
  1. T

    Scared of Woman am I the only one? will nofap fix this

    23 year old 6.3 tall curly hair model build with fck boy body I get all the time jokes from guys " like damn you must be having excel spread sheet for all the hos " or I hear rumours of girls talking about wanting to fk me. But I am wasting all of this as I'm terrified of woman I get alot of...
  2. D

    Feeling sad and horny because of thinking about the sexual immorality of women who work in porn

    If you sometimes feel like this, please comment Have you ever thought about the shamelessness of women who work in porn or women who publish erotic pictures and videos of themselves, and this thought makes you sad and lustful at the same time? At this time, I try to remind myself that there are...
  3. EnterTheMatrix

    Talking to girls.

    So my question was , can I talk with any girl when I am on nofap or only with the girls who I think are of my type. I am asking this because when I am on nofap I am finding every girl attractive , and also I flirt with them but when I jack off I find them not that attractive but the girls who i...
  4. S

    3yrs Free - RELAPSED to show you it's possible - Ask Me Anything!

    That's right. I've been free of this addiction for almost 3 full years, and the last month I relapsed and fully binged PMO. I'm now about 5 days into my new streak, And I'll document my journey just to show you it's possible! Feel free to ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT REBOOTING. In the next 5-10...
  5. jackcruiser800

    relationships during the toughest times

    hey guys , what do you guys suggest me if I am a person with low social credit , tier 2 city , and a virgin with no girls around . i don't get to see any girls around me so I don't even have a chance to try . how do I find girls?? help me I can't find girls.
  6. 2

    Issues with feet/shoes fetish

    Hi, I'll try to be concise, ever since I remember, from being at school until the present day, I was always extremely easily distracted by girl's/women's feet. At school I sometimes used to go under the table and pretend to be picking something up or finding something, but in reality I was...
  7. Son of Olympus

    I'd have to start talking to girls in school.

    Any great tips I can keep in mind?
  8. SonicUnleashed

    Wondering What I Should Do (23 Y.O. Virgin)

    So here’s some context about me. Right now I’m 23 years old, over 100 days NoFap with no plans of stopping anytime soon, and currently living in my parents house (which I don’t really have a problem with). I have lived in Hawaii and New York by myself (in my own apartment) for 2 years, not sure...
  9. Reborn16

    Moved from city to small town - Weekend loneliness

    Okay I've got to get this off my chest. I've recently made it almost 3 months on a streak, then slipped up once, twice, and now a third time - all within the space of a few weeks. I've moved from the big city to a relatively small town for a job. The work is good, the people are nice, and I...
  10. EnterTheMatrix

    42 days completed

    So it's the day 43rd. Getting so much urge to see different kinds of genre in porn and see them. Also searching it but controlling to not get carried away and eventually stopping it. I also used to control my talks with girl, but this week I am getting urge to talk with girls online and talking...
  11. D

    Writing my heart out - Newbie

    I started watching porn when I was 15 or 16 now 20. At that time I was in school and it didn't affect my grades much since I was so good at studies. I used to be shy boy in school &talking to girls online or offline made me nervous. Now I am at home studying for atough professional exam ...
  12. embodiment of luck

    Have you ever have girls approaching you?

    I see a lot of men desperately approaching women on the street or at the bar, but that usually ends in rejection. My question is how many times in your life has a woman approached you, and how did it happened?
  13. zeke27

    How come a lot of women think of us men as creeps and perverts?

    *DISCLAIMER: I am not a sexist man, I don't hate women, I am an advocate of sex fairness, that both sexual genders are unique and have qualities, that men must treat women right, care about them and vice versa, I just want to understand this kind of situations and improve in social environments...
  14. T

    I want to talk to girls again

    I'm not recovered from PMO. Not by a long shot, but I really want to start asking girls out. I know my title sounds silly. As I talk to girls all the time! Work, church etc, but nothing on a level of "Hey, I like you, can we go out?" that terrifies me. How do I overcome my fear?
  15. modern milarepa

    Success won't get you the girl

    It's like saying simply by doing semen retention you are going to be a great engineer or a violin player without ever going to university or playing the violin. Sure good looks, money, status can win you some attention from the girls but making a girl fall in love of you, being able to handle...
  16. D

    Hesitation to act confident because it can be lost so easily?

