k9 blocker

  1. Turner

    What kind of Porn-blocking software do you use ?

    I've read several times around the forums that many are using k9 security. I tried to install it. However, I cannot request a license for it since the link the installer uses is no longer available. So what good alternatives could you recommend?
  2. D

    k9 servers are down?

    Hello, everyone. Today I noticed that my k9 stopped blocking porn sites. While it blocks all sites in my exception list, the category blocker doesn't work. Some time ago I noticed similar behaviour, but it soon stopped (probably after I restarted my PC). So now the gate to the big adult world is...
  3. D

    Google drives me crazy

    Hi, guys. The thing is, google drive contains lots of porn. Video porn. And I found that restricting access to porn helps, at least to a certain degree. So I banned reddit, torrent sites, safe mode on Windows, editing registry, restricted installing programs (especially TOR), also banned...
  4. sinner76

    [TUT] Blocking porn on all devices. Give your willpower an aid! Easy streaks

    Moderators, please don't move this thread. It has been moved many times to wrong categories before being brought back here by the admins. Topics of this sub-forum include: Potential benefits, tips, advice, peer support, etc. So this is the right sub-forum. "NoFap is like trying to quit smoking...
  5. WonderingKid21

    Block Internet Porn on your devices by blocker software - works for me

    Plan D: it works fine with me and it is (I think) unbreakable (You still have access to the internet on phone but you have to lock your phone settings along with the bad apps) For PC, (Qustodio and K9 together or Qustodio alone but not k9 alone) Qustodio (on PC) (let some trusted and...
  6. GSM

    Filters yes or no?

    Haven't posted on here for a very long time, I have been using for filters now for about a year and I've come to realise I don't think its possible to ever completely block porn, ive spent hours blocking websites, removing browsers but due to the fact that I would consider my self quite advanced...
  7. T

    Certain Websites not being blocked by K9? HELP!

    Hey guys, I'm a few days shy of reaching my one month goal! While I'm really pleased, I've discovered that certain websites aren't being blocked by my K9 web protection. It's been fantastic so far at blocking the porn and porn-substitute sites I know of (as well as many I don't) but, for some...
  8. T

    I have installed K9 on my computer for blocking porn, but i need more

    K9 does not block bad subreddits, it does not block bad google searches, but more importantly, i have nothing that blocks porn on my phone. I need something that requires a password to bypass. Please help me. Also, there seems to be something that happens after 7 days. I always fail after 7...
  9. J

    Help with K9!

    Hi guys, I really need help. I am a member of Nofap on reddit for a while now (a month or two), but have been trying to quit for a while now. Anyway, I found K9 web protection at some point and it is a great help. It really is. I made a random password for an email address, and gave that...
  10. light&light

    Relapsed using Erotic stories

    I relapsed again. Yesterday I have reset and today I relapsed. I am such an A-hole. This time, not a reset. But a full relapse. I read some erotic stories and masturbated twice on that. In my PC, I used K9 web protection software to block the porn sites. But K9 only blocks porn in English sites...
  11. Vulkan

    K9 - URL keywords

    I installed the K9 filter software and I believe it is helpful, but I do not understand how I can filter keywords in URLs. For example, I want to block all URLs containing the word "lesbian" (because it may trigger me to masturbate seeing hot women perform erotic acts in front of me, while I...
  12. Z

    What is the best way to block porn on mobile phones?

    I got K9 on my desktop 4 months ago and since then thanks to this amazing software I managed to not relapse on my PC at all. I fell prey to the urges a couple of times and googled pornographic content but K9 was very efficient in blocking it and making it really uncomfortable for me to go out of...
  13. dsr81

    Issue with K9 and image search

    **WARNING: If K9 is working well for you, you might not want to read about the loophole below.** I’ve had K9 for a while, but I just started using it in two new ways: 1. To block the internet completely during certain hours of the day. 2. To block open image/media search. It seemed good...