I’ve listened to Gary Wilson’s famous book. I agree with almost everything he says, and he helped me understand a lot about how this addiction works.
So I’ll be forever grateful to him. However, there was something I didn’t like about the book.
He says masturbation without porn is OK. I mean...
I was on a streak of 27 days, but my wet dreams and some peeks into some erotic telegram groups lead destroyed my streak with me jerking off without porn. just those peeks caused this devastating damage. I felt immense guilt after masturbating and edging. I have uninstalled telegram from the...
accountability group needed
accountability parner
getting back my life
hard mode
help appreciated
relapse 30days
It was never a dream of mine to become an "expert" on PMO but after years of failed attempts and relapses, I think I have valuable information to share about my recovery. Like many of you, I've tried every possible method ie; hard mode, light mode and everything in-between to combat my...