
  1. LongSault

    The Black Pill, a retrospection...

    Introduction It all started back in 2018. I was sitting at a computer at college, browsing MGTOW content on YouTube, as I had been doing since two years prior to that point. That day (which was in April), I saw some interesting looking videos in the recommendations feed to the right of the...
  2. she-dernatinus

    This has to be a joke : 4chan's Femboy Blackmail Cult

  3. embodiment of luck

    Why people hate Incels?

    These poor people carry a heavy burden and some of them will die as a Virgin, which is very sad and hard think to accept. I guess the hatred started when some frustrated men started the violence against poor young girls who reject them, and those incels on Internet celebrated all this incident...
  4. Mettella

    Taking Action

    Hi, I am also new here and using nofap as a way to restructure my life. Currently 31 years old, never been in a relationship. Unfortunately I have a lot of issues with all kinds of relationships due to my schizoid personality. Hopefully the higher testosterone and lack of sexual relief coming...
  5. thorswrath32

    Incels or 'nice guys' (involuntarily celibates) has porn/media affected their view on females?

    Hi folks! I've been watching a lot of videos on You Tube lately about so called 'incels' or 'nice guys' and i find the subject quite interesting because it does seem to describe a certain group of predominantly guys who have a self pittying, defeatest and aggressive, not to mention skewed view...