    Have you ever felt very confident while on a good streak of abstinence from PMO, but yet held yourself back because you know if you go home and relapse in the evening you will be the total opposite of what you were yesterday i.e. not confident at all and people (who obviously don't know anything...
  17. YellowBlob64

    14 Days on Nofap Tomorrow and I really want to talk to a girl

    Look i get it, the title is cringy. I just feel like i’ve sort of missed out on an important state in life where Im supposed to learn the skills to talk to girls/people. Aside from that, I’m at 2 weeks now on NoFap! Now that I've been going for so long I've been having this greater and greater...
  18. D

    Read this and tell me If you feel the same

    I was thought how pathetic is to be 23 years old and have had sexual expriences only with your hand watching fake girls on your screen fucked by someone else. It's really a pussy thing. I feel like a damn pussy not a man. If my friends would discover this I'd be mocking for the rest of My...
  19. PornisMyGirlfriend

    Loneliness, Extreme Porn Addiction, Total Absence of Love and relationship problems with Girls

    Introduction info: " Patience (to read and understand) is the companion of wisdom. " My post is long but it´s necessary. Hello everyone, I tried to post my topic on reddit but it seems like it didn´t work. I posted on another forum and faced numerous Trolls mocking me.....I reported them but...
  20. Aléxandros

    Starting to get dirty thoughts about this girl, help me!

    Hi everyone, I would like you to help me with a thing that's happening lately. Just some background: I am an 18 yo virgin, who got 500+ days on his last streak, but didn't manage to not watch porn during most of it. The current streak is 100% clean and I haven't got any sexual stimulation since...
  21. D


    I just relapsed a few minutes ago and tbh I don't feel as shitty as I usually do, I didn't watch porn I just used a provocative picture. Anyways the reason I'm writing this is because I'm realizing why I relapsed. I've been really stressed lately, and I have a lot of stuff on my plate, but this...
  22. Aléxandros

    How do you find new girls to talk to and date?

    Except for quarantine, how did you find girls to have a relationship with? Did you use Tinder, did you cold approached girls on the street? I just can't find them anywhere and don't even know how to start. It was much easier in summer.
  23. Aléxandros

    How do you cope with loneliness while on NoFap, in quarantine?

    Hi everyone, after 437 days of retaining, my urges for porn became urges to meet real women, real girls, and start having s or relationships with them, way healthier than porn. Just wanted to ask how do you cope with this internal struggle of meeting a girl and wanting a relationship when...
  24. FezMan76

    I found the cause

    Today, after another relapse from this ongoing streak of urges and failures, I think I have finally found the root cause of my PMO problem. And that is... loneliness and repressing myself from being open to people and from making friendships and relationships. I know that it isn't stress from...
  25. EnterTheMatrix

    18tg day !!

    So today is my 18th day of not using porn,Nofap,nosex,no sexual thoughts,no interaction with girls. Yesterday I got wet dream on 17th day. It was a wet dream after so long time. My last wet dream was before 68 days. I am feeling so controlled in my behavior and feeling awesome. Urges are not coming for...
  26. H

    Truths I haven't told anybody...

    Hi everyone I'm a 23 y/o graduate. This is the first time I tell the truth. I started masturbating at very young age ( age 4 or 5) I think it begin because I was abused by someone in my family. I was attracted by girls and young teachers in my school time. At age 10 I masturbated in a empty...
  27. D

    What is going through her head? Does she still like me?

    So, the strangest thing happened about three weeks ago. A girl who gave me her number six years ago randomly texted me. I remember that we stopped talking years ago bc I thought that she was too good for me. I was a good-looking dude with the confidence of a basement-dweller, and I thought that...
  28. Aléxandros

    How do I stop making comments and thoughts about woman bodies?

