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  1. LongSault

    Four months (120 days), A retrospect

    This is technically a day early, given that the four-month benchmark is actually tomorrow. However, as I start early for work tomorrow, I decided to talk about being porn-free four 120 days now to save time. So, without further ado... July 18 marks my fourth month without pornography. Back in...
  2. A

    Healed (369 days free)

    Hello Everybody. I will try to shorten my story, but I am not sure it is possible. I am 23 years old, and I am battling porn from my 12th year, since I realised the dark side of it, that it has nothing with the reality. I felt a lot of times discouraged and depressed because of my fall. Once I...
  3. D

    Month Completed (ez guide for everyone, MUST read)

    G'day fellow brothers. Background: Close to 30M, 10+y of extra ordinary stimuli. Categories: Exposure to the worst most addictive categories is not good to your receptors. One can recover from all the categories, No matter the amount of time you spent with them.Well that doesn't mean that you...
  4. Jacky198

    Feeling positive in a supposed negative situation

    Hey So the last three weeks have been quite a hussle but I managed to survive. I'm going to give a brief backstory here. Sorry if it's a bit too long. I was in a mental health hospital for almost 2 years. 1 year and about 7-8 months. I was forced to stay there by law and it wasn't nice. It...
  5. T

    My 40+ days!! I need help my mind is thinking about it in free time.

    Salam everyone, I am a 25-year-old guy, I have been addicted to porn with so many years and I tried to stop it in 2019, I make many streaks that included 20,25,30,40 days but still I am unable to achieve freedom from it completely. I am here to share you my current situation, I am on my 40+...
  6. Y

    you can be free too

    Hi everyone! I will share with you my struggles with adult films, will try to give a lot of tips and maybe you will find something useful for yourself. I want to just say that English is not my first language so i am sorry if there are some mistakes. Ok, so i will begin that every person...
  7. D

    100 DAYS FREE

    I finally did it. I made it until Christmas, the greatest day of the year. I truly never thought I would get this far, but I did. I put every little bit of effort into my journey, and I succeeded. I truly feel amazing, both mentally and physically. Now I know for sure that I will never turn back...
  8. ermia

    First time I watched Porn.

    Hi Guys, I 37 , when i was 16 , my friend in high school invited me to his home.he had a computer and he had many erotic videos in his computer. then he showed me one erotic video.i never ever had seen any erotic video before that. i saw some erotic picture in some newspapers and magazines and...
  9. cresyhorse

    45 days bruh / fetishes are curable

    45 days masturbation free. this streak is 45 days but nofap has been an on and off battle for ~1 year. much improvements have refreshed and empowered me throught this year. a few years ago I was struggling with disgousting fetishes. they had control over me and I couldn't say no. I won't go...
  10. D

    Kingler Here

    Hey everyone, thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful community. I was here just like all of you with the motive to fight this new drug "porn". It has done some serious effects on our life. Everybody has strong reasons to quit this that's why everyone of us are here. The reasons are so...
  11. Vedant4

    Here and now

    Hello everyone, Male/25 yo, I'm glad to be a part of this community of improvement, and I find it encouraging that several people are not satisfied with their conditions but are looking for a better one. For many years I have been dealing with my obsessive/addictive part of pornography in...
  12. D

    I feel stupid and manipulated... (Long Post)

    So, just a heads up, this post will be heavy. It revolves around the greatest tragedy of my life (so far) and my embarrassing response to unfortunate circumstances. It all began many years ago in sixth grade. I was a new kid in middle school. I was small, overweight, and pimple-faced. Not...
  13. deadofwinter

    Onwards and Upwards

    This is my first thread on this forum. Another thread I had was one when I was 24 years old on a different forum. How I wish I could say I'm all clean as a 26 right now (27 in 5 days). I am not. Honestly, things got a bit worse even. From Femdom I managed to switch to Findom, which is...
  14. D


    I have been fighting this addiction for at least a year and a half. I have relapsed, done big streaks, but in the end I relapse. However, I think every relapse is an opportunity to learn. For example I have not PMO´d for a month and a half (I did watch little one day but a miracle happened...
  15. _overcomer_

    can't stop PMO :-(

    I just told myself just once more...just once more... this is what I made so many times. I really want to become porn free, to not let me control by this! But I really cant handle it :(
  16. Fenix Rising

    Taking Responsibility - Essential Element of Permanent Recovery

    Hi fellow Fapstronauts, I'd like to share some thoughts on how to maintain addiction free life. Some member when discussing if permanent recovery is even possible wrote: "It gets to the point I am not interested in it (porn). Then something happens where I do relapse". This made me thinking...
  17. Benaiah7

