
  1. L

    Not the first time I stopped masturbating but this is my first time doing NoFap

    I think this is technically the 5th time I tried to keep myself from touching for an extended period of time. I had been masturbating since probably 9-11. I had been going at it after viewing sexy women on movie screens but it was only once in awhile then. When I hit my teen years it was still...
  2. K


    I used to musterbate for over 10 years. Al lot of times, I tried to give it up. But whenever i failed, I do it for some successive days. I just hate me
  3. maxmule

    Killing me like anything

    Guys, This porn and masterbation addiction is killing me like anything. I'm try like anything to get rid of this addiction but no use. I'm doing masterbation at least once a day and without it my day won't complete. You can think how much I addicted to it. I just want to end this addiction...
  4. JustLeave07

    Quick Help needed..

    I have been trying again again to leave this habit as my body has starting giving up I feel weak all the times and mind is completely fogged and power to remember something in my mind is falling down , Other than this I am in other stresses too like the Engineering exam (JEE Mains) which needs...
  5. D

    Fleshlight possible issue any advice?

    I'm not sure if this post belongs here? if it doesn't I apologize. I recently bought two quick shot fleshlights because lately, I've had literally no sex drive at all. I'm 57 years old divorced in a relationship with somebody, my sex drive has fallen off a cliff. It feels like so much work to...
  6. E

    My Commitment to Redeem Myself

    2020.11.8 ------ Journey Commencement Hi Nofap fellows, I'm eatingout and I am new here to take on the 90 days NOFAP challenge. A bit background about me: I am 25 years old. I started watching porn since I was 12 years old. I started realizing my porn addiction in 2019 August when I just...
  7. A

    8 weeks of no porn completed

    I've completed 8 weeks no porn challenge yesterday and truth be told I'm not even tempted anymore to watch it. I've just got sick of porn. Watched it since the age of 11. Anyway I didn't wana do full no pmo. Wanted to quit one thing at a time. I'm not saying I have fully recovered from porn...
  8. D

    Hii i am new here

    Hello every one my name is manish i am 18 year old university student i am whatching a porn when i am in school so i that time i have a porn addiction i am regularly whatch porn and masterbate so i want to quit this addiction this addiction effect my study and my daily life day by day i am...
  9. Micro duck

    Small steps

    i did it! Made it the whole day and no cumming. Wasn’t easy. I hope everyone else had succeeded today also.
  10. Amitdawar


    Thats interesting So , i wanna talk firstly about That first day when i masterburate Ohkkk..thats a night.. When i was sleeping ... And sexy...thoughts..keep floating in my mind... .....then i was becoming toooo horny that time... ...then you can also ..relate that.. Then i become too...
  11. C

    Benefits of no porn

    Hello Can I ask if somebody can tell me the benefits of stopping porn it's been almost 3 weeks for me.... I masterbate once a week....the reason why I am on this forum is because I noticed that I had some ED,... Basically I was not getting aroused or found my naked girlfriend in front of me...
  12. O


    I'm masturbating for 2 years and bc of that I almost kicked out from a hotel in Greece and I had enough please help me im 15 and I'm addicted to that crap
  13. Whitemyger34

    Is okay to healthy masturbation without porn?

    Hi nofap, I just masturbated myself while thinking about my friend and I got laid few days ago. I don’t watch porn or whatever but think about my friend. I don’t fap since almost 80 days stacks. I don’t do it on purpose but my cock suddenly turn hard on itself with no reason. I think I had...
  14. A

    Sprem leakage

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and this is my 1st post. It has been 6 week since I have started my journal in nofap and it's successful but with in every 2 to 3 week of nofap I get a uneasy feeling on my penis ,I can see sperm going out in my urine and it's burns a lot in my genitals. Once I...
  15. R

    Can’t orgasm through sex

    hello all, apologises if this has already been posted (I have done a quick search and nothing come up) As the title states, I have trouble having an orgasm through sex! Very frustrating (if you read my story on my profile you may get a understanding) I have struggled for years now to have an...
  16. C