    When I am on the beach, when I am walking down the street, when I am with my female friends, I can't control myself from commenting and having thoughts about woman booties and bodies. Even though I am on my 253rd day of NoFap, the libido is too strong and I can't prevent myself from looking at...
  29. R


    Hey fellas, I am quickly finding out how much weed smoking is keeping me from achieving my highest potential. And just as we are doing NoFap to become the best version of ourselves, we should truly consider what our best version as a future self would entail. Would that best version include...
  30. Abzu

    How to stop getting turned on or triggered by skimpy clothes?

    it's one of my major weakness you can say, even when i just see a glimpse or women in shorts or skirts, it causes instant temptation for me. I mean it's very common and well accepted in society nowadays so i need to learn how to cope with it but even after more than 5 months i still struggle...
  31. R

    Online Dating Apps - Should I delete them?

    During no PMO, I am having a hard time to focus on the tasks at hand as I am still on a few dating apps and every now and then it'll pop up. I'll then keep on going back and forth on it even though, during this quarantine, these girls are not going to meet up (or at least not most of them will)...
  32. E

    The story of a lonely Asian boy in the West

    This is my first post - so please forgive me if I have committed a breach of etiquette I have always lived with a certain fear, the fear of being negatively perceived, the fear of being judged by others. This has going on for as long as I remember, and has been ingrained long before I could...
  33. EnterTheMatrix

    Benifits and superpowers till 185 days of Nofap

    So , today is my Nofap Monkmode/Hardmode (not using porn,NoM,NoPMO, Noedging,Nosex) 185th day.And also to include, I am on 23rd day till my last wet dream. And 197th day of no porn , I will share my experience and benefits I got from this and how I feel these days now. So let's get started...... Let's...
  34. P

    Afraid of women

    Hey. I found this thread and decided to tell some of my problems with communicating with women. I was always afraid of approaching girls or even chatting with them , but then accidentally a girlfriend came to my life. By saying accidentally I mean that my friend invited me to a party and...
  35. Iwanttobeabeast

    Had unprotected sex with two girls? Need help

    Is it bad to have sex with two girls back to back unprotected? I am safe from any STDs, and so are they, as they have tested themselves. Yesterday I had sex with one girl unprotected, and today in the morning I had sex as well with a girl unprotected. Am I safe? Is there like a certain time...
  36. A

    11 Days of abstinence, when do NoFap benefits start to appear?

    I'm a 28 years old guy, student of computer science, and i've never had a girl in this 28 years. And i think this is cause of porn watching. I've started lots of times the 90 days challenge but i've fallen every time. Now, maybe having the goal to conquer my best friend (even if she's engaged...
  37. stevejohnson

    Girls want Money over than Love, isn't?

    After few weeks, I realised one thing, is that about girls. I'm male, I just tell you about girls as only i know about them. Simply, 70% of females want money over than Love, I mean Real love. Remaining of 30%, Want Real, These females really want True love who become a mother of a child, orphan...
  38. K

    Sex while NoFap. Several Questions

    Hey guys, first of all, I am german, so pardon my english. I got several question about sex during NoFap: 1. isn't it unfavorable, when you date a girl and it comes to sex, to be on NoFap since you gonna finish WAY earlier than normal? Also, in my opinion, the smell of semen isn't quite...
  39. primo19

    Need help - Fear of approaching girl

    Hello there. I know that the title of this thread may seems childish and so on but please don't get it wrong. Let's start that I'm nearly 20 years old guy, and in February I will go to school ending party. To be honest I don't wanted to, but pressure from mates and family do the job... And I...
  40. M

    Stop thinking about girls.

    Hi everyone, im new here, I'm a 21 years old guy, i have been trying to quit my addiction for a year but i always failed. I manged to go for 2 months without pprn but in the end i always relapsed, right now i'm in a two weeks streak. My main problem is always been my way of think about girls...
  41. D

    Using beutiful girls to motivate yourself - what do you think?

    We all have them in our lives. Beautiful girls who made us go a bit crazy for them - even if it was just for a brief moment. I can count four of them: two of them were my friends from high school, one I met at my previous university and one I met on a brief trip in Luxembourg. All were...
  42. D

    Triggered by women and girls

    Going through a phase where I am staying mostly indoors. When seeing a woman it turns me on now. I don't how things are about where you guys live, but here in UK and Ireland it is becoming more and more common where girls and women are wearing body tight clothing including yoga pants...
  43. S

