
  1. dangon master

    Working on 6 month hardmode + 4 hours daily on my start up

    hello everyone my name is sumer from india, and as i am here i am here to get out of my addiction porn and masturbation addiction because i know from my deep of my heart this things have ruined my life and i dont want to ruin my future i am trying this from last 2 years but failed because i used...
  2. Awakened & Aware

    Are random activities okay to engage in if one is unable to focus on work?

    Dear all, After coming out of a bad relapse, I tend to use p-subs (edit: general content... not sex or erotica related) a lot. As I am an IT professional, the most easily accessible p-subs are browsing facebook / reddit (anything else) for hours. If I try to concentrate on work, there is a lot...
  3. D

    Chakra Healing Challenge! Holding myself accountable for you guys.

    Hello Everyone. This actually the first challenge I am posting, feel free to give it a try. I am doing a 7 day Chakra healing challenge including no PMO all together. I am fallowing a Youtube channel called Meditative Mind that has various Chakra Healing camp meditation videos. Each day we'll be...
  4. GREGOR hulse

    Yoga + Forum + Sleep -Several question

    Hello 1.Can somebody advise me 20 basic yoga poses ? I want do them every day. Probably in the morning. Or you know about some yoga workout. 2. How I start to do my own yournal ? In what section belongs it ? Have I send post of days (day 1, day 2...
  5. Y

    26yo doctor here

    New to this community. I decided to join since I started feeling my emotional need for orgasm was being confused with other triggers. I started developing behavioral patterns where I confused being stressed, in pain or just tired with feeling the need for a release. These occasions were a lot...
  6. D

    Getting out of your comfort zone - Healthy Habits Challenge

    I believe a lot of the depression and laziness stems from the fact that we do not want to come out of our comfort zone and as a result are not able to meet our life goals. Goals such as meeting desired women, work performance, social anxiety, body-building, etc.. Since we fapstronauts already...
  7. Relinquished

    174 Days of Hard Mode, First Wet Dream, In need of advice

    For 174 days I'm abstaining myself from PMO. Not a single drop of sperm in 174 days, until now. After I've returned from vacation my libido has been at its peak, yet I have no urge to PMO. This morning I wake up at the limit of orgasm. It happened before but I always woke up before ejaculation...

    The DECEIT of 'casual' / pre-marital sex

    "I read your posting, and I just want to tell you what has struck me about so many of the guys here on NoFap: So many of the guys feel that porn is just an awful awful thing (which it is). So many of many of the guys find fapping itself to be just an awful awful thing. But reading some of their...
  9. D

    What App’s do you use to help?

    Hey everyone, I wanted to know: what app’s do you use to help in the process? It doesn’t have to be only porn related, but anything that helps you. I already use: Fortify (it’s a great tool to overcome the addiction) MyFitnessPal (it helps me get a healthy diet. healthier body = healthier...
  10. D


    Hey everyone, I wanted to know: what app’s do you use to help in the process? It doesn’t have to be only porn related, but anything that helps you. I already use: Fortify (it’s a great tool to overcome the addiction) MyFitnessPal (it helps me get a healthy diet. healthier body = healthier...
  11. D

    Noo-tropics|Herbs and supplements that help recover the body But do Not make you horny

    Any supplements or herbs that would help to recover the body, immune system, brain functioning, hormonal balance and strength, etc. that would not induce horniness? I mean some of them, help your immune system and hormones and all that. But seriously it's a bit like taking vi**ra with some them...
  12. M

    Does NoFap boost testosterone levels?

    Is it true that obstaining from masterbation, sex, porn whatever increase testesterone or is it just a myth? Seen a few threads where people claim it's true. And being on day 56 I know my libido is a lot higher than when I started. Also is it true that when doing NoFap, you release more...

    CUTTING Toxic Relationships From My Life !!

    Especially from the parental household and relatives unfortunately. Can I have some support and tips for doing it ? Feel free to express yourself.

    How to REMOVE sugar / refined sugar from my diet ?

