
  1. Marcus113

    The "real" approach: Technique for resisting temptation

    I would like to share with you an interesting observation about porn addiction. It is possible that it has already been mentioned on the forum, but I still feel like it is worth telling with the hope that it may help someone. Porn addiction is, in my opinion, a very "mental" thing. What I mean...
  2. Saturn5

    Meditation for NoFap

    I wonder if any users on the forums have done meditation for practicing NoFap. Practicing mindfulness has been known to help treat people with drug addiction. If any users practice mindfulness activities, please post on this thread to inform other Fapstronauts on techniques to break free from...
  3. The_Eliminator

    A life of elimination

    Over the course of my life I have accumulated so much stuff. I am undergoing the process of elimination. I will post all the stuff I eliminated here.
  4. T

    I am going to quit this endless cycle for good.

    I am 26, have been on and off nofap for two years now. The best I have done so far is two- one month streaks and countless weekly streaks. But I have had it with this mess. It makes me so sad that I am hooked to something so pathetic. I am going to comit to quitting my addiction for good now...
  5. Brain-Police

    Insomnia and the Methods We Use...

    Anybody here a chronic sufferer of insomnia? I know I am not the only one. I wanted to know the methods you guys use and do in order to get a good night's sleep, if any. Do you find that being on a streak helps? What are your bedtime routines? I guess my dilemma is quite unique that not even...
  6. JerrisonG0710


    My fellow Fapstronauts, suggest me some effective breathing techniques to use for controlling NoFap urges.
  7. modern_asceticism

    Has Meditation Helped You?

    Hi, I know many nofappers mention that meditation has supported them in quitting. I've heard wild stories of how people who fapped 3-5 times a day for 7 years now only have "O" a few times a year. Want I am curious about is they type of meditation that you do and how exactly it helps you with...
  8. nilPMOdone

    Trggers Triggers everywhere! & how to use telegram safely!

    So I just broke my 5 day streak yesterday. Porn triggers are everywhere even on a simple messenger app like telegram. I'd advise to use CloudViel a free to use telegram client which does not have any search functionality. I succumbed to a romantic scene in a movie and then used telegram of all...
  9. nilPMOdone

    12 day streak broken!

    So after 12 days of no masturbation, I broke my streak :emoji_pensive:. I'll try to make it to 3 weeks starting from today. As mentioned in my previous post I'm on a rich protein diet now and I also take multivitamins. My chocolate intake (an aphrodisiac) is also high. After 10 days of no...
  10. Halpherisdusfrey

    Stress, how it leads to Relapse, and Productivity and Mindfulness in Relapse prevention

    Hi, so I'm doing Project, and the days got fewer and fewer but we haven't done and understand important core things, so i have my stress, my Project partner friends have some stress too. And that evening eventually leads to relapse, which i was basically lost in the thoughts and anxiety and...
  11. speeds3

    When it hits you

    You are browsing through a youtube video, and a sudden impulse arise, out of the blue. Its like you need to come alive, the body grips, the mind slips and you 'curiously' just want to 'check' that one x video, just to see it. This one doesn't count. I'll just watch it and get back to what I was...
  12. happy camper

    Physical Abstinence is tougher without Mental Chastity

    What I mean by this is that when the repetitive act of MO and the incessant watching of P has reached the inner depths of the psyche and starts to governs underlying day-to-day thought processes and if we continue to fantasise and ogle, imo it's a form of self torture. The journey to full...
  13. D

    What a neuroscientist says about meditation's bad side effects

    I wanted to share an article about the possible side effects from meditation, so anyone who is recovering from PMO addiction can decide , if it is good idea to start meditation, or not! I think this is the fair play, just as people should be warned before they take medication with possible...
  14. A

    Relapsed, created a NoFap account.

    I've suffered two relapses today, both about half an hour ago and they both involved PMO. I've decided that this time I'm going to approach the situation a little differently. Instead of shutting myself away from society out of the guilt, embarrassment and whatever labels I decide to put on...
  15. R

    Is it just me or does your Mind lie to you as well?

