
  1. T

    Hurt and confused (long post, sorry)

    Hi, this is my first time posting here. I didn't know where else to go. I feel so ashamed and I can't talk to my friends or family about my situation. I have been with my husband for 13 years, married for 4. At the beginning of our relationship, I was clear about my feelings regarding porn...
  2. Love Salvation

    Seeking stimulation while married

    My Childhood had many sexual experiences and I believe this could be a root cause to the problems that are to follow . I recently got married and been so busy with the two Children and situations . We have had sex a handful of times . Though the first few times I was so nervous I couldnt barely...
  3. A

    Wife needs advice from men.

    Hello, I'm not entirely sure if I'm in the right sub thread here. My apologies if I've gotten it wrong. I've been trolling the web looking for a good place to try and anonymously speak with other men suffering DE. It's not a widely spoken about subject, but I'm hoping I've found a good community...
  4. Y

    Discipline is choosing between what you want now & what you want most!

    Hi Guys, I'm relatively new around here I didn't post an intro but thought I should in order to be more involved with the forum. You can find my journal/log following the link below the more people responding and giving constructive criticism r even words of encouragement honestly would mean...
  5. L

    Can porn addiction change someone's personality?

    It has now gone one year since my husband changed personality. From being a very calm, logical and even tempered person, he has turned into a moody, grumpy, withdrawn “teenager”. Me, on the other hand, have inadvertently turned into his nagging mother. During this time, I’ve found out about...
  6. W

    Husband quit porn but doesn't believe in quitting

    Husband quit because I asked him to. I know everyone will say that he is lying but you don't know him. He doesn't believe in lying and has quit other addictions cold turkey that could kill other men. He sets his mind to something and that's it. He is doing it out of respect for me but he...
  7. W

    husband that stopped porn but doesn't believe in quitting...

    So... My husband has stopped watching porn. He doesn't think anything is wrong with it and has never hidden it from me. He only hid it on the browser history after I asked him to, years ago when every time I stubbled upon it, felt like a knife. Our sex life is empty. He says that he has low sex...
  8. L

    Replaced by teen girls

    My husband and I have known each other for almost five years and up until recently enjoyed (in my opinion at least) an exceptionally happy marriage. Very early on in our relationship, he confessed to me that he wasn't a very sexual person. Masturbation was something he didn't like, porn...
  9. aoisakurachan

    A wife of a suspected porn addict in need of help

    Hey there, I'm the wife of a suspected porn addict. I'm pretty frustrated and upset, because I have my suspicions but I feel like I can't talk to anyone about it. I DO need a judgement free place to just get some advice. So let me give you some background before I get into my question. It's a...
  10. machu

    Hello everyone!!

    I am 36 year old husband and father. I have been addicted to porn since my early teens. Ever since I became addicted, I became very secretive finding different ways to be alone and see or visualize porn to masturbate. That is the only force driving me. Some times I go on for days masturbating at...
  11. Keeptrying1432

    I'm extremely hard on myself when I relapse

    I am a wife to a very good and loving husband. We've been married for a little more than two years, we have a beautiful daughter and I'm currently pregnant with our second. He's a resident and works so hard with crazy shifts and long hours. It's important for me that when he comes home he feels...
  12. moonesque

    Harmful Assumptions (Images) of Yourself

    Just a quick few bullet points from an article I thought I’d share. I encourage others to read these bullet points and just try to think about them without judging yourself (bad or good). Really try to see them and see who you are behind these images or conditions you’ve put yourself in...
  13. S

    Restart (again) : 1 week and still going

    Hello everyone.. I'm a 23 y/o man, married (almost 4 year now), with 1 kid. I have this problem since 15 or 16. I married when I was 19, it's prety common in Moslem community you know, young marriage. I thought I can easly remove this habbit when I have a wife. But, sadly it's getting worse. My...
  14. B

    My husband is in denial about his porn addiction.

