
  1. D

    NP 5 Hour Shot challenge! (OPEN)

    I Bring you The 5 Hour Shot Challenge! Challenge is easy~~ You start on this thread. Get ready to bring a interval timer or online time watch. You can go here for a easy to use access timer. Steps Go to the Interval setting on the bottom...
  2. modern milarepa

    Life at the monastery

    Current streak: 517 days no PMO semen retention Some years back I was a monk, so I felt like sharing what living as a monk is: 4am: wake up everyday before 4am no excuses.Then a cold bath and hurry to pray, meditate and having a spiritual lecture 8am: breakfast and then we do different...
  3. D

    Monk Mode / Nun Mode Standard Criteria

    Hello, dear fapstranauts, Tonight I would need some input from several fapstraunauts/femstranauts to help me clarify the bare minimum criteria for Monk Mode / Nun Mode). In case if there are moderators of NoFap who are seeing this, who can tell me the right criteria for Monk Mode (I am a male)...
  4. Fenix Rising

    7 months on the road to recovery

    This "shit" takes time. Read, watch, listen, learn and take action… know your enemy. Seriously, NoFap is not only about abstinence, it's foremost about complete mind and body transformation. Remember, body is a temple of your mind and soul. Buddha once said: "To keep the body in good health is a...
  5. G

    PMO to 1 September

    Hello everybody. I am so glad to be a part of this community. The Monk mode the pmo option everything is so encouraging. Couple of months ago I was thinking of separate setting up something like this at a really small-scale. but did not know it already existed. I really hope my expectations are...
  6. Fenix Rising

    200-day Mark – An Inconvenient Truth

    NoFap is no joke. Going through withdrawals is hard, but what lies beneath the addiction might be much worse - no super powers, just lots of buried suffering... at least in my case. After reaching 200 days of NoFap journey I realized I've been catapulted 18 years back into my past. To the 1st...
  7. Powerous

    Monk Mode

    So I just recently started my first ever Monk Mode. It is basically HardMode No P, No M, No O. But also no/limited social media, internet time, screen time. Meditation everyday so you can let go of sexual thoughts and urges easier. Exercise Healthy diet helps a lot too. I wanna know anyone...
  8. D

    How he did it ?

    I hope you have seen this picture . I'm just surprised the way the monk he controlled his body. He was on fire and he didn't even cry and he didn't even move his body parts when the fire was on him. The mind and body control he had which is what I truly require to overcome my addiction. Anyone...
  9. D

    Monk mode

    I posted this as a message on some thread and thought I'd share it with everyone "Well the fluids in both men and women are made in our body's from our blood, our semen is made from our blood it's like a few good cups of blood (as well as breast milk), that is why we feel so exhausted after sex...