
  1. blacklabel92

    dont let people know what u have

    if your one of those people who looks at buttery things (sports cars, busty women, flashy jewelry) and wish they were yours, stop it! i say accept and be proud of what u have. keep driving that crappy car even when u can afford 100 sports cars. never let people know what u have. move in silence...
  2. blacklabel92

    Benefits ( approaching 30 days )

    So i started back up around Thanksgiving 2020. Im sure im approaching 30 days soon. The longest streak i had was 20-ish days. The benefits: 1. Increased Confidence 2. Better Eye Contact 3. Testosterone is higher 4. Interaction is more positive with other strangers. 5. Stronger attraction to...
  3. D

    A fulfilling lifestyle that doesn't require fapping

    Hi there, I'm busy setting up a lifestyle that is so fulfilling that masturbation doesn't have to be an option anymore. Most people masturbate because they have an unfulfilling sexual lifestyle. What I'm going to do is to learn a way of life that doesn't need fapping. The motivation for not...
  4. L

    An uncommon story

    Hello, I'm 22 years old and like the most people I read posts about, I started watching porn and masturbating at the age of 11/12. When I was 13 I started smoking and shortly after smoking pot, wich led to having several social problems and bad grades in school, which I tried to compensate with...
  5. D

    Jocko Podcast 5: John Willinck, 'Corrective Measures'

    Leadership is manipulating towards a positive outcome The best way to win is when your opponent does not even know you won and that there was even a battle Never undertake actions (in your team) that cannot be reversed If you are wrong, look forward to admitting it Do not flaunt your victories...
  6. D

    Jocko Podcast 1: John 'Jocko' Willinck

    A quick note for those of you who may be confused as to the randomness of the order I am uploading these podcast notes. I cannot recall what lead me to start at the fourteenth podcast, but I have listened to the ones previous to that in the past. I intend to work up from the first and fill in...
  7. D

    Battle Cry!

    Hey you guys, I would like to thank all of you for sharing your journey’s and inspiring me to want to join this family of Fapstronauts officially. I came across this community a couple of months ago in search of answers. Even though I would seek out other people threads for advice and stories...
  8. D

    Update on my life :)

    Hey guys I know I have been gone for a couple of months, but I wanted to let you guys know how I`ve been doing. I`ve graduated with a bachelors in psychology, im now 30, and im going to church. I`m entering into christian counseling to help me with my faith and my porn addiction. I have banned...
  9. LA95

    Self Discipline

    "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, the opposite of addiction is connection" In no way addicted to PMO but have had enough with Porn and Masturbation. It's sickening and frightening what harm Porn can do to your brain. I've preached over and over again the benefits of NoFap but have...
  10. Fap5tr0naut

    Living Humbly

    Hey fellow Fapstronauts, So I've been in this vicious cycle of rebooting and falling down for a while now and I know if I want to see lasting change I need to do things differently than I have been - I've gotta go all in, that's why I decided today is the day. Today is the first day of the rest...