
  1. D

    Did you want your partner to watch porn?

    Wondering how a lot of addicts and their partners have felt about porn. Did you ever try to get your partner to watch porn with you, feeling like sharing this interest would be connecting? Did any of the SOs want to watch but felt betrayed when they weren’t included? Or did everyone just have...
  2. Sondae

    Is There A NoFap Discord Server?

    This is pretty self-explanatory. Is there a Discord server for NoFap? I'm not talking about servers for support groups, I mean an over-arching server for all things NoFap.
  3. WBradford

    Warner Robins, GA

    Anyone near 31088 interested in starting a face-to-face support group?
  4. elmss

    I got banned from a semen retention group on Facebook because of knowing I'm homosexual

    I'm just having a little rant here cause I still feel some kind of contempt from being banned from a big nofap support group. I'm not new of s.r./nofap but I have been member of the facebook group for a long time. I was just trying to post a question if there were homosexuals in the group who...
  5. YoungMedic

    EMS/Firefighting and Nofap

    Hello all, I am a 19 year old male, out of the great state of Colorado. It has been a little over a year since I started my Nofap journey, and my longest streak was close to 50 days. I got my EMT cert May of this year, and wanted to create a thread to see if there are any other EMS/Fire guys on...
  6. D

    21st Century men - Discord server invite! Welcome to 21st Century men! This server is dedicated to exploring and building a healthy masculinity together in the 21st century. This is my first server so it will improve over time. Please be patient. I'll try to keep it as minimalist as possible so we could focus...
  7. dogeatdog


    "The Path is Neither Jedi nor Sith" So you watch as the Jedi knights and the Sith Order struggle for eternity over PMO? The Order of Revan offer a simpler solution: rebirth. Join the ranks of the knights, face harsh training and you will see yourself reborn anew - as Revan himself had intended...
  8. D

    How to make Studies a Habit in Daily life ?

    Friends, I am a Nofap user since 1 year.I am very much benefitted by this platform. I am a student.I am preparing for some exams to get job but I never studied sincerely. I always studied like for sometime and let it go. Never I made study a habit. Inspiring by this platform I decided to make a...
  9. D

    Need some help to be directed to a suitable group?

    Hi guys! Recently new to this community. I am 28 years old, in a long term serious relationship (3 years) looking to get engaged. However i have been reminded (self reflection) and made aware that i have never completed had total control over my porn habits (on and off since early 20's), and...
  10. ReachYourHighestPeak

    Wake up @ 5:30 and Take Back Your LIFE - Join Me

    That's right, you heard me. This thread is for the people that really want to be in-control of their life. If you're fine with life just the way it is, then GTFO. If you're a wuss that doesn't want to get up before the sun, then go back to bed sleepy-head. Look at some of the worlds top...
  11. Zeroman123

    90 day challenge start from today indian nofap watsapp group

    Watsapp group link
  12. R

    New member + Accountability Partner/group?

    Hi everyone, My name is Sam and I am starting my abstinence journey today. I have been a user of adult content for around 13 years and it was only a few years ago when I first attempted to stop that I realised how much of an issue it really was. I have attempted to stop many times now but have...
  13. iaj

    You'll never guess where I went... SAA!

    You'll never guess where I went... Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)! How the heck did I end up here? Well, I watched a great film a few months ago which I discovered right here on NoFap. "Thanks For Sharing" stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Mark Ruffalo- you know, the Hulk from Avengers. Except in this...
  14. PornFreeMG

    Looking for others dealing with PA recovery and SO

    I’m searching for other NoFap’s to form a support group. Online or better in a WhatsApp group who are dealing with porn addiction and SO. I am already in one group but would love to have married people. I am 47, married with a 9year old. My SO is not down with my PA and I could really use advice...
  15. D

    Ada Grup Khusus WNI (Indonesia) gak?

    Kalo ada grup khusus warga Indonesia infokan gue bro, pengen gabung dan sharing. Soalnya disini gak seberapa paham. Thx...
  16. D

    Never feel lonely again

    Do you feel lonely in this battle of porn addiction? In our discord server, everybody is going through the same experience as you. This server helps to support you and your needs, while giving you tips and plans about how to improve yourself. We also provide help to fight urges at almost any...
  17. Joey Zhu

    Sharing stories of me in NoFap Recovery

    Hello everyone, My name is Joey, 27 yrs old, a male Chinese working for IoT industry as a project manager. And I would like to record my experience of quitting porn and share my stories to others who may need this. I only knew the phrase of pornography addiction two weeks ago by reading a...
  18. Slphd86

    International NoFap WhatsApp group.

    Hey guys and gals. Did you know that one great way to get rid of urges is to talk about it to someone and get instant response to it. That is what we are doing in our WhatsApp group, we cheer ourselves to do better and share our experiences. If you're interested in joining our little group...
  19. D

    Are there any Greeks here? Υπάρχει κάποιος Έλληνας εδώ;

    Η αλήθεια είναι πως εδώ στο φόρουμ δεν είμαστε πολλοί Έλληνες, και γενικότερα το NoFap στην Ελλάδα δεν είναι και τόσο διαδεδομένο. Παρ' όλα αυτά, αν διαβάζει αυτές τις γραμμές κάποιος Έλληνας και ψήνεται να φτιάξουμε κάποιο γκρουπ όπου να μπορούμε να μιλάμε στα ελληνικά για την προσπάθειά μας να...
  20. G

    Support Group to make it to 90 days rebooting

    Hi guys! I'm Gab, 21 form Italy. I've been in on new fap last year and I've gone through 76 six days of rebooting. Felt very nice, really great. Last year I posted a similiar post telling to join me on Whatsapp group to make it till 66 days. We started in 5 and 2 of us have made it. Now We are...