
  1. HydrogenAero

    Can You Relapse in A Lucid Dream?

    I know for a fact that dreaming about relapsing is not a relapse since you barely have control over it, but what if the dream was lucid? I'm asking just cuz I'm curious.
  2. modern milarepa

    My father introduced me to porn and I'm glad he did

    Current streak: 384 days no PMO, semen retention. The first time I watched porn I was 15 y.o my father had some VHS movies and he gave them to me. I watched them, it was regular boy and girl porn. I PMO 10 times with them. Then I never watched porn again until I was 25 years old and started to...
  3. M

    Ejaculation Lucid Dream. Journey of life. Mental obsessing over improving.

    My girlfriend and I broke up which caused me to rethink a lot of things that I do. I started NoFap since thanksgiving of last year (2019). Since then I really felt obsessed with making myself better and being perfect. I smoked a lot of weed a drank a fair amount of alcohol before this. I merely...
  4. D

    Is intentional orgasm during lucid dreaming considered masturbation (intentionally induced w dream)?

    I know that generally wet dreams are not considered relapse in this community because they are out of one's control. But what if one is lucid during a dream? That means they have control. I had orgasm during a wet dream. I'm not sure whether this brakes the rules of my reboot which says: "no...
  5. Animation Fan

    Discussion: What About Lucid Dreams?

    Alright, so a quick lesson; lucid dreams are when you become aware that your dreaming. You have total control over your dreamscape, situations, and people/objects in them. The sensations, even if you've never experienced them, are very realistic. Most people experience them a few times in their...
  6. RaidBull

    Sex in lucid dreams... is it allowed during Reboot?

    Hello, I'm a proud lucid dreamer. When I have such a dream, I can do whatever I want, because I know that I am dreaming. When I decide to have sex, would that be something with a negative effect on my reboot? When I wake up, I don't have cravings, neither for P, nor for M.
  7. Urtarget1992

    The story continues. Light and the end of the tunnel with ocd and nofap

    Hi guys, This is my second attempt at a long streak and im currently on day 57( i don't always check the date) I keep a counter , i look maybe once every to weeks. The more you look the more difficult nofap gets. My previous story (background is here)...
  8. RedPillRebooter

    Lucid dreaming ~ holy shit another world out there

    Had my first lucid dream a few nights ago. Goddamn... Fucking unreal. I've done nearly all the drugs - psychedelics, but lucid dreaming feels real as shit. I remember I could feel myself standing on the ground. I remember I tried to shoot someone but couldn't because I couldn't remember how a...