
  1. monkeymode

    New to this community

    Hello my name is monkey mode. I am new to nofap although i have dabbled in several YouTube videos on the subject in the past month. My story is a unique one as I'm sure everyone's is, I have been emotionally damaged in the past and started masturbating at a young age without really knowing what...
  2. M

    Hi, new Faptronaut Tom here

    Hello everyone! Pleased to meet you all. I am an 23 year old male. I started watching porn since I was 14 years old and that is just about the time I started gaming too. In this time I lost almost all of my social contacts that go further an an chat inside an game. So over time those habbits...
  3. K


    Hi Im new to this community I had done nofap for 40 days and I finally messed up today. I had promised my girlfriend Id stop altogether please give me some support Ive been surviving on sheer willpower alone.
  4. M

    Just want to be done with porn

    I'm 21(M), and masturbation used to be a daily thing for me when I was younger. I've been cutting back lately making it be more of a weekly thing, but I've looked at porn for the past three days consistently. I know I always feel like shit afterward, but part of me just wants to feel an...
  5. I

    New fapstrounauts introduction

    Hi,i am a human who want to stop watching por*,i am not over do this but i think por* is bad and not good for me and my future i hope i can stop my bad habid starting from now,i need your advice and Cooperation regards from indonesia Thanks :) nb:my English not gud but i will try it out