long distance relationship

  1. ToVictoryOfSelf

    A question regarding long distance relationships

    Hello everyone! I have a quick question here. So I'm currently in a long distance relationship, and I am not able to see my girlfriend often. We occasionally have video sessions where we tease each other and possibly masturbate to it. My question is how you think about this, having this sort of...
  2. W

    How can I help my long distance boyfriend?

    Hi there! I'm not sure if this is where I should make the thread, but I hope it is. I'm new to this forums. I've (23F) been with my boyfriend (25M) for almost three years and ever since I met him he's been trying NoFap with different degrees of success. Whenever we are together (he staying in...
  3. E

    Relationship Advice Please

    I've been dating a girl for quite a while now and she's really good and I love her a lot but we can't really meet in person and go on dates or other romantic enjoyments as couples...instead we're stuck in this online platform waiting to be together. And really I just mostly talk and flirt and...
  4. H

    long distances, relapses, urges etc.

    Hi Guys (and girls), Since a while I have a (long distance) relationship with an amazing girl and I truly love her so f*cking much that we wanna live together and start a new chapter in our life with each other. And the darkside is: We did several attempts on having sex and from that part on...
  5. Mikuh

    Rebooting while building up long-distance relationship

    Hey guys. Forgive me for english, I am Danish so it may not be the best! Lately I am dating this amazing girl, we have great chemistry, we find each other super attractive, we have similarities and differences, plus we can communicate really well about Rebooting / Abstaining from P. Lately...
  6. rebooter121

    1 day and Intro (Journal)

    Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself at the end of my first 24 hour period no PMO. I am 23 years old and have been trying to kick this thing for a while. Grew up with P (since age 11 or 12), but have never been comfortable using it. Partly religious views, partly just something I feel deep...
  7. Hard gainer

    Help me out in long distance relationship

    Long distance relationship is kind of both bitter and sweet. I have got into new relationship and I love her madly. I am looking forward to get married to her. But the challenge I am facing with the relationship is we are staying 1100 km apart. It takes nearly 20 hours of travel to go to...
  8. B


    I've recently come to terms with the fact that I have an addiction to porn. It has caused several fights and struggles with my significant other and I hope that I find the tools to work through my problem. Thank you all and I look forward to all input
  9. U

    Long Distance Reboot & ED

    Okay quickly I need to provide some background info on my situation. I've been emotionally invested in this girl who lives across the US and I have never met her in person (we webcam and etc). When time came, we finally met in person and we had 5 days and 4 nights to spend with one another...
  10. Journey2therealme

    Relapse and I am gone. How do you handle this?

    I want to start out by saying that I am guilty of not revealing my sexual habit of PMO to my current girlfriend early enough for her to make an informed decision about whether she wants to be with me. Fast forward to now, and she has moved out of her place on the west coast in anticipation of...
  11. Journey2therealme

    I need help! My girlfriend feels abandoned and alone

    I am new to admitting I have a problem with PM to my girlfriend. It has caused PIED for me since college days. I’m now 37, and the build up of shame about my porn habit has eaten me up inside. My girlfriend doesn’t want to have sex with me because she finds porn to be “disgusting...degrading to...
  12. MaskedMan98

    New rebooter

    Hello everyone, i have been doing nofap for 13 days now, I have many questions and confusion, I am 20 years old, i have been first exposed to porn at 12 years old, i was not addicted to it and i rarely masturbated to it, instead i would use my imagination, My penis used to be extremely sensitive...
  13. S

    Successful reboot: Bad to finally have orgasm with dream girl?

    I've been doing really well, about 2 weeks in no MO/PMO...no relapse and the benefits so far have been truly phenomenal. I'm a different human being for sure. At the moment, my girlfriend and I are in a long distance situation. Madly in love and just at different points right now in careers and...
  14. M

    Struggling to do nofap in a new environment

    Hi guys, im really struggling at the moment. Earlier this year I started nofap as fapping was making me depressed. At this time i was working full time and had a set routine and was near my girlfriend. I managed to do a 100 day streak. Now im at university, living away from home and away from...
  15. C

    Phone sex in a long distance relationship

    So I’m currently in a long distance relationship and we only meet up like twice a year because I have strict parents. And we have phone sex almost every week because that’s the closest thing to sexual intimacy we have. Since we’ve been doing that, he’s stopped watching porn and only coming to me...
  16. L

    Long distance relationship

    Hey guys! So I have been saying this guy for about 6 months. We had met on the cam site I was working on but I immediately knew I really liked this guy. So we took it off the cam site and started talking to one another on Skype, Facebook things like that .I quit doing cam things after he asked...
  17. kitsune

    First Day On NoFap And In Need Of Advice

    Today I brought up to my boyfriend that I think he might have a porn addiction. My boyfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship for over half a year, and we've known each other for over 3. We've gone through so much together. He helped me through a horrible past abusive...