    Hey guys, I have become more aware of my thoughts and emotions and one thing that I have found that my mind constantly does is tell me how it is OK to fap and watch porn at the age of 26 (an early age) but my mind was telling me the same thing when I was 24, or 22, or 18 - you get the idea. It...
  16. W

    One Month

    It's officially been one month, and I'm feeling good. Two years ago, I got a shock that convinced me to finally start sorting myself out. I took responsibility for the fetishistic addictions I'd had since I was a teenager. I began to view supposed friends in a new light... and I cut a few of...
  17. Merry Terry

    Pass the MIC! (Mindful Internet Challenge)

    So, I'm day 40 into a 90 day no-PM challenge, and what I've been experiencing is that even though I no longer put myself through the cycle of 'urge - watch porn and masturbate - feel shitty about myself', I have noticed that on a smaller scale, I still go put myself through a similar cycle...
  18. Fenix Rising

    Your Mind Is Your Worst Enemy

    Just one quick observation, I'd like to share with you today. As you probably all know addict's own mind really does wanna trick him/her into relapsing to get the feel good chemicals fix it's used to. BUT even when PMOing is off the table, the game doesn't end there. I realized just how...
  19. D

    The TED talk that will change your vision on masturbation.

    That video is reality powerful, try to apply what this guy is saying and tust me, it work : . If you are in a rush, basically what he is saying is that whenever you feel the urge to fap get curious about how you feel, and if you ever relapse, just do it but when you masturbate do it while you...
  20. The Bink

    Chakra meditation

    Fellow fapstronauts, So I have been meditating a lot lately, mostly mindfullness. I found it helped me get a better relationship with my thoughts and urges. That in turn helped me find the space I needed to fight P better. Then i stumbled upon chakra meditation. I have been trying it out every...
  21. Lerok Jenkins

    mindfulness and self-love - don't torment yourself

    Hello everyone, just recently I realized a big problem of mine and that is the fact that I tend to be merciless with myself. I am pretty high in conscientiousness and I tend to beat myself up whenever I "fail" at anything. The problem is that I want to improve many aspects of my life a the same...
  22. Amphibian

    On not being complacent and applying "pressure" to your reboot journey

    Hi all, had some thoughts I'd like to share. Currently almost up to 50 days hard mode. Have made huge strides in this short amount of time, especially in transmuting this energy into new endeavors and progress. In this short amount of time I've gained about 25 pounds of muscle, hit multiple...
  23. Wazzai


    I now see myself as a Buddhist and part(maybe the most important part) of the eight-fold path is mindfulness. The teachings say the result of mindfulness is stopping, calming, resting and healing. The goal is transformation. The whole idea is if you look at something it will change it's...
  24. T

    The Importance of Meditation

    I wanted to write a post about how important meditation and mindfulness has been in my recovery. Firstly I am no expert, i'm not a monk or a hippie I am just a huge believer in the mindfulness. Imagine when you are hanging out to PMO....you know the feeling. Your mouth goes dry, your focus...
  25. jfflcrl


    Here I am. I've been watching porn since i was at least 11, although it might have been earlier than that, I can't remember. I'm ready to be done. I can't reconcile my porn use with how I want to live my life. I'm 22 now, and studying to become certified as a personal trainer. I'm in a...
  26. D

    Body, mind and speech

    As a meditator myself I find that those who are interested in developing the skill of mindfulness within meditation as well as when outside of meditation is to be mindful in body mind and speech. As far as NoFap is concerned, during the reboot period to maintain mindfulness as well as not only...
  27. Woodcutter74

    60 days and my world has changed for the better.

    I have written the benefits one has when they quit porn and masturbation after 30 days. There are still the same when you quit 60 days, but there are more benefits as well. Here are some you gain when you quit after 60 days: 1) More time: This is a benefit that starts day one when you quit...
  28. Alex8282

    Meditation and the chimp within ..

