heart rate

  1. L

    Headaches, high blood pressure, brain fog, pots

    Hello everyone, Im in the 2nd Week of nofap, i was a huge PMOer for years, the withdrawals in the 2nd week are insane, strong headache and high blood pressure, brain fog after Training and no ability to concentrate. Did anyone else experienced the same symptoms after starting nofap? Thank you.
  2. D

    Alarming Heart Palpitations After Masturbating

    I am incredibly concerned. The last few days have been problematic for my sexual health journey. I spent them constantly masturbating and giving into my worst vices, often three times per day. I honestly did not care to count how many times I did it today, but I would assume it was a total of...
  3. Jwarrior77

    Embarrasing story....need advice

    This is really embarrassing and I'm ashamed that I did this but I'm currently wearing a Holter Monitor which is basically a heart rate monitor that records the heart's activity for 48 hours. I relapsed while on it and was wondering if the doctors can tell that I masturbated do to the heart...
  4. LastGoodbye

    Heart Issues

    I just woke up to another night of a racing heart and cold sweats. I have been dealing with this condition for about three weeks now. Overall my symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, lightheadedness, rapid heart rate, loose bowels and flu-like symptoms (in the early stages). I have been...
  5. N

    I'm checking my heart rate and Blood Pressure all the time. Is it normal?

    Hi guys, In my other posts i told about my story and anxiety/heart palpitations etc. But, maybe 20 times in one day im checking my pulse. Does my heart beat okay, is it faster or slower. I have 55/60 bpm in rest rate and my blood pressure is 115/70 , 80% of the time. But im obssesed with...