    Porn-Free Radio / Recovered Man

    Has anyone ever listened to this podcast or watched the programs / trainings on the website? Apparently the dude is responsible for thousands of success stories already.. I watched the free training and created a 30-day porn-free plan... I really like how thoughtful the plan is Curious what...
  18. Spontifex


    Link to The Winner’s Challenge: http://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-final-countdown-•nofap-countdown-with-achievements-to-unlock-closed.228915/ As The Winner who is the original creator of this Final Countdown Challenge left the site around August 12th and @The Mask! brought up the...
  19. D


    THE FINAL NOFAP COUNTDOWN [CLOSED] [Please read below to understand everything] |•What is The Final Countdown•| |•Rules & Guidelines•| This is very simple, You have to select a number which is your challenging goal that you want to achieve and start the Countdown from there. Once...
  20. S4AR

    I Am Free

    Hi Iam a boy and 31 My life changed cuz the porn , i divorced and lost many thing and the important of them my relationships with others and womans... I use porn and its better to say porn use me for 15 years.. I know its a lot years. i decide to stop it i want be in ppl like normal mans.. I...
  21. boichywow


    Are you discouraged? Is the small size of your nofap counter making you feel small? Does size really matter to you? This FREE item will help you to keep track of your progress visually and not be discouraged by failure! wow! I know you secretly despise your low counter, well with this product...
  22. SpiritfilledBeastmode

    Instead of Porn, Do (BLANK)

    Guys I am struggling hard to quit this terrible porn habit. Admittedly, I have tried to quit many many times this past 6 months, yet I always seem to end up relapsing in a moment of passion or justifying going back somehow in my head. (only to massively regret immediately after release) I feel...
  23. B

    Should internet porn be illegal?

    I was thinking about this the other day and thought this could be a good point for some discussion. I'm sure everyone on this site will have an opinion and I'd be very interested to read them! I thought I could get the ball rolling with my own views. After some thought, I think I am leaning...
  24. D

    Jocko Podcast 7: Lt. Gen. Sardeshpande, 'Assignment Jaffna'

    Never get into a rut Always ask why you are doing something Do not get locked into disadvantageous patterns "Take the high ground or the high ground will take you" Be wary of routine Have a clear aim; pursue it relentlessly War against insurgents is like trying to become better; it is...
  25. golden__6

    Masturbation leading to Pimple/Blackheads and others.(Diary Like)

    Hi guys im Jay newbee here! Im wondering if masturbation can lead to one of these skin problems so i ll try to make a diary like thread in this forum and will try to stop masturbation for i believe that im having the skin problems i mentioned(title) due to excessive masturbation.Of course i've...
  26. dmann777

    From Lurker to Member

    Hello! My name is David. A warm hello to everyone. I was a long time lurker and I decided I needed the extra help that comes with membership. Hopefully active membership. I have a lot to read and download. A lot to catch up to. I’m on day 10 of a Reboot. My porn addiction started with my first...
  27. Cam@23

    New here... Male, 23, south african

    Hey everyone, I'm Cam from South Africa. I'm 23 years old and have been struggling with same sex attraction, porn and masturbation for 16 years. This hasn't been easy for me, especially while growing up in a Christian home. This has been my darkest secret for such a long time. I can't go on...
  28. mydayoff

    I'm inspired and starting today

    Hi all, I'm 33 and male. I've been thinking about it for ages, and trying hard on my own to be free from porn and fapping. But it's been 10 years now and still not free. Just found this forum and looks great. I'm inspired to go all the way and be free from this deadly grip on my life. But I...
  29. OneAndTwoDays

    Is not masturbating linked to prostate cancer?

    I know that there is this nocturnal emission that makes our sperm come out naturally. And I observed that when I didn't masturbate for almost two weeks I usually had these dreams. I really want to be freed from masturbation. Do you think if WE, the people on this page, stop masturbating, will...
  30. AChosenPeople

    Nofap Counter is bad.

    Howdy, Fapstronauts. Today I would like to talk about an issue of the nofap community. The counter. There are many prejudges of people because of the counter number. I don't think that is fair, to think something about someone you don't even know, therefore I think the counter/badge doesn't...
  31. AChosenPeople

    One Post a Day

    Hey fellow fapstronauts. From now on I will post once a day in the Rebooting thread. Generally, I will share with you some thing I've found useful that day, starting with today. I'm not a fan of long posts, because I don't like wasting my time reading and neither yours, so I'm going right to...
  32. D

    How do You Know You're Rebooted?