    Attention On Girls

    Stopped PMO For 7 Days Some Effects I Feel Are I Sleep A Lot Now And Very Heavy I Sleep I Feel Less Hungry All The Time I'm Tired Easily Have Pain in bones after I wake up Earlier when I dozed off in classroom my thoughts were of porn but now I'm not watching it I fantasize of Girls in my...
  44. D

    Girl advice?

    so basically I was talking with this girl right, and we were texting for 4-5 days, and it was going great. We were both flirting and teasing each other, and it was fun, but as we got more intimate she casually threw in that she “had a boyfriend” but “was going to be single in a month and a half”...
  45. ReachYourHighestPeak

    7-Day Approach Challenge

    All the single fellas here, this is for you. For the next 7 days, I want each and every one of you to go up and talk to a cute girl. I don't care if that terrifies you, I don't care if you're gonna piss your panties when you do it. Just do it. Don't ask her out, don't ask for her digits, just...
  46. ReachYourHighestPeak

    10 Years of My Life, and How I Took Back My Destiny

    Hey everyone :) I hope you all are having a nice first day of the rest of your lives. So today I want to share my NoFap story, and hopefully bring some hope and insight to people on a similar journey. I first tried to stop PMO when I was about 13 years old, after about a year of it. I was...
  47. D

    I want to stop thinking about girls but I feel so lonely.

    Hi, I don't Natively speak English and I don't write often but please don't skip. I need advice. I just turned 19 yesterday, I'm still in school for a good 2 years finishing my 12th grade. (Had to drop out due to severe depression when I was around 15yo-16yo. Last year I saw all my friends...
  48. Dag

    Not all days will be good and that is ok

    Just wanted to share this article that I relate to. Yesterday I had a low day at the gym. Usually I feel good, but yesterday felt weak and sore... Even though I have not fapped for 20 + days. This article made me realize that I am going in the correct path...
  49. emadrz

    i cant accept it

    pof i wanna tell a issue i ever get angry of that and its that why when a girl buy sex toys the friends and people Encourage her and say yes you dont need mens !(its like mens are monster ) but when a boy buy them people say look at that Miserable guy that cant find a peice of pussy and guys i...
  50. Nanni

    My day 25 considerations

    Since I didn't have enough space to express myself on my status page, I dediced to share with you in a new thread. In these days I feel like my life is changing step by step. Women, in the case they're not too fat, too ugly or old, look very attractive to me. That's why every outdoor activities...
  51. Mtrd7

    Going to the gym, a double-edged sword

    Well I dont know if this matter belong fully to self improvement, but its a bit of self improvement questiona anyway. Im a boy that goes to gym almost everyday except on weekend and there are exams and I need to study harder, so Im used to the workout routine long time before meeting Nofap...
  52. neweye_93

    Tips for Post-Addicts?

    Hello guys. I am a newer person on this site who's been trying to give up masturbation and porn just like anyone else on here, but I need some help. I already talked about my own strategy of using a jockstrap when not in public, but I find it too absurd. I'm not necessarily an addict, but I want...
  53. fierious92

    My Rise and Fall -Money, Girls and Cars - NoFap

    Hey there, Let me start off by saying this. Before I even knew that NoFap was a thing, I abstained from porn and masturbation at 18 years old (after doing it since 13 years old daily like 5 times a day...) and it was the first time I achieving anything substantial in life. And that's when I...
  54. L

    When girls don't allow you to reboot

    I have no erections for 25 days. No morning wood, no libido. Although, I still have some motivation to complete my daily tasks: gym, reading books, stay away from social media... Last time I had an erection was when I had sex with a beautiful girl. We had sex 5 times in a row. After it, my...
  55. Bajamixer

    Hi to all! :)

    Hi my future friends ! :) Im Michael and I come from one small country from Europe. Im 24 years old. My mothers tongue language is not english so I hope you will understand my mistakes about my writing on english. Well, when I was 13 , I started to watch porn and to masturbate. I had sex...
  56. vibemaker

    410 days - forget about willpower

    Hey guys, some might still know me, I used to be quite active on the forums here. Greets to all you guys, who have been in touch with me and accompanied me on this journey. I'm very grateful for all the support I recieved here, the knowledge and wisdom I found here. (Drop me a message or leave...
  57. EthanW.

