
  1. mentorr

    A list of withdrawal symptoms and their causes..

    Hi Guys, I thought it might be beneficial to provide a list of PMO withdrawal symptoms, and the chemical imbalance that relates to that specific symptom. Hope this helps! -------------------------------------------------------- Dopamine Deficiency Deficient dopamine early warning signs are...
  2. S

    Kabalah, Synchronicity, Semen Retention, Satanism, and the movie called American Satan

    American Satan---- My questions which are irregular and irrelevant to each other : 1-Who is baphomet, what is his purpose? *how can I find the true information about it? 2-What is kabalah used for? *how can I find the true information about it? 3-What is hermetism, is there any correlation to...
  3. G

    Amazing research regarding intense training with firsthand experience + dopamine question

    So recently I started doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) and it appears I am reaping some positive rewards. First things first, for those who do not know, the workout is simply this: do something vigorously, then rest for a short amount of time and then repeat. The version of HIIT i...