Hey everyone,
Coming here today to make an update post and continuing to encourage you guys to stay away from porn.
I made the horrific mistake of returning to porn and reestablishing an addiction to it after being 2 years porn free and fully rebooted from a previous 10 year addiction.
Hey guys
I’m on day 151 of NoFap currently
On day 149 I had my second wet dream
Today on day 152 I had the hardest morning wood since a long time
I realised it because my phone rang and had to wake up
When I woke up I realised I had the hardest erection I’ve had in a while
But here comes the...
Hi all,
I'm new here . I'm addicted from 8 years of porn and masturbation, I've made a personal habit of masturbating in the morning as i wake up with a hard on. I watch porn immediately and masturbate , and then move to daily activities.
Please help in stopping this behavior.
Hello everyone, I am 17 years old and I’m from India. I am proud to say that I am on my 30 days of No PMO and Semen retention. In this 30 days, I didn’t ejaculate, didn’t orgasm, didn’t watch porn, didn’t masturbate.
let me start with before and after.
Alright so before Nofap I was...
Deleted Account
dont let your self down
erection quality
no edging
no pmo
semen retention
Hello Guys!
I was just wondering, do younger Porn Addicts heal faster? Physically (Dick etc.) and Mentally In Terms of Pied, getting Morning Wood back again faster, getting rid of Porn-Induced-Fetishes, getting a Grip back on Life etc.
Like lets say Guys in their teenage Years or like mid 20s...
Hello so I am new to this website I usually post on reddit but this seems more nofap oriented even more than the subreddit.
I am 20 years old and I have been watching porn and masturbating since i was 12. At 19 is when I started cutting back in porn and masturbation. But still did it about 4...
hello guys this is my first post and i would like to ask you if you experienced the same thing as me, i am really worried of my morning wood,since i started the nofap i dont get morning wood, i dont know why, i searched for it and they say that this may be a serious problem like a heart desease...