
  1. P

    How should I deal with motivation and daily lethargy?

    Hello, everyone.✌️ Past few days I'm in a kind of loop. Every day is the same. I go to bed around 03:00-04:00, woke up around 13:00. I almost spend all day in my room just surfing the internet. I feel so empty. I think I replaced my PMO addiction with more depressing content(politics, daily...
  2. E

    Strange symptom. Trying to figure this one out.

    Hey peeps. I'll try to keep it sweet and short. * I'm 34. Been PMOing for most of my 20s. * Only started with severe symptoms a year ago * Typical P induced stuff I guess : Brain fog, fatigue, lethargy, headaches, insomnia (really bad), ED but not as bad. * Did MRI, full blood, sinus op...
  3. Ajar

    Magnesium, the USDAs biggest blunder.

    Okay listen.....the USDA website claims that magnesium deficiency is rare, But if you look on any kind of peer reviewed science journal, majority of them claim that ~48% of people in the US are magnesium deficient. USDA claims that the normal human being generally eats ~300mg of Mg per day...
  4. GammaF

    First Post - 30 days into NoFap - Gamma's story...

    Dear members, I would like to share my story with all of you, and I hope that someone will find it helpful and encouraging to start your NoFap journey - it's definitely worth it! About me: I'm a 29 years old healthy individual. Always positive and with a smile on my face. I have a foot fetish...
  5. tet2vd

    Brain Fog even after 30 days streak?

    is that common for anyone after 30 days of no PMO? Feeling a bit lethargic and that my mind isn’t quite thinkjng as well despite no PMO in the last 30 days while working on applications for grad school. Granted I did just come off of adderall about a week ago, but I only used it for 17 days at...
  6. V

    I guess I accept my addiction.

    Hi I've heard about nofap a few years ago but I quite never believed that I was addicted. The thing is i quit smoking with the help of Allen Carr's Book and I really don't feel the urge to smoke, I noticed I'm being much more productive and that my life truly is improving. But what about porn...
  7. J

    How to quit this shit

    It's been 11 years of this unwanted and unworthy indulgence,and the only reason is "PORN".i have researched upon all consequences of excessive practicing but even then I failed thousands of times.Though I have felt completely broken from inside a couple of times and I have got many psychological...