
  1. noonoon

    30 day purity challenges are great...but, 1 day challenges are better.

    I did a lot of 30 day challenges. And they're great. BUT. . . THere is a bit of a trap there too. Because inside you're always headed for this goal building inner pressure and you know that once you pass the finish line you've done it and then what? You act out. Relapse. That's why...
  2. FindingIntegrity

    Trying To Understand My Diaper Fetish. *Trigger Warning*

    Little Background On Me: I'm a 21 year old man, grew up in rainy Seattle, Now living in sunny LA. I grew up in a separated household where I was hardly acknowledged, and was forced to grow up early and provide for myself. Left home at 18, and haven't looked back since. I consider myself a late...
  3. T

    Hello, I Hear It's Good to Tell People About This Stuff

    Hello, I'm 23 years old and I have a problem quitting porn. I don't think about it all day, but it is a daily ritual so I have a hard time abstaining right before bed. If I abstain that night I will eventually watch porn the next day. I'm tired of feeling groggy after the deed has been done and...
  4. Resolved Oregonian

    How do you overcome porn? First, create a "why" statement.

    If there are any senior members reading, this, I'd appreciate your input as well. If you are not familiar with the "why statement", now is the perfect time to start. The "why" statement is one or a few main reasons why you have decided to stop viewing porn. The creation (how to) of which I...
  5. D

    A new journey to achieve my desired goals

    Hello guys, Well, I'm here because of many reasons, hope this forum will definitely help me to achieve my goal and it's not just 30-40 or 100 days NoFap goals, but this habit would lead me to my actual goals. I'm looking forward to all the member who shares common thoughts on achieving their...
  6. Resolved Oregonian

    29 days P/M Free!

    On the eve before accomplishing my first 30 day NoFap goal, there are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. There are a lot of emotions I feel energized in my soul. I'm thinking back over the last month. The steps it took to get here, and the goals I clearly set out to accomplish. The...
  7. L

    Had a thought ... What are your views?

    I was sitting idle today and a thought just came by. What will I really do in future even when I am taking so long to fight this PMO addiction. What are my other goals ? Am I taking PMO more seriously than other things in my life? Because i already know that PMO isnt good... Do you guys also...
  8. NMIE

    MY current goals

    Hey folks... i thought this can help me to be more determinated to the thing so here are my current short time goals: 1- 7 days 2- 10 days 3- 14 days 4- 21 days 5- 30 days Of course, all in hardmode... yes, i've made 1st-3rd already back in time... but i feel like i need this stimuli. Like...
  9. duzzi

    My commitment to fulfilling discipline goals in my life.

    Goals: Fitness: Lose 8 lbs in 4 weeks by exercising four times a week for 30 minutes at a time and not eating any processed junk food except for one candy bar every Saturday. Spiritual: gain self-awareness by meditating six days a week for 30 minutes at a time.
  10. S

    lets get back to life

    HI everyone I am sandeep from India I started watching porn when i was 13 year old now I am 23 , so for last decade I have been watching porno and some times i masturbated for 5-6 times a day and I dont like the feeling of regret and depression which follow the masturbation, I don't want to...
  11. T

    +60 Days!

    4 Days ago I reached 60 days, I got till this point once before but this is the first time I get over 60 days. Good luck everyone! Thomas
  12. T

    What are your goals for 2017?

    It is almost a new year, time to set up new goals. What are your goals for the new year?