    I don't want any rationalizing "sugar is good for you" deceptions in this thread please, but rather PRACTICAL simple ways to eat without any toxic sugar. Thank you.
  15. Mr. Robot

    Questions on reboot/relapse

    I recently made the decision to make my computer and phone porn free, toss my porn videos and my old dirty magazines, and make a serious run at reboot. I had just gone 10 days without ejaculation, probably the longest amount of time since I was 12 years old. I didn't look at porn or physically...
  16. Souhail

    Acne problems

    Hey guys I have this acne and blackhead problem over my nose and to areas close to my nose . The acne is disappearing but blackheads are even more black now . Anyone have any tips on how to stop them and how to take care of skin ?
  17. C

    Bettering myself to better others [Personal Progress Post]

    I am currently starting this because I feel as though my body needs a full detox. I do not strictly have a life ruining addiction to P/M but it does take up an unreasonable amount of time and can result in me going to sleep an entire hour later each night. I want to improve myself for the...
  18. S


    With PMO comes a trail of moodiness, regret, anxiety, irritability and even depression. This in turn leads to more PMO as a "feel good" high. It's a bad loop and we all have to recognize our triggers/urges. I feel breathing exercises elicit a state of meditation and mindfulness, along with...
  19. Wokie

    30 days of Challenge for Better Health

    I am truly happy to that I found this community where we can discuss things we cant discuss with others. I thinking of myself addicted to p and m from about 5 years and I always felt ashamed and sad after doing it so tried to cut this habit little by little by doing it less or creating a gap of...
  20. Pray4Jah

    Honestly IDK what to do...

    I'm currently 17 doing Hard Mode. I relapsed, and like most other times it sucks. I go into a raw state where I am aware of every imperfection in my life. It's like someone's ripped the glasses off my face and I can see all my problems clearly. My mind frantically searching for a way to deal...
  21. D

    Nice pecs, weird nipples

    I started doing freeletics since January and Alhamdulillah I have achieved a decent physique till now. The thing is although I'm in pretty good shape, my nipples are puffy almost all the time. How do I deal with this? Will the puffiness disappear once I achieve a good nofap streak? I read...
  22. H

    Does Masturbation cause pimples/acne?

    Guys so I suffer from a huge acne problem. Have noticed that it always worsens after i masturbate. However after searching online and reading forums, i couldn't find any conclusive evidence linking acne to masturbation. Was wondering if any of you guys suffer from the same..
  23. D

    How bad are wet dreams

    Hi, i was wondering if anyone knows how bad wet dreams are in terms of healing from the physical effects of pmo. In the past ive had wet dreams and i always feel kinda crappy afterwards and it makes me discouraged.
  24. G

    What my infection made me think!

    Hey there, Gokul G here. I'm a 25 year old management student from Kerala, India. I was so happy and excited by watching porn and fapping off that I used to do the same every day when I was home and had a self imposed restriction on fapping when I'm in my hostel room. I knew that it was wrong...
  25. M

    here we go

    hey everyone, after years of off and on, and some periods of out of control PMO frequency, I have found NoFap and am deciding to get clean from porn and its grip on my life. I recently started struggling with maintaining arousal while having sex, and I felt ashamed in front of my...
  26. Foxhole

    Anal insertion for medical reason

    In short. I have an medical condition that requires using anal dilatator (which is basically butt plug) in order to stretch my sphincter. Some of you maybe see the problem right away: anal stimulation is one of my unhealthy desires. Even if I can control myself not to M, it still drags my...
  27. Vulkan

    Insomnia - advice?

