of seeing new genres. I'm been seeing escorts for about 4 years now and the last year have been constantly on the escort websites and review sites planning and...
  6. O

    Here I go again

    I am committing to 30 days Nofap and as an extension no patronizing of prostitutes. I have done this before succeeded for years but somehow I relapsed and it became worse, I would make sure to update this thread daily and also add more days when I succeed with this
  7. T

    PIED cured in 44 days after having sex with an escort

    I'm 23 yo, been watching porn and masturbating since 17, I know it's a bit late for people of my generation but I didn't do it before, because masturbation for me was like loosing unnecessary time and porn was just something repulsive for me like disgusting, so I wasn't into it even tho I was...
  8. F

    Reaching out to escorts

    Hello everyone, So I'm in my late 30s, and for the Nth time I'm trying to go into a reboot to retake my life. My issue is that I've been doing very dumb things. So essentially a few months back I was in a relationship for my first time ever. The relationship wasn't that great and the sex was...
  9. M


    Hello, I am the wife of a porn addict who used prostitutes. Please don't do it. There is no intimacy there, only more shame, lonliness and guilt to add to your ever increasing problems. You must remember that whatever you do will be with you forever and although I cannot speak for all women...