
  1. T

    I want to break free...

    Hello, I am new member from Czech Republic. I feel that masturbating and watching porn is killing my will & cause me to waste my lifetime. In the end I only sleep, eat, listen to the music & sometimes have some fun with friends. But my life is boring. For a more than 8 years I havent felt...
  2. H

    I want to take control over my life!

    I was focused on achieving big dreams. As days went by porn and masturbation started to take over my life. I came to a point where I would do it everyday. It's time now that I get back to doing more and achieving those dreams.
  3. forksnknives

    Bucket List

    Hi Guys and Gals. Interested to know what things are on your 'Bucket Lists'? ie. What things do you want to do before you die or hit a certain age? Or perhaps you've already achieved some things? Let's hear those too! For me: Visit Vietnam Visit Niagra Falls Be a one off DJ in a venue! Be a...