
  1. V

    The Lies we tell Ourselves

    "To thine own self be true" -Hamlet How Honest have you been and are you with yourself? What excuses did/do you tell yourself so you can PMO with a somewhat clear conscious? -For years I told my self porn is normal, PMO is healthy. I grew more and more addicted. -I also deceived myself about...
  2. S


    I have noticed in myself a small voice that's quietly tucked itself into a narrow recess of my mind. "As long as I don't fail the same way twice, it's fine; I'm growing and getting stronger!" Or "Last time I made it to x days, so if I can just make it to x+1, that's progress!" It's a lie that...
  3. M

    Relapse is a choice

    I am talking about my experiences, so i am not attacking someone. I want to take you out of the victim mentality. But from all the posts that I have read and the people that I have met in rehab/12-step program etc., I came to see that relapse is a choice. I am free of it now for a long time...
  4. L

    I finally open my mind thanks to you guys

    Okay, a few week ago, i posted a thread that said about an experiment of mine that is keep my M frequency once every 2 week. And in that post, i said that reboot isnt necessary for me, even though a few guys told me that just mind trick to pmo again. I didnt believe that and i followed my path...
  5. Kai101

    Should teens do the no fapping part of Nofap?

    I'm 16 and I'm wondering if I should continue to do Nofap, or just do not using porn. My longest streak has been 178 days without fapping, but I noticed after the first couple of days, I was miserable. Since I'm a teen, would it be wise to cut out masturbation, or should I just limit it? I'm horny 24/7...
  6. Goodhope

    I am new here. Hi. I have a question please

    Hi. My mind often find reasons or justifications for fapping. So i want to ask if this reason is valid. I like to keep my sperm healthy. Even if i dont plan to have kids. So i do sports, i eat healthy, etc. Right now i am taking antibiotics for 6 days, i know every antibiotic can damage the...
  7. I

    Restoring Trust in my marriage

    1. For years, I have used P to soothe emotional distress. This is a problem. I "quit" several times with varying degrees of success. But ultimately, I slide back into it when times get tough. Beating this bad habit is essential to my life - physically, mentally, emotionally. 2. Continuing to...
  8. Dov

    I share my personal challange, hope for advice

    I hope im in the right forum. I analyzed my addiction and my failing process for quite a long time now in order to get better, i did good by myself up to some point (6-7 days max). i share my experience and my points of failure with the community, in order to get advice from whom maybe have...
  9. will master

    P makes us demon

    I hv completed 18 days and i am proud of that but between this i hv known dat this porn makes us a demon.thanks to this platform dat i m expressing about things what i felt today just ryt now.I mean i'm on the day 19 and I'm doing good but sometimes the urge for the porn gets strong and it gives...