morning erection

  1. Experiment1996

    Morning wood - A sign of healing ?

    Guys I would like to hear your opinion on the following topic. I believe that someone is cured or very close to being cured when the natural morning wood comes back. I am not talking about morning wood because you have a full bladder and need to urinate. This can lead to morning wood. I...
  2. D

    Not sure whether PIED or physical issue.

    Hello! Short story about me: Im a 23 year old guy. My ed problem began at 19 years old. Started watching "stuff" from the age of 12-13 like most of you. One day I just woke up without morning wood and could not have intimacy with my now ex girlfriend. PIED was at the back of my mind, however...
  3. N

    Morning wood when I jerk off

    Hey guys I did a 230 days streak and relapsed a month ago Since then I get morning wood only if I jerk off the night before sleeping This seems very weird to me Why is this happening? Can anyone please lmk?
  4. N

    Lightly jerked off but stopped after I realised

    Hello guys I’m on day 230 Today I came across something on Instagram while I was using phone in washroom And I kind of jerked off a little Till precum came out Just 10-15 jerks Should I consider this as a relapse? Please let me know I’m currently in a flatline
  5. N

    3rd wet dream

    Hey guys I’m on day 228 of no pmo I feel I’m in a flatline rn because I don’t have morning wood since 25 days Yesterday night I was going through my gallery and found some nude pictures of girls which was in my gallery a long time ago. i looked away and closed the app But I woke up with a wet...
  6. N

    220 days in..HELP

    Hey guys I’m on day 220 of no PMO since 17 days I’m in a flatline (no MW, not working out etc) 35-40 days ago I realised I have puffy nipples(stage 1 gyno) even though I’m lean I just increased my body weight by 3% ( now on 15% body fat) I want to rewire my brain to sex with real women instead...
  7. N

    Inconsistent morning wood

    Hey guys I’m on day 205 of no pmo I get Morning wood for 15 days then again it vanishes for 10 days Why is this happening Please lmk
  8. N

    Lost hardest MW within seconds

    Hey guys I’m on day 151 of NoFap currently On day 149 I had my second wet dream Today on day 152 I had the hardest morning wood since a long time I realised it because my phone rang and had to wake up When I woke up I realised I had the hardest erection I’ve had in a while But here comes the...
  9. N


    Yesterday I was taking a shower and I started to fantasize about a girl I made out 4/5 months ago Ave I got hard for like 6/7 minutes, I’ve hadn’t been that hard for that long since a long time. I’m on day 145 of no pmo. My question is is fantasising not good for recovery? And I didn’t fantasize...
  10. N

    Day 110, finally had a wet dream.

    Hello guys I’m on day 110 of hard mode I’m in flatline since day 74 I have no MW nothing I read all of these other people’s journey and saw everyone had wet dream after 30/60/90 days of hard mode and it did kinda bother me coz I read in an article which started “If you’re healthy and doing no...
  11. N

    “Early Morning” Morning wood

    Hey guys I’m on day 60 of my no pmo I get Morning wood at 7am which wakes me up for a few seconds but after I sleep back again and wake up at 9:30/10 am I don’t have morning wood Why is this happening? Is this normal? Please help!
  12. N

    Morning wood vanished after stopping ashwagandha

    Hello guys I used to take ashwagandha capsules for gym purposes and also ppl say it used to increase testosterone I was taking it till day 30(now I’m on day 56) I used to have morning wood till I was talking it and drop day 30 to 45 I was having middle of the night wood then eventually it...
  13. D

    New here

    Hey guys, Thanks for creating a platform to address this issue,i started watching porn and masturbating on it since i turned 18,started with once a week a routine changed to once in three days and now once a day,i started realising i am addicted,tried nofap but was easily relapsing back,now at...