I am struggling with porn for years, but since this last year I've become more conscious about the "quitting->relapse->exhaustion->quitting..." cycle, and I would like to share my observation about it.
1. The first week of quitting is the hardest and most miserable part
2. after 2nd week I...
Hi: I'm a 45 year old male, who got involved early in sexually acting-out.
When I started masturbating...at first I didn't have any access to any porn.
But with time, I encorporated the JC Penny's catalog and Sears RoeBuck calalog.
Looking for women in swimsuits and lingerie.
But ever...
Hello there !
I am following the nofap creed since August 18th, since then i only PMOed twice on September 5th and 7th which is great because by the past, in the span of a month, i used to fap between 10 up to 15 times a month. I can already notice very positive changes with brain fog...
Hello people
I am 16 yo boy. I am suffering from so many things that I literally think I am going to kill myself soon. I suffer from acne, hairloss, seborrhoeic dermatitis (dandruff), anxiety, headaches all throughout the day and exhaustion. I can't sleep well and I'm always worried.
So my...
i'm new here, so hello!
i'm posting this to get some support, gain some friends struggle form the same thing and give some lesson to someone who is still destroying himself.
i'm almost 30 years old, i thought this the age when you should feel at your best form all aspects but due to maturbation...