    Since I reduced porn and masturbation a lot, my insomnia has worsened (could be coincidence). I tried different things: -just try to sleep even when not tired (laying in bed awake until morning) -staying awake whole day and then until evening (doesn´t fix sleep pattern) -experimenting with...
  28. CrimsnBlade

    60 Days to Better Health

    I am currently doing the 90 day challenge, and I was thinking the other day how I need to be healthier, exercise more, the things we always tell ourselves to do but never really get around to doing them. But I considered that I'm already changing my PMO habits for 90 days, why not add something...
  29. ZenAF

    Long Term Health Risks of NoFap

    Fellow NoFappers This issue is something that concerned me about the NoFap way before I even understood the severity of my own addiction and joined NoFap. In 2016 researchers from Harvard University released a study involving 31'925 men (age 20-29 and 40-49) of which they observed the...
  30. SpartanViking

    Is long-term abstinence healthy? (Edit)

    Edit 09/04/2018: This edit will make things right. Losing male's fluid is bad for health. Period. If you try to reproduce after a year of abstinence, you will have a lot of old sperms, but you will have also a lot of new sperm. I don't know how much of each, but at the end the ovum will be...
  31. Campos

    No PMO and SUGAR?

    Im a healthy guy, with gym always comes diet and restrictions, im kinda getting used to that life, switching between cutting and bulking, knowing what to put in my diet plan and all that. I was fat so i cutted sugar from my diet and when i lost all my desired weight i reintrudeced sugar to the...
  32. ModernRoman


    There are many opinions on supplements around the web. Its really hard to narrow down on which ones to take or even if any is needed. It would be nice if everyone can list: 1)Supplements you take 2)Reputable scientific studies/articles published that convinced you on that supplement 3) Your...
  33. lola lulu

    high pressure

    whenever I quit pm, my pulse rate and pressure jumped. Is this normal ? should i be worried ?
  34. J

    New Life! Thank you guys

    I'm 22, I used to do PMO things on a daily basis since puberty. Two years ago, I found myself having a severe PIED. At first I was denying it saying that I was exhausted or drunk or any other excuse, my girlfriend didn't show any reaction she was afraid to embarrass me. The PIED wasn't regular...
  35. Legendary23


    Hello, I look forward to this journey of recovery. I'm 24 years old, and I started PMOing at the age of 14. My friends from school introduced me to Internet porn. I've been using it consistently ever since. I wouldn't consider myself a heavy user, but regardless I'm still an addict. I've never...
  36. M

    Permanent Brain Damage?

    Well guys it is my second day with NoFap after probably 6 years. I did not know what I was really doing to my health, but I needed, my brain asks for it. Everybody tell me that it was ok. Recently I started to feel no motivation, I can not make important decisions in my life, I am depressed...
  37. C

    Should I see a doctor? 17 year old

    Ok, so im 17, and for a week straight I PMO'd twice a day with some of these over a extended period (edging). On the last day when I orgasmed, I got a migraine which lasted a full day. After that I realised it was a problem and started a counter. Over the last three weeks I have relapsed twice...
  38. S

    21st century Part I

    Hello guys.Im a member since quite some time and i love this community and i want to thank all of you helping me go through this.I basically experimented with myself and yes, it did change my life. See what happens with the brain is that it changes its pleasure source from pornography to the...
  39. R

    Journal: Improving My Sexual Health

    Hey guys, completely new here, so forgive any 'transgressions'. Recently have found out prone masturbation is damaging to your sexual health. And I've been doing it for the past 8 years, always thought it was perfectly healthy and natural. Apparently it's not. I slept with a friend of mine a...
  40. MellowFellow

    Giving up sugar

    It's the festive time of year and as I type this my house is full of sugary foods and drinks. I eat and drink them mechanically and joylessly because like PMO they've become a crutch and a problem. Having said that, I enjoy food that is bad for me and don't much like healthy and ethical food...
  41. mcpyykkiteline

    45 days PM clean, a porn and sex addict

    Hi all, I'm now 45 days away from watching porn and masturbating. I have touched my penis a few times. Naturally after watching porn for 15 years, the cravings are still there and I've been hard many times during the days. But I have done no masturbation. As I'm in a healthy sexual...
  42. monkonroad

    Guys please help

    It's been 12 days since I last ejaculated in my sleep. I'm a bit worried. Is it normal? Have you experienced this? Please help. Thank you. I'm on day 23 of NoFap journey.
  43. R

    Hello everyone I am gald to be a part of NoFap. I find this is very important and good .