    Lots to read! I’ve always been open and understanding but now it’s becoming to much. I met him and found out he needed viagara (I was 24 and he was 34) although it was a young age, I accepted. Now four years on and married viagara doesn’t work anymore. When I met him he said he would watch and...
  15. L

    New to NF. Married, kids, porn

    This is my first time ever posting to any kind of message board, and first time on NoFap. I'm aiming for 90 days without porn or masturbation. Porn has been a part of my life since I was a teenager. I've managed to drastically reduce my use of porn since being with my amazing wife for the past...
  16. T

    My journal

    3 days removed from dday. Every day has been hard for me and my wife. Not from any PMO urges, just the damage I have done. She is mad at me this morning because I didn't wake up when she got out of bed with the kids. I feel like I'm trying to learn about my addiction to PMO to give me the...
  17. Blackswan

    Will I ever be whole again....

    The love of my life has never been sexually committed to me... he’s drive was always elsewhere... sadly I thought that was marriage... that was life in general.... mayb because I got married too young or was too naive... am I ever going to be good enough for him? Is his life not complete with...
  18. Blackswan

    Feelings that haunt me....

    I try so hard to stay positive... to try to move on in order to help him pass this addiction... but one minute I feel I can do this and the next i feel haunted... haunted by images he may have looked at... haunted by what he watched... haunted by how he may have felt for it.. how he may have...
  19. D

    Is this a relapse?

    Hi everyone, so I had set my goals to no PMO for a month however my husband and I ended up having relations last night and MO ended up happening, I'd like to know if this is considered a relapse? I've seen 2 stances in these forums: 1) Yes it is a relapse because regardless of whether or not it...


    I believe that women can sense that there is something violently wrong with PMO. It is well noted that porn is highly unfavorable among wives, and girlfriends. We have all heard the stories of wives, or girlfriends finding out about the pornographic use of their spouses, or boyfriends...
  21. wifeofaddict01

    HELP Husband searches for nude women when he's right besides me

    So this is really hurting me , we are sitting next to each other In opossite ways, now we are withoyt wifi connection so he can't watch P , so he downloads tons of pics every single day. Amd he thinks I don't know but I do... We have talked about it and still he does those things... he's...
  22. wifeofaddict01

    Hello I'm new here

    So, I'm a wife of someone who is addicted to pornography .and I think my story isn't very different from other people. But this year I found out about his addiction. The year I got married to him. We were bf and gf and He Would all the time say I was the only woman he wanted so see nude or even...
  23. B

    Day One - Never Came Before

    Apologies in advance for the long and possibly explicit thread, I want to change my life from today. I'm currently in Paris, laying down next to my wife, who today caught me masterbating in the hotel bathroom immediately after we had intercourse. I'm 29 years old and I have never cum from oral...
  24. Shockedbuddy

    Positive changes between you and your SO

    Hey, guys! First of all: you all doing a great job! The fact that you are already here is really HUGE change. I want to ask: did you noticed any positive changes between you and your SO (wife/GF, husband/BF) when you started your journey? What is the most noticable experience in the...
  25. E

    Men who has live web cam addiction. I'm a woman seeking the truth

    I saw that mainly men discuss this topic and seeking help. I'm a woman, a wife and a mother to a 4mo baby boy. I'm desperate to understand what is going on with my family and whether we have any chances of being a positive family example for our beautiful son! It breaks my heart! My husband is...
  26. N

    Are pictures or vids of your SO still considered porn ?

    I'm playing Devil's Advocate here and asking a question that may possibly help people out (or I may get flamed to death !). So here goes : is looking at pictures and videos of your SO wrong ? I know it's not physical contact (which is the ideal) and I know it's still masturbation (which won't...
  27. C

    Quest to be better

    Hello. I joined this community to ultimately be a better husband. Lately I have been having trouble performing for my husband. I feel awful. I masturbate all the time to porn. And I'm suspicious that this may be related to my inability to have sex. It's to a point that I actually look forward...