    Expert Dating Advice Needed

    Hey, all. I've been out of the dating arena for a long while, and I thought I might try it out now that I'm more grounded in who I am and what I want. So, I need to know some high level, professional dating advice.... When do I deploy the winky face to a girl? Disclaimer: We've been on two...
  58. L

    Hi there

    Heyy, I'm Luna and I'm 19 years old. I'm a girl. I honestly don't remember a time in my life that I didn't think about sex. Even when I was younger the thoughts about it were already there. I started to watch porn using my cousin's phone. At first I just used it to play games and stuff but one...
  59. Zillion


    Hence ive no privilege to hang out with friends that much.. i used to learn alot regarding computers, and ive been took bunch of online courses yet.. so i would like to find a short time compagnionship with a girl.. is that possible to make some relationship through online??
  60. muted


    Hi everyone! ;) I’m on 258 day of my reboot and my libido probably returned completely. I have recently more desire for sex than before. I also noticed much more women interested in me. It happens that I look at the body of a woman, at her legs, buttocks, breasts. Is it something bad? I do not...
  61. muted

    Real behavior, spontaneous feelings vs synthetic

    Hi, guys ;) I think recently over certain things. When I returned my libido I feel urges sometimes, although rare and sometimes I thought about women, but never in a sexual way. From the moment in which I returned my libido I started also talk about women with friends, but also never in sexual...
  62. D

    22th Day having a bit of an emotional time, sad and lonely

    As you've read from the title i'm getting closer to that 30 day mark, i'm nearly 16 and started fapping when i was 10, I managed to get out of PMO(and MO, hard mode rn i guess), videogames, instagram (not beiing active there, just something that made me feel "social") and now i see how i have...
  63. Kai101

    Attractiveness and Loneliness

    I'm writing this to vent to someone. I've never had a girlfriend and Im 17. I've never kissed a girl, nothing. I've been told SO many times that I am super attractive etc. People are always surprised to find out I'm not some stud with the ladies. Yet I have never had anything close to a...
  64. nef

    Difference between girl categories

    what is the difference between a girls that are hot ,sexy and beautiful i never get this concept , what's your opinion ?
  65. c0ckbelly

    Guys I need an Answer

    I am on my 4th Day of no PMO. Today I looked at pictures of clothed women and it gave me a boner. Not a rock hard boner but a semi erect boner. Then I was standing in the bathroom just looking at the photos, and I put my hand down on my penis. I didn't stroke it or anything just held it there...
  66. Kai101

    Girl gave me her number and said I was cute, but now is not responding to texts?

    Let me give you guys some background info. I'm 16, never had a girlfriend and don't have much experience with flirting or dating or any of that type of stuff. I was at Skate City with my friend Friday night, and this girl who used to go to my high school came up and said I looked familiar. So we...
  67. G

    Will the joy of being around women, flirting with them, etc.. return with reboot?

    I remember back when just going out with a girl made me so excited. The rush of holding her hand, getting to kiss her, dancing with her.. that slowly disappeared as I got into porn over the last couple of years. I always thought it was because I was just getting bored of women.. but im only 24...
  68. I

    Girl troubles

    hiya, I'm quite new to the site so I don't really know my way around but, I'm trying to improve myself and be more confident. Currently, I'm a student and I'm not a virgin, I've had several girlfriends in the past and have had hookups at parties. I met this girl at my new school and she's super...
  69. WhyNotStop

    I NEED HELP!!!!!

    I've been struggling since porn since the age of 13, now I'm 18 and I've been in NoFap for 2 years (Jan 10, 2016) I've never kissed, touched, nor had sex with the opposite sex. I'm honestly lost right now... I'm not sure where my life is headed. I'm still in high school (I'll be a senior soon)...
  70. Monstermuttz

    No skill with ladys help me!

    Well, I have social anxiety, however I do have some good friends. But when it comes to women I am attracted to I fail hard. I'd love a lady friend to call friend. But I am 100% the nice guy. And because I happen to be really good at 1 on 1 serious talks about life and philosophy ext ext.. I am...
  71. Kai101

    Sent a stupid text to some girls! Help!

