married newbie

  1. I

    I've been trying to quit for 9 years.

    Hello. I'm new to this website but have been a lurker on the subreddit for a while. I'm 27 year-old man, married with three small kids and roman Catholic. I've been trying to quit pornography for 9 years with some success. I was a daily/multiple times per day user and, at my recent best...
  2. VivreLibre

    Here it goes...

    Hello, I'm completely new to this idea and community. I'm a 23 yo married college student. I've struggled with PM since my mid teens. I experienced what was similar to "monk mode" for almost two years. That was one of the best times of my life. I was learning so much about myself during that...
  3. 4

    Another fapstronaut starts training

    Hey all, (TL;DR: only porn abstinence, I'm being vague with my definition. I don't masturbate frequently and besides yesterday was good for a while. It'll be good for me and my wife all around.) 24, m, "Lite-mode." I am blessed with a healthy (married) sex life, and I am joining this to keep...
  4. B

    90-Day PMO Reboot Day #6

    I'm a 56-year-old Christian man, married for 32 years, and addicted to porn for 40+ years. My wife left home, I started 90-day PMO Reboot the next day (I'm nearly done with Day #6). Preparing for long, difficult, uncertain path to recovery. I'm seeking to recover physical, mental, and...
  5. D

    Idiot who recently realized PMO was hurting my wife!

    Hello NoFappers. Married for 41yrs, PMOing for most of that time and decided to stop. My wonderful wife is being very supportive so I started on my 90 days. I was doing very well but the wife started missing the intimacy and after having sex on day 30 (my PIED made for a poor performance) I...