
  1. jurte

    Can’t go 24 hours without it

    I have a big problem. 24 years old and I’ve been fighting this addiction since I was a teen. Longest I’ve ever gone was 60+ days and that was like five years ago. I’m single, my previous relationships finished because of my decision to do so. Can’t say that it wasn’t fault of my PMO addiction...
  2. R

    How to overcome Hocd and porn escalation. (Long Post)

    I tried posting this on the reddit but for whatever reason it instantly got removed by moderators. This in no way discriminates anyone with different sexualities. This is simply a post that is aimed at helping people who suffer from porn induced hocd to see through their anxiety and realise that...
  3. M

    Feet fetish explained

    I read a lot about addiction. Porn addiction is inherent of the new era of technology. One of the most common fetishes is feet fetish. But what are it's foundations ? Someone named Sigmund Freud told me that feet fetish is generated because someone's foot looks like a penis, but is it realy the...
  4. Second_chance

    Self defeating and feeling less and inferior

    Once again i relapsed, after almost a year and a half of battling this addiction. I dont know how i manage to mantain my relationship with my GF but i feel so guilty when i relapse, (she thinks i dont watch P at all) the other day so got mad because i accidentaly told her i watch some girl ass...
  5. Second_chance

    Dating girlfriend but can't climax

    Hi guys, Truth be told im dealing with rebooting for almost a year and a half, all the same time i've been dating my girlfriend. At first i had problems trying to stay hard during sex and then if i manage to do that i could climax, or it would take ages to do it. I figure it out it was because...