    Hey guys. As the title says, I was being stupid and sent a screenshot of my name om urban dictionary to a couple of my friends who are girls. Ive attsched a screenshot of it to here. Anyway, I thought it would be funny, but it says stuff about me being a nice and caring boyfriend, making friends...
  72. dasnake47

    I am Arabic

    Hey, first things first, i am not good in english but i will try to do my best. My name is Ahmed 27 years old, virgin from algeria. ( don't know wtf that mean in an arabic country ) I don't have a job, i get money from selling some clothes in the street... (( china clothes )) I fap, i am...
  73. Iwanttobeabeast

    Need help with a girl?

    i barely started talking to this girl in person 2 weeks ago. We hung out at a mall and went for a movie, dinner, and save and busters. We spent Basically the whole day together, and I know she likes me. We had a fun time. At the end of the date we just hugged and i wussed out on the kiss. At...
  74. L

    So I asked my dream girl out...

    I asked her if she wanted to go watch a movie with me in a couple weeks and she responds with "Yea that'd be good" and I then tell her later that I'd let her know times and stuff, and she responds with "Okay, sounds good". First off, she had rejected me before and now is down to go out with me...
  75. J

    Girlfriend broke up with me and I'm already looking at other girls.

    I'm 18 and in high school and I've completed 20 days of no PMO. I've been off and on doing nofap since July of 2017 usually for a week or two at a time before another relapse. I'm finally tied with my streak that I first had when I started this journey (woohoo!). My girlfriend broke up with me...
  76. D

    I almost relapsed

    So yesterday was the hardest most dangerous day of my streak. (BTW this is my first streak.) I was looking up girls on FB. So I did find this group of big girls. Really my type so I browsed pictures and wanted to get hard. It was not easy cause my brain is rewired and those girls was in light...
  77. HopeThisWorks111

    Field Report (Dating during reboot, tips, flirting) ~ HopeT

    Day 8 of reboot, technically day 11 because I started when I hadn't masturbated/looked at porn for 3 days. Flirting is too easy now with reboot working. All you need to do is catch eyes, smile, and talk a bit. Seriously this thing should come with a "use with care" label, because I feel almost...
  78. S

    I miss the girl I didnt get because my PIED kept me from trying

    Hey people. Quick introduction. 21 y.o. student from Germany, PIED since about 4years, couldn't have sex with my girlfriend at that time and couldn't get hard ever since when it came down to the act, which made me sabotage any possible relationship I could have in order to avoid it going as far...
  79. E

    Is it weird?

    Guys, do you think a 19 (20 in 6 months) year old guy could date a 26 year old woman? When I was just turning 19 I used to date a 24 year old woman but it was a special kind of scenario and she always felt like a pedophile haha. Now, this absolutely gorgeous 26 year old, I don't personally know...
  80. E

    Been straightforward with a girl

    Have you guys ever told a girl you just met what you want right away? I mean not been a creeper, but after introducing telling her you think she's cute or charming and then asking her out? I want to try that with a pretty girl but I want to know if it has ever worked for any of you
  81. E

    I finally did it

    Hello fapstronauts, hope my story inspires those of you who have a difficult time rebooting. Would've post it on success stories but I would need 30 days and I'm on 21. Ok, so there's this girl.. she works at the gym in the reception with another girl and has always been nice to me when I pay...
  82. E

    Can you give some tips?

    I'm very proud of myself, I'm on 20 days. I have seen many improvements in my life but the biggest of my problems is social anxiety, which I have not been able to cure. I'm afraid of approaching pretty girls, last Friday I was at a party and saw a group of girls that I couldn't approach because...
  83. L

    About the superpowers...

    So I have heard there are some very beneficial superpowers you get from abstaining long enough. and I have heard that one I've read about is attraction from the other gender, and was just wondering how many days it took to notice these powers?? and I know it varies for most but I just want an...
  84. naturehigh

    Unavoidable triggers?!