    Hello Every One ... ! I am gald to be a part of NoFap. I find this is very good for me and my health. I want to remove my bad habits and want to be a gentleman. I am not shying because removing bad thing from our life is very important.
  44. monkonroad

    Back to NoFap after 360 days. Here's what happened!

    I came across the word NoFap about 360 days ago. I had realized about my addiction and registered on this website. However, my motivation did not last for long. I couldn't control myself. I stopped coming back to this website. My addiction continued and I watched porn almost every day and...
  45. D


    At the age of 20, I don't have a beard. Just a few hair on my chin. My skin all over my body also has less hair and I'm only 5 feet 7 inches tall. Also I get puffy nipples unless I am in a cold environment. And whenever I make a mistake, even a little one, I began cursing myself and I feel that...
  46. D

    How to stop getting colds and the flu?

    I keep getting colds and the flu in the winter. Last week I came down with the flu and still have a cold. Is there anything I can do to lessen the amount of times I get colds. I can't afford being sick so much, plus I hate feeling this way.
  47. C

    Glad to have found this

    Hello All, As the title states, while I am very glad to have found this site/group, I'm also slightly dismayed that it only happened by accident. I came across an article online which listed the benefits of abstaining from pornography. While I didn't know whether or not I was "addicted" to...
  48. T


    Please do Not comment on this thread. There were too many negative people commenting and I can't answer all of them. Have a nice day!
  49. B

    NoFap made life easier. 4 Month Journey, 61 day streak (exception of wet dreams)

    My life was easy and smooth. I started fapping in 2011 when i was 17. I became a regular fapper in 2012. I also started edging (phone sex) without masturbating afterwards. Basically I was never addicted to porn. The only thing I did too much was the phone sex which is a type of edging. There...
  50. D

    Monk mode

    I posted this as a message on some thread and thought I'd share it with everyone "Well the fluids in both men and women are made in our body's from our blood, our semen is made from our blood it's like a few good cups of blood (as well as breast milk), that is why we feel so exhausted after sex...
  51. Captain K'nuckles

    Do you think getting sick during nofap slows down the reboot?

    In the early days of the streak i get a cold with fever, so i feel like i miss the positive effects of the early days and i go to flatline when i get cured, do you ever experienced this?
  52. M

    Intro to NoFap

    Whats up everyone. I am here because I want to defeat my PMO habits/addiction. PMO addiction has been been a part of my life for years, and I know that cutting it out will be a huge change. I know it will change me physically, mentally, and spiritually. When I ask myself why it has taken me so...
  53. Captain K'nuckles

    Cold showers with a cold?

    Do you take it? if so, the symptoms change or anything?
  54. shadeslayer1

    Here's to getting healthy!

    Hey everyone, my name is Giovanni, and I'm 24 years old I've been struggling with porn for 12 years. Like the title says, and why I imagine most are here, I want my life back. I've been feeling a lot of the effects of pornography in my daily life for quite some time and I feel as if beginning...
  55. D

    How much weight is considered low ?

  56. Aman2321

    New Member

    Hello Guys, I am new here, starting a new journey with NoFap. Please support me. Needed motivation from your side. :) Thanks. Aman
  57. I

    Is fapping once every day bad?

    Is fapping once every day is bad or unhealthy for me? should I stop and how, I tried to but its hard, i need to know if its unhealthy for me to fap everyday once
  58. S

    New to NoFap

    Hi guys as the title says I'm new to NoFap and really want to solve the issues I have. I've been watching porn and masturbating as early as 10 years old, I'm now 22 and for those that are wondering I'm male. Within the last year or so I have realized how much of a negative effect masturbation...
  59. W

    An Achievement

    Now, firstly I'm not saying this is a massive successful goal, but given that I have never done anymore than sit on my laptop literally all day, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now. I did something that I normally couldn't be bothered to do. I went for a long walk. I went on a nice...
  60. W

    Why is it wrong?

