
  1. S

    Fall SemEndster

    // Conclude: Choices are binary. Yes or NO. Options are endless. However, Parameters set by society ( -1 < 0 < 1) are designed to make you fail. The bigger players are able to do this because they understand human psychology and know how to target a persons weakness. Every industry today...
  2. I

    Intention to quit forever.

    Hi, i'm 18 years old i've been trying to quit for the last year and a half but i take long breaks between relapses but today i decided to try out the nofap challenge now i'm looking forward to quit masturbation and pornography forever. I want to know if this has any negative effects on my life...
  3. RainbowButterfly931

    My "Life is strange"

    I'm sorry for my bad English. I started masturbating at 13 years old. But before I was very active and sociable boy. Since then my life got very bad, because I got unsociable, became bored and coward. Also I was playing videogames. That was worsening my life. I was so addicted on videogames and...
  4. duellator4viva

    The Promise

    Dear Fapstronauts After a long time do I raise my head and stare the looming storm ahead once again. After being plagued by PMO for nearly 5 years, I am breaking the shackles that once bound me to the ground. No longer shall my eyes be fixated to the lowest depth of my soul but will meet every...
  5. T

    Rebooting, and how i see it.

    Hi dear nofappers, today i made the decision to create an account to prove to myself (or to my addicted brain) how serious i am about this. One thing you MUST know is that we people are mentally STRONG, proving by going through tough times like withdrawal and flatlines. Now my aspect and my...
  6. E

    Goodbye Pornography - Reclaiming my Life

    Hi All, I have joined this site because,like the rest of you, I am determined to get my motivation, my time, my happiness (my life) back. I started watching internet porn from the age of 13 and have watched it consistently for the past 4 years (I am now 17). I turned seventeen 4 days ago...
  7. D


    I never felt this confident about going a full year without PMO than I do now. The longest I've ever been able to go was 8 months so I why can't I go even longer? I relapse since the last time I posted but I haven't looked at it as of March 30th, 2018. I just felt that me a 21-year-old guy in...
  8. S

    20 yr old virgin

    It all started at age 8 Didnt get out of hand until age 12 when i was fapping everyday to pornagraphic material, slowed down around age 18 This isnt the first time ive went NoFap i went about 8 months then started again out of shear boredom Now im 20 and i never watch to watch it again, im on...