    Hey ya'll fellow brothers and sisters, Be warned that this may trigger some of you guys, do not read if you feel that you're about to loose your streak. I have a major concern I am extremely aroused by girls in short shorts/skirts MUCH more than actual porn. (ironic isn't it?) I go to school...
  85. Legendary23


    Hello, I look forward to this journey of recovery. I'm 24 years old, and I started PMOing at the age of 14. My friends from school introduced me to Internet porn. I've been using it consistently ever since. I wouldn't consider myself a heavy user, but regardless I'm still an addict. I've never...
  86. green lion eating the sun

    Met 1st time other girls and i got they wanna hang out again?

    on NYE i went to a house party. i am a girl and i am 26. there were like 30 girls and only few guys. i felt i could finally make female friends. i usually have male friends coz it is much easier and i persuade guys easily basically i was very stressed during the party and i wanted to make tons...
  87. D

    Question: Being in love feels like a drug

    Yow everyone! I have a crush on someone in my class, she is pretty fucking amazing. Anyway I know nothing will come out of it because I already asked her out 8 times over the course of 4 months. (never give up!) And nothing has come out of it. She likes me but I don't think a relationship /...
  88. E

    How do I talk to this girl?

    I'm 19 and there's this beautiful girl that works at my gym and for the last year I've been trying to convince myself to go talk to her. I have to talk to her when I pay every month but it's always difficult since I've seen her busy. She has been really nice to me and I've found her staring at...
  89. L


    so I was talking to this girl who I have liked for quite a while (6 years) and this is the closest I've ever gotten. I was talking to her for the past 2 days for about an hour each and I got the strongest feeling of asking her to hang out. But as we end the conversation I ask "I'll talk to you...
  90. 7

    Is there a point to NoFap when you're ugly?

    I know how you guys say "NoFap clears your acne, makes it easier to make gains in the gym, you give off pheromones that attract girls, Yada Yada Yada" which is all great, but what if you're just generally unfortunate looking due to circumstances out of your control? For instance, I was born...
  91. R

    Need motivation

    Although I have done only 8 days of NoFap till now, I want to continue doing that, but I am feeling strong urges to relapse as I am talking to three girls at the moment-who I haven't met yet. Please share some enlightening wisdom so that I can keep going and not give into the whims of my "ape"...
  92. R


    It is so hard to continue with NoFap when I am constantly going through bouts of feeling lonely. I am also finding it hard to cope with my friendships with my bros in terms of feeling a gushing sense of egotistical anxiety and jealousy when I see them getting into relationships with beautiful...
  93. 7

    Does porn make you hate women?

    Ok, so I've said it before. I first found porno videos at age 9 but didn't start masturbating until age 13. Even after finding porn, before jacking off, I didn't hate girls at all. But for the last 6 years, my feelings have deviated between: (Pretty girl) In my mind I'm saying PLEASE DON'T TALK...
  94. N

    Issues with women

    Hi everyone...I'm an Indian guy who has recently moved to Australia. I'm 33 and I have never had a romance with any girl til now Indian or Aussie. Now that I'm here I'm more interested in dating an Aussie girl. The only girl who was interested in me all my life was a lebanese girl who was...


    I believe that women can sense that there is something violently wrong with PMO. It is well noted that porn is highly unfavorable among wives, and girlfriends. We have all heard the stories of wives, or girlfriends finding out about the pornographic use of their spouses, or boyfriends...
  96. Wazzai

    Saw a pretty girl checking me out

    I was busy with my training routine and went out to do some plyo-chin ups. When I finished I rushed inside to continue on with my routine and just looked over my shoulder. This was when I saw a very exquisite lady checking me out. I went in with haste and didn't have enough time to process...
  97. D

    Is someone here that 'made it' with girls?

    Hello guys. i consider that a guy who wasnt that good or not good at all with girls and turned it around... to be improving himself. So...if you are that guy can you share some tips here for your fellow comrades? Please comment only with practical stuff that worked for you. (We all have...
  98. A

    I'm so lost....

    I've decided that NoFap just isn't good for me ALONE. and I've realised that I need to make some serious life changes if I want to succeed in life . I started nofap exactly 8 days ago and i was feeling AWESOME, untill last night I had a depressing flatline of strong urges, depression , anxiety...
  99. A


    Sup guys... After recently discovering the whole nofap regime, I was like "these fuckers are deluded, there's no fucking way this shit actually works". The thing is, I was just looking for a cure for my crippling general anxiety/agoraphobia/ocd/deppression, but it seems I've found something way...
  100. Neophyte

    Unexpected side effect of nofap

    Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I feel like I'm much less interested in girls outside of my own race, anyone experience this?