
  1. ShiftD

    Easy fail after very hard "win"

    Hi, I was on day 3 and last night I had a very intense wet dream, I got dream about my brain can imagine such strange things.. I wake up only when I'm cumming. I got a bit of enjoyment but in sleep. My dick pulses very intensively, a lot of semen gets on my t-shirt and panties. That was a...
  2. hol

    I'm sorry

    I just relapsed after talking all this shit, I will do better I know this isn't a big deal but it is to me, the most I've made it is 1.3/weeks I need to actually follow what I preach, this does not mean I'm not going to comment on the Saiyan challenge everyday restarted as that was a way of...
  3. nilPMOdone

    Broke my streak again!

    In the last 24 days I fapped for three times. The last fap was such a nuisance I don't believe I gave in so easily. I was going strong for 7 days and I didn't even use brute force to resist myself. The days went by so smoothly that I thought now I'm invincible and could last a lifetime of NoFap...
  4. S

    What happen when you fail NoFap

    I have been doing NoFap for 20 days and failed and now feel terrible. So my question is did I lost everything(like did my testorone is fully empty when you fail)? And how many days will i need to get my benefits again?
  5. V

    Beginnen only 30 days

    Hey guys, I Managed 30 days without fapping, But Today i failed. Im Regreting it too Hard, feels like the past 30 days Are wasted. But is it really wasted? Is All of My energy that i saved gone? Or is it just a small failure.. sorry im new here, can someone explain that to me .. sorry for My...
  6. MyMindIsClean

    I Failed on My 12th Days Streak

    Today May 18th, 2020 I Adin J. Colon failed my nofap streak. I always knew my this day would catch up to me for looking at P sites and "horny shit", but I learned something today. I learnt that I am strong enough to get past 1 week. this time I will stay away from social media (youtube) and...
  7. MyMindIsClean

    Back to the Beginning?

    today would be my 7th day no Masturbation but yesterday I went on the home screen of a porn site because of boredom. The thing is I felt dead, I didn't have an erection and I was rather disgusted not at myself but at porn sites and the damage they have on men. I wouldn't call it a relapse since...
  8. Thaala

    Don't fail, do yourselves that favor.

    123 Days of NO PMO, I felt all benefits reported here in the forum, my life really changed. I don't know what came into my head, but a little impulse after a successful day made me relapse, an impulse that doesn't even compare to the first days of abstinence. Consecutive failures came, I don't...
  9. Druvomir

    I think I just relapsed and I don't know what to do now

    Hi everyone. I wish I found this web long before and its "Panic button". I've been triying to release myself from the chains of masturbation and porn since January, but I usually reach up to the 3rd day and then I fail. BUT, this last week, I made until the 6th day without watch any...
  10. L

    PMO: Fail

    Sorry for my english. About me: 23 y. I watch porn 10 yrs. I was very bad. With time, I start have seen incest and all kinds of disgust. Hard dependence, but if I want I can stop it. Failure is not alien to me. Several times I beat 30 days and fail on purpose no pmo hard mode. Well, of...
  11. H

    I become afraid to have sex with a partner

    Hello guys, I'm a brazilian 21 years old and I'm facing this problem for about ~2 years. I will rip my thread in 3 parts: 1 - My history so far 2 - My toughts to why I'm having this 3 - My solutions My history so far Well, I think that everything started right before I had my first girlfriend...
  12. T

    Day 84 Fail

    So I started NoFap 84 days ago, going completely hard mode with it. I was doing fine and actually have improved and matured a lot over the days I’ve been doing it. However, I recently got Instagram and found myself exploring pages, knowing I’d see something inappropriate. While I didn’t see...
  13. Captain K'nuckles

    What to do when you relapsed so many times that you loose faith...

    ...that you will never 'win' NoFap? seriously i am already 1 year and a half trying to healing but cringey ocd makes me relapse more than the urge itself, thoughts like 'you faped to this shit? disgusting, fap to other softer thing to feel better', i am really stuck into this, would apreciate...
  14. L

    Having wet dreams for 3 yrs, a failure

    Hello guys, I am failure guy. I started to do NoFap about 3 year ago but I controlled my self highest 62 days, in these days I am suffering from wet dreams / nightfall. So I am actually doing masturbation after 2-3 months since I started NoFap. I don't know why I can't control after 3 months...
  15. W

    I can’t do it anymore

    Okay it’s been ages since I’ve wrote a NoFap post. Like, months. I’ve never done amazing at NoFap. I’ve been at it for a couple of years and my highest streaks is 30 days. My average streaks would probably be around 5/6 days.. until the last few months. In the past couple of months I’ve just...
  16. Kolbe

    13 Months Porn Free, But-

    So I began the NoFap Challenge successfully on November 16, 2016. And I have not watched pornography since then. However, there have been numerous complications that I believe may have prevented my full progress on this challenge. First of all, my girlfriend (of three years) and I often give...
  17. W

    I just cant control my urges anymore

    I relapsed half an hour ago. I relapsed yesterday too. And on Saturday, and on Friday. I honestly don't even have the energy or motivation to write this post at the moment. Basically, my urges have become out of control. I don't mean they've got stronger, I mean I've just lost the ability to...