    My experiment

    Hi all, I've been trying nofap for a few years with no luck its embarrassing how much I've failed at quitting porn I'm about to embark on a new challenge and that is quitting porn while allowing myself to masterbate using proper technique and lube no more then three times a week also allowing...
  17. D

    Back after two years

    It's been two years since i last masterbated untill today. It all began 10 years ago, i am 21 years old now, i started watching porn and masterbating without limits. Wasting thousands of hours on porn and masterbating over the years, killing my spirit and destroying every good thing i ever had...
  18. S

    I am new to this 23.

    wat up web, just here trying to stop the constant masterbation, just to see these benefits in action, they sound great! Energy! Motivation, more drive! Confidence! So far its 10pm and i have not masterbated all day so this is my first whole day with none i hope to go strong! Will keep updated !
  19. M

    In need of tips, advice, and support ! 18 year old my gf broke up with me because loss of erection

    Hey how's it going guys I'm in need of some help! I've been masturbating and watching porn almost daily I've been masturbating and watching porn since about 14 I'm 18 now. Most of the time I masturbate with porn if not in my head just think about someone attractive. Usually do it once a day...
  20. D

    Need help and advice!

    I'm 19 and male idk why my account says female. But basically I masterbated a lot, like everyday maybe 3 times a day. Mostly at night before bed. I recent just got back with my ex after 4 months. And In that period of time we weren't together I would masterbate sooo much. Now Im starting to have...
  21. V

    Starting off low ... Starting off high

    So ... Im a new user and ... Im addicted to porn and masturbation. I want to reboot and get away from porn and masturbation as much as i can. I want to start off by not watching porn or masturbate for 90 days and see how that goes. The 90 days start from Friday 27th October. I have changed...
  22. JermJerm123

    I'm having a hard time

    Hey everyone in the NoFap community! So i have made it to day 12. Well i was doing good so far and then it hit me tonight. As i was sleeping i woke up and ended up masterbating. Sure i am happy i made it 12 days but i know i could have done a lot more! I have noticed a pattern to this. I only do...
  23. JermJerm123

    Week 1!

    It has been 1 full week since I masterbated! I normally get to 2 and half weeks sometimes 3 without doing it. After that I end up doing it. I need encouragement and ideas for rewards to give myself every week. Nothing with sugar in it because I can't have any sugar right now due to some health...
  24. nadox


    Hey guys, I'm doing really good after my initial relapse on day 2. So far I've gone 7 days no PMO. However I have been edging to pictures (portraits) of this super hot girl, and other fantasies. Anyways, I wanted to know more about edging so I YOUTUBEd it, and low an behold there's a few videos...
  25. JermJerm123

    Hello again! I really need some help!

    Hey y'all My name is Jeremiah and I am 17 years old with a masterbation addiction. where do I even begin? Well for one I have know about this site for over a year. The last time I even posted something on here was either January or February 2016. So yes it has been a long time! Ok so I stopped...
  26. JermJerm123

    Mission failure and I require a Reboot

    Hey y'all My name is Jeremiah and I am 17 years old with a masterbation addiction. where do I even begin? Well for one I have know about this site for over a year. The last time I even posted something on here was either January or February 2016. So yes it has been a long time! Ok so I stopped...
  27. Mybrownblanket

    Hello everybody!

    Hello, I'm 21 years old now and currently a college student Asia. It's likely that I'm addicted to masterbate, while watching JAV and reading hentai. I used to masterbate like 4 times a week but in the recent 4 months after breaking up with my girlfriend, I smoked weed and masterbated a lot *5...
  28. jerrydecide

    I want to win this war

    battling this addiction from 7 years. Started it without any motivation except the imagination. Masturbating during shower was routine. Then it switched to porn masturbation. 3 to 4 times was a regular day task. Quit it in the midst for almost 8 months. Then fell into the relaspe. Then it became...