memory loss

  1. S

    Can PMO cause brain damage and Nofap recover from it?

    I have read many posts in past stating that someone had OCD or ADHD and turned out it was PMO habit and after nofap they were getting cured. What about dementia? I am not asking a medical advice just to be clear. I've been addict for 14 years, I am seeing effects such as unable to focus...
  2. theprotagonist

    Does PMO leads to short Therm Memmory Looses ?

    Please does PMO causes Short term memory loss? How possible? Are the memory losses related such as difficulties to remember someone's name? is there any scientific proof? any one with a detailed explanation if it's a 100% True fact
  3. Honey_Singh_420

    My memory of post PMO suffering seems fading, this leads to thoughts to watch porn. What to do?

    I used to watch porn a month back. Now, after a month, i couldn't remember exactly what were the sensations i felt after a relapse, although i remember that whatever they were they were as horrible as left to suffocate slowly in concentration camp, full of agony. Surprisingly, the rush and...
  4. M

    Anti-Masturbation in the 1800s

    I'm reading this old book from 1842 called "Manhood: The Causes of its Premature Decline", it's a translation of an earlier French book, and I just read this part and it blew my mind: "Besides the intellectual and moral effects which we have mentioned, onanism often produces a very marked...
  5. D

    10 Ways Porn Damages The Brain - Link Provided

    Hello, I found an article that actually led me to join this forum in the first place (btw, the article called this site NoFab lol, I still found this forum nonetheless). Here it is: Here is the article's text (p.s. it does have mention of...
  6. V

    Just to share my pain and agony

    I still remember how smart I was when I was in fourth grade. Although I came from a lower middle class family, I still managed to get the best out of my crappy school books. I was quite good in grasping the intricate concepts of relativity and was good in studies. I was always that genius kid...
  7. N

    PMO and brain cognitive functions (memory)

    A lot has been written about the negative consequences of PMO on one’s sexual condition. I’ve noticed the vast majority of the addicted complain chiefly about erectile dysfunction, delayed or premature ejaculation, low libido, inability to find real women attractive or struggling fears. What I...
  8. T

    no improvement in memory

    I have been addicted to porn for almost 9 years or maybe more (i do not remember!!!) I am 24 now. I have stopped PMO for almost 6 months and no improvement in memory were there. I have stopped again for almost 8 months and yet there was no improvement. I have started to believe that the damage...
  9. metalshivam01

    Tough Days

    Tough Days,Hard Time....Day D which are far away from our expectations..Days which makes us feel a loser. I'm going though tough days and it's been so long.Long as two years and I guess masturbation play a big role to drag me down.Whenever I had a tough day I use to jerk the fuck off and gets...
  10. A

    Thank God i finally joined now !

    Hey guys, i have a long story but gonaa make it short, i am 25 years old single & masturbating since i was in 5th grade but while i was in school, college i masturbate once or twice a week but after finishing my studies i started working online from home & started watching porn sometimes but...
  11. F

    Never ending Grind.

    I'm 16 years old struggling with porn and masturbation addiction.I'm in this dark thing since I was 10 without even noticing it.Now when my memory my studies and my focus and concentration are impaired I'm coming to know what I've done. I face speaking problems now and even strong...
  12. G

    Time for me to chart a new course in Life

    Hello Fapstronauts, I am so glad to have found this Forum. Porn and masturbation addiction for me started like a joke but now several months into it the effects especially lack of motivation, memory loss, agitation, loneliness, apathy, and depression are taking a big toll on my life. I just...