
  1. O

    Dedicate your life to something greater than yourself

    This could be a set of beliefs, a hobby or an enjoyable occupation. There are a few reasons for this: it will heighten your attraction to the opposite sex (if that's what you desire out of NoFap), it'll lower your reaction to rejection- which contributes massively to relapses in my opinion, it...
  2. T

    70 days in & the concept of flow

    Hello guys and gals, As I enter the 70 day mark I’ve have realized that the last 10-15 days is what some people call a “flatline”, lack of energy, motivation to do anything. But luckily I pushed trough and now I can gladly say its all over and I’ve entered a new phase of nofap I think. My...
  3. motive_360

    Flow - The State of Mind, you should try to achieve.

    I was reading 'Flow' a Book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (I didn't gfvbfgjfkuidgudg my keyboard, seriously!). Found some good things there, and I jumped in here to give you guys a sneak peek from the book. Maybe not relevant for achieving NoPMO goals, but best suited for General goals, like...