    So... I'm a 19 years old guy I masturbate and all that stuff and I know that it is healthy (it literally is part of some treatments for mental issues).. For example, when I was a kid I really used to struggle with my self steam and sexuality and masturbating without guilt helped me a lot! I...
  61. R

    30+ Days NoFap Testicular pain while running

    Hey Guys, Looking for some advice. I am getting pain in my right nut after 3 miles in on the run. It subsides when i sit down and wait for 15 mins. I use to be able to run 8-9 miles without any pain and since NoFap its bothering me. I'm no doctor but I speculate somethings similar to...
  62. H

    Benefits from drinking hot water

    I found some article about drinking hot water. You can read it here, or elsewhere. I started to drink warm water after boiling it. And you know what? I found that it brings down temptations. You even don't pee that much, which is kinda weird. After drinking more than one litre of water I don't...
  63. B

    My health dilemma

    Dear fapstronaults, I am new at Nofap, in fact its my first day. In brief I will put my story below so that you can guide me as per your experience. Some ten years back I started masturbating, it was devoid of porn. I mistakenly played with the penis and from that day till now the life went...
  64. _overcomer_

    I have a strong headache...

    Hello, I'm now at day 7. I'm so happy. But since yesterday I have a really strong headache! I feel very weak :( Is there a connection maybe with the 7days?
  65. Enzo227

    About circumcision... I think I have a health issue...

    Since I started the NoFap Challenge I began to feel more worried about my personal hygiene: I take care a lot of my skin, I make efforts to keep my hair to look nicely, I try to keep my hands neat... I might have become a bit vain recently, but all in order to improve my self-esteem. During...
  66. D

    How I healed myself of anxiety

    Hope this helps some people. Backstory In 2015, I developed anxiety. I've always been a very happy, sociable person. But anxiety slowly accumulated around the community development work I do and my efforts being "successful" or not. I soldiered on for a year, being the voice of hope for my...
  67. syndicate-london

    Trying out fitness routine

    I am interested in living a healthy life. I am skinny-fat, so it is quite hard to get my muscles to grow. I have a strong metabolism, but small stomach. I want to start out with some calisthenics because it looks awesome, and it is incredible how people doing calisthenics have mastery over their...
  68. P

    Music sounds better now!

    Hello, have you noticed that when you abstain, improve you life, get a clear mind and so on, music starts to sound better? I study music and listen to music almost all day so my hearing is very good, and I've realized when I get a period of anxiety or depression it's like music sounds like shit...
  69. AngryGroceries

    Rebooting, Lifestyle Changes, and Starting Over

    My Story Where to begin... I'm a 22 year old male university student studying Computer Science in the Midwest United States. I've been using porn most likely since the 6th grade, although I can't quite remember exactly at what age I started. Since then, I've gotten to the point where I use it...
  70. S


    Can you guys help me to how to increase testimonials in men's body?? i would be really glad to know
  71. Frick

    25 years old, straight male, have never ejaculated during sex (haven't had much sex to begin with)

    My daily hardcore porn viewings began at age 18, and by 21 I'd still never had a girlfriend (or anything close to sex). An 18-year-old virgin found me on Facebook and we began a roller coaster of an Internet love affair (pathetic, I know). She lived 2,000 miles away, and it was almost two years...
  72. Sir_Dave

    A Scientific Discussion regarding the Pros and Cons of Rebooting (Respect required)

    Hey there everyone. I am sure a lot of you are reaping the benefits of NoFap and that is brilliant to hear. It is wonderful to see so many happy people. Now onto the gritty stuff of why I am here. I am here to ask for any scientific paper that contains any kind of supporting evidence to NoFap...
  73. MidasDelima

    Physical and Emotional Healing

    Hi NoFap! and everyone here, So I don't really know where to begin, but I guess starting with talking about myself and why I joined this group would help. Hmmm, I'm a 22 year old male, I started fapping early on around when I was 11-12 and at the time I didn't even know I was fapping because I...