happy ending

  1. D

    Forsaking Massage parlors…

    Hey guys, I’m new here. I appreciate the love & support already shown to me. A few of you saw my comments in another thread on erotic massage parlors and reached out to offer accountability partner help if I needed it. I’ve been off porn for around 4 months, and detoxing from MO for about 1...
  2. P

    Nofap, there comes a wet dream..

    hi, how are you guys? I'm here to ask questions and discuss about masturbation and wet dreams. When we start to stop masturbating, will we naturally dream of sex? I want to know the story of your wet dream on what day after the last masturbation
  3. C

    Asian Massage Parlors...

    So I've been visiting AMP's for quite some time now and getting happy endings. Maybe 3 - 4 times per month. This behavior completely goes against my religious morals and consistently leaves me feeling ashamed and foolish afterwards. I have struggled with PMO and PIED for about 11 years now. I...
  4. Fcaccount

    Stopped porn but unable to stop massage with happy ending

    Hello guys! This is my first post. I am not sure how number of NOFAP days are displayed in post. This is my 34th day without watching porn and masturbation. And I am really surprised that I did it. I am 35 years old and since age of 15, I dont remember when I didnt watch porn or didnt do...
  5. Fcaccount

    Stopped porn but unable to stop massage with happy ending

    Hello guys! This is my first post. I am not sure how number of NOFAP days are displayed in post. This is my 34th day without watching porn and masturbation. And I am really surprised that I did it. I am 35 years old and since age of 15, I dont remember when I didnt watch porn or didnt do...
  6. H

    Not Masturbating As much as before

    Hey guys, I hope I don’t get flamed but i really had a bog problem with watching porn and masturbation. There wasn’t one day where I did not go without masturbating and watching porn. I had this death grip problem and i decided i had to finally let go of that and start anew for the sake of my...
  7. Foxhole

    The power of commitment

    Hi guys. Today I want to share with you something really important to me. It's just not about porn and fapping, but i believe it's really crucial part of reboot. So what I know about commitments? Well im maybe the worst person in the world to tell you about commitments. I was afraid of them...
  8. Foxhole

    My way through sissy hell and 50 days of freedom

    Hello guys. I decided to share my story here to express my gratitude for abstaining for 50 days now. I do not consider myself distinctly successful, but I think it belongs here somehow. Trigger warning: I'm not going to describe details about fapping itself, but sometimes I'll describe...
  9. J

    ...giving up massage parlors as well

    So not only am I giving up porn and masturbating but also my occasional visit to my neighborhood massage parlor. I stumbled upon massage with happy endings about three years ago and slightly embarrassed to say have been about 100 times since. Each visit around $100-120 for the hour massage and...
  10. monkmaster

    Join me, become better than your former self, starting today!

    Hey guys, I just created a Nofap account today, yesterday I ended a 1 week and a half no masturbation streak and today I'm aiming high and going for a 30 day streak, I'd be happy if you guys would start this streak with me so we have each other, if we ever feel like we'll fail. What the people...