    Hi all. When I was giving up smoking, I remember reading a book called the Chimp Paradox, which suggests that there are two parts to us - the first is the real us, who wants the best for ourselves and thinks rationally. The second is the chimp. The chimp just wants immediate gratification. It...
  29. Tantalus

    Meditate don't Masturbate my new Mantra: Mindfulnesss and Focused Being

    so while I am on Day zero still, my musings on mindfulness and the power of PMO to distract, self-sooth, self-numb. At the core of every one of our PMO practices no matter how diverse, perverse, frequent or just strange is the drive to distract ourselves: distraction from whatever it is that...
  30. Relinquished

    90 Days of Hard Mode Done - Honest Review

    I have recently passed the 90 days mark. 90 days of hard mode; no porn, no masturbation, no orgasm. That was my first try and I had very difficult moments. Yet deeply centered, I managed to find a way every time. Here I will try my best to share with you what I have achieved, some tips which can...
  31. Bartimaeus30

    New Habits vs Old Habits - What can help?

    Hello everyone! Yesterday, I discovered a great app for habits, called Habitica. Now I suppose, that many of us are into gaming, but even if not, this app is something very usefull. It is like a game, you design your own avatar and start at Level 1. But what is the point of it and how can it...
  32. D0M4

    YouTube channel for spiritual and personal growth!

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJZQtrh5Ksncayy2FaoNbQ Check out this channel.I think some of you will like it. It focuses mostly on Self Improvement and everything our community stands for.
  33. 1

    Boyfriend is overcoming PIED, but says his mind is "weak." Help?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 7 months. Two or 3 months into our relationship, he told me he was addicted to porn and thought he had PIED. This was all new to me, so I did my research to learn more and be supportive. He has since gone 90 days with without P or M, though we...
  34. C

    Meditation Lead BACK to NoFap - Combining the Two!

    I must say that serendipity was definitely on my side 4 months ago which was a major turning point in my life. > 6 months ago, just finished undergrad (barely), > recently stopped experimenting with hard drugs, > Began summer travels to repair self esteem. > I was abroad, about to go back home...
  35. Dragonnlife

    Replace PMO with PMG

    Lately I've come across a thought that I find intriguing. It's something I find important but don't practice nearly enough in my life. This is Present Minded Gratefulness. What I mean by PMG is being grateful for what you ALREADY have. Not chasing the next thing or being stuck in the future or...
  36. jest

    *The Ultimate Positivity Guide*

    So after a few months doing research non-stop about a plethora of different things and listening to all kinds of people talking about this and many other subjects, I've come to several conclusions, I thought I'd share some of them with all of you. If this can help even one person then I consider...
  37. MindfulAchilles

    The moment your dreams go 'Inception'

    So, I've been on this road for a few months now without any P, and approaching my first month MO free as well. I've been working on active recovery a lot lately (reading, introducing life and behavior changes, evaluating choices, exercising control, talking to others about it), and I totally...
  38. K

    Reason why I'm not successful.

    Successful this is the term which we use to satisfy ourselves as well as to please others everyone's definition is different so is mine. For me to be successful is to control body,mind,emotions and thoughts that's it and that's very difficult watching porn is like an addiction for me and...
  39. jest

    "The secret to self control"

    So I was looking for some videos that would give some insight as to HOW TO actually have some self control and keep urges as well as negative thinking away. I've come across this one, it's rather interesting and I have to say that the technique he describes is stupid simple and I've been...
  40. The Errol

    Jelousy and angry as triggers for MO

    I want to share a topic that I was thinking about myself. The main reason, may be, is that I feel kind jelous about guys who often have sex, but damage girls in the process. Males trying to patch a void in them, but left women hurt, alone and sometime worse than they found them. I though that...
  41. IWantToBeAHuman


    I'm just new in practicing mindfulness and not good at it yet . but I can feel its effect in my mind and body . Anyone can relate ?