    I've heard of people who've gone 3 month or 6 month or even a year and end up relapsing again? How do you know when you're truly free from the addiction? I once heard someone say that the day he starts to think he'll never relapse will be the day he'll end up relapsing. Personally, I've...
  33. FromZeroToNinety

    Driving around aimlessly to prevent relapses

    So I was doing this thing a while back before NoFap. I would drive around in my car after work to clear my head (because of depression, brain fog, etc. did all that, I know this today). But know during my reboot I am just doing it to prevent a relapse because I know that as long as I am not...
  34. atlantic

    An unexpected journey

    Hello community, I am really tired of the situation I am living in. I'm just 17 but I am already afraid of me wasting my lifetime for nothing. My willpower is definitely not being challenged enough to do a good job in everyday life - so I need to find ways to train it. PMO is a very big...
  35. Resolved Oregonian

    120 days porn free!

    If I can do this so can you. I was looking at porn for 15+ years. What it has taken to get free is a daily plan. I get out of bed every morning with a mission to accomplish in life. I invest daily in becoming a better man. The type of man that "does not look at porn". And that is what I have...
  36. D

    90 days, how it feels.

    Hey. So recently I ve hit 90 days since I decided to end this addiction. Things I notice : 1.I can be home alone and not feel the need to watch P or M.O. 2.My hair become more dense ( my barber noticed that for me!). 3.Feeling a bit more confident ( there is still work to be done though ..) 4.I...
  37. _overcomer_

    Relapse 3days in turn...:(

    Hello, I had a great time with 5 days without PMO...then on sunday I fell...monday I fell twice...and today I fell again :( I don't know why...but I fell now since 3 days every day....How can I "start new"....I really want to STOP PMO!!!
  38. B


    hello all, I am new here. I have been hooked to porn and masturbation for 12 years now. I am 25. So this means that I have spent about half of my current life doing porn and masturbating compulsively. It has damaged my memory, my academics and my social life. I want to reclaim all these. I have...
  39. Resolved Oregonian

    Creating your life mission statement #LevelingUp

    102 days of kicking ass porn and masturbation free! I feel amazing. Stronger, more focused, healthier, and more confident. The combination of all of the success I am experiencing has created a healthier state-of-being than I have undergone in years. I'd like to spend some time discussing how to...
  40. Joe dalton

    that permanent sadness inside.

    hey guys. my name is Joe im 25 years old and want to share my thoughts about the addiction and the effects on my life with you, i hope im on the right forum, if not feel free to move this thread to the right section. BTW sorry for my bad English. thx im 25 years now and at a point in my life...
  41. The Prince of Persia

    Dear Day Ninety Nine

    Day99 : :emoji_sunglasses: Heeeyyy guys it's the Day 99. I actually feel great nowdays The Urges are so weak and less And They are in my control. I'm truly grateful for This weak, because I didn't have any bullshit wet dream. It's a massive success for me. My confidence has increased. I can...
  42. Resolved Oregonian

    My 90 Days Porn Free; a guide to Exactly how to do it!

    I did it! 90 days without pulling my pud, beating my meat, fapping, or choking the preacher! And no porn! And I did not just "squeak" through, I followed a very focused and intentional plan and not only came through this very strong, but as a better man. I will now outline what I did. I cannot...
  43. _overcomer_

    How to handle the thinking/urge "I'll PMO when I come home" ?

    Hello, I often fell, after I was not at home (maybe driving around etc.) and I started to think, that I will PMO at home...:( It was coming up to me, the thinking, at home you should make it. I also think then, that I will not go to nofap.com How can I handle or prevent this?
  44. Resolved Oregonian

    Want to go porn free? Read this now.

    As of today, I have achieved 83 days P/M free, and only 7 days away from my long term goal of 90 days. I cannot fully articulate the inordinate amount of freedom I am feeling, as compared to the former life of bondage I was living with porn addiction. At the risk of sounding cliche, truly, I...
  45. L

    I need to be free

    My addiction has lasted for a decade. On and off for the past ten years, but never off for more than 2 months. I've tried to quit so many different times, but I keep coming up short... something bothers me, I start to feel lonely, I feel angry, and so I find a video online, hoping to find...
  46. Resolved Oregonian

    29 days P/M Free!

    On the eve before accomplishing my first 30 day NoFap goal, there are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. There are a lot of emotions I feel energized in my soul. I'm thinking back over the last month. The steps it took to get here, and the goals I clearly set out to accomplish. The...
  47. Adamk2394

    New to nofap want to reach 365 days without fap drugs or porn on day 105

    Hi Im 23 years old and have been masterbating using porn for the last ten years or more I had a serious cocaine and cannabis addiction but now I'm on day 105 without sex drugs fapping or porn and want to reach 365 days hardmode /monk mode 260 days to go hit me